Redpills that are too big for Sup Forums to swallow

I'll start: the Left has completely and utterly won the culture war. Elections of Trump and Brexit are merely just annoyances in their utter domination of the minds of the Western populace and their nearly complete control of the media, academia, science and Hollywood. What is considered "moderate" on the political spectrum these days could actually be described as "radical left" in social and immigration terms; having any resistance to mass immigration at all will get you labeled as "far-right". Everyone celebrates Gen-Z apparently being very conservative, but they're forgetting that we're about to experience 40-50 years of radical-left millennial rule and they will do everything they can to brