A cure for depression

This is my experience only, but the change in my life has been so dramatic that I want to share it in order to possibly help any Sup Forumsacks that find themselves in the same black pit that I was in

>2 years ago
>everything going well
>in university doing PhD
>have job I love

Then a whole bunch of shit went wrong at once

>dad dies
>sister brain damaged
>lose job and can't find another one
>PhD falls to pieces, drop out of uni

I moved back to my parents house and become an ultra-NEET
>live off dole, but keep getting cut off because even going to the required meetings seems like such an effort and I keep missing them
>stop going to the gym, exercising or even leaving the house much at all
>piles and piles of unread letters, phone calls from debt collectors
>cut myself off from almost all my friends
>spend what little money I have on booze and weed
>completely apathetic about everything
>eventually went to a doctor and got prescribed an SSRI (Pristiq)
>noticed marginal improvement but nothing more, may have just been placebo
>unpleasant side effects
>figured I was pretty much fucked

Other urls found in this thread:


Then one day got offered a line of ketamine, had it and it was fun but figured it was the end of it, then

>next day
>why do I feel so good?
>why am I getting so much done?
>day after
>holy shit, I still feel so good
>I'm still getting so much done
>wonder if its anything to do with the ketamine
>go online, find out that ketamine is an incredibly effective, instant acting antidepressants with effects that last for about a week


>realise two things
>1. I must have been really fucking depressed because the difference is completely night and day
>2. the SSRI was doing sweet fuck all to help me.

>decide to try self medicating with K
>want to be fairly precise and replicate the methodology in the study as closely as possible so don't want to snort it
>teach myself how to inject IV (0,5mg/kg)
>positive effects last about a week
>when they wear off repeat
>within a month am dealing with all the things that I'd ignored for so long and that had seemed so insurmountable
>within 2 months have a decent job and moved out
>feel good enough to stop taking it
>still feel good

Obviously a non-pharmaceutical solution would be preferable but if things seem hopeless this might be a possible way out

now do the same but in reverse order and you'll be fine

well his dad cant die again

desu id love to try this, but i dont think ive ever met anyone in adelaide with access.

then again, im a shut in nowadays so i dont know anyone anyway.

How do you mean?

Hello DEA


The world isn't the USA sailing on an endless sea of Mexicans, you know.

Sounds like a coincidence. There is no magic drug to make you suddenly stop being a worthless fuckup.

Just get a boyfriend

why do people always push ketamine on this board?

I remember reading about ketamine and depression, i wonder if a psychiatrist can prescribe it?

Who knows, OP isn't keeping his thread alive.

Degenerates to the max. I work in a pharmacy and the one patient we had on it basically turned into a fucking zombie after she got hooked. Her whole life just circled around ketamine until she fell down a set of stairs and died.

Its not magic, but by treating the symptoms of depression it gives you a chance to treat the causes

In Adelaide too

Got it from a drug dealer, I think psychiatrists can prescribe it but its very much something they'll only do after everything else has been tried since they don't like giving you anything that makes you high. Think you can get it on the darknet

Ha ha ha! This is the holy mother of all Australian shit posts - getting hopeless NEETs to abuse ketamine. Fucking hell. How can Canada even compete???

That's why I did my best to replicate the clinical treatment, I didn't want to do it as something recreational

Its a genuine effort to help m8, if I wanted to hurt people I'd suggest gear or heroin or something

>spend what little money I have on booze and weed
>decide to try self medicating with K

some things never change. fucking degenerate.

Except now I dont drink, or smoke weed, or take K

>dealing with lack of motivation with drugs prescribed by jewish doctors

stop with this meme, you are only excusing inadequacy and laziness. when people hear about this stuff they immediately absolve themselves of all guilt and take the position of "Oh, i'm not a useless lazy POS, i'm just depressed!"

>Think you can get it on the darknet
desu im too paranoid for that shit. wouldnt want to compound my problems with a visit from the afp.

oh well its a nice dream

Did you only take it once and got that from it?

Do you have to inject it?

Ketamine is widely acknowledged for helping people who are suffering from depression. Downside is that the abuse potential is extremely high.

Its like giving sleeping pills to people because they have problems falling asleep. It works but it will fuck most people up.

Article legit came out yesterday. It's still needs more testing to be conclusive. I'd imagine you'd get arrested if caught with it as well. There are plethora of other drugs a psychiatrist would always prescribe first.

mate you need to cut out the Jewish pharmaceuticals and just stick to a few stiff drinks per night. Prescription meds are the opiates of the masses. I would rather be depressed and drunk than depressed and looped off brain-frying meds.

Think about your long term health here. This shit is all contemporary witch doctor BS. Don't pollute your brain with these placating pills and capsules of mirth. They are the definition of false happiness.

Right, seems the same shit with any brain drug.

If it makes you feel good in the short term, they hate prescribing it.

Take Xanax for example, that shit can totally remove any performance anxiety before something and you're as cool as a cucumber. But some people fuck it up and take too much and embarrass themselves.

Nah, the effects only last for about a week. You don't need to inject it, most people using it recreationally snort it, I injected it because I wanted to control the dose precisely.

Have to say, I didn't think about the abuse potential because its never been something that I'd want to abuse personally, but its definitely something to think about if you're considering this. I believe they're working on replicating the antidepressant effects of it, without the high but don't know what progress they've made.

parasites are the reason for depression and shit..caused by an immune system arrested by heavy metals like mercury in vaccines.

the right supplements and herbal tinctures will cure allowing you to ascend to ubermensch

almost all world leaders and super rich are on opiates, which are top tier drugs if you have supply.

free rare red pill my goys

I wonder if this helps bipolar depression. I stopped taking my lithium because it made me sleep 12 hours a night. So now I'm on Wellbutrin and lexapro only. I don't know if it's helping

I know what you mean, albeit not with ket. Supposedly shrooms if you take them in microdosages seem to help very wel against depression.

That's great, but, drugs are bad? Mkkay? I'm not gonna pretend I'm a doctor or anything but what if it fucks with your brain chemistry and you can't produce the right hormones on your own? Are you gonna take this shit for the rest of your life? What if you build up a tolerance? I'd be thinking about weaning myself as soon as I could if I were you. If your life gets to a point where you're dealing with an average amount of misery, you ought to be able to bear it without chemical assistance. I'm not scolding you, that's just how it ought to be.

>Drug that makes you go psychotic and fall into severe psychosis and paranoia

hurrrr OP is le master troll

I got off it as soon as my situation had improved enough and haven't gone back

stop being weak. Get a low-paying job first to get yourself back on your feet. Stop talking those drugs (prescribed and illegal). If you're doing a phd that suggests you already have a bachelor's and/or masters, and so look for a job in your field (assuming you didn't take a useless course) once you've got yourself back up. Seriously though, the first step is to get off drugs, start working in manual labour as that will allow you to get out more, pay your bills and excericise all at once. Whilst working look for a job in your profession. You could even finish your phd once you get more money. Also consider going on ebay and selling any shit you have lying around. Keep your costs down, buy your food from shitty stores (dunno if you have Lidli or Aldi in Australia) and buy your clothes form charity/second hand stores.

just get a job and start working out faggot.

Yeah, Im sure you got your info from Alex Jones, he after all holds PhD in psychiatry. Leading psychiatric doctor in Finland promotes ketamine use in severely depressed people as it is best and fast to treat it.

Shit, really? Well fucking done man. Did you ever worry about any of the stuff I mentioned?

oh shit I didn't read this part.

To be honest I didn't think about it at the time. I was so apathetic about everything that once something came along that made me start caring again I jumped on it

So you were a worthless loser and correctly upset about it. Then you did drugs and woke up the next day, still a loser, but were no longer upset about it. How does being content with being a loser get one out of loserdom?

You have that backwards, I went from being a worthless loser and not caring about it to being a worthless loser and caring about it and doing something about it

Its good advice anyway

Yeah, I could see that. Those fears have been pounded into me so hard I think they would have been an albatross around my neck the whole time I was doing it, which is still a good thing as far as I'm concerned. Do Australian schools treat drug education with the same kind of religious fervor we do in the US?

I don't think so, I can remember teachers talking about tobacoo, marijuana and alcohol one or two times, nothing about anything harder to my recollection

130mg of Effexor a day. Barely keeps me from ending it. I wouldn't even know where to get ketamine.

Interesting. Have you seen American drug PSAs?


We see this sort of thing all the way through middle and high school.

White stag exit bag?

Drugs and/or a job you enjoy

Try Memantine in the mean time

>PhD falls to pieces

Holy shit, I can;t imagine how it must feel to have all those years of work just fall apart, not o even mention what happened to your family. I'm so sorry you had to go through this, user. :(

>tfw I try to write something legitimately heartfelt but my shit typing fucks it up

at least I got trips

Kek must sympathize as well.

PCP would also do the job, same type of drug, but is more dangerous to experiment around with hence why veterinarians use ketamine now in lieu of PCP nowadays.

Thanks user, I do appreciate it. This place was pretty much my only human contact during the worst times and it meant a lot to me as weird as it sounds

What dosage did you take weekly?
Im assuming you are male, what was your height and weight at the time?

5'10", 70 kg. Took 0.5mg/kg, so 35mg a week

how much is it

how do u trust a dealer to not lace it with other shit

I may give this a try, as I haven't wanted a single fucking thing for 2 years now. One dose a week or was it or interspersed throughout?

For how long were you using it? Since you said you're not using it anymore. What even made you stop using it?
I tried self-medicating with something else before but it required me to take it every day which was a huge hassle.

>trying to decide between ketamin and lsd to cure depression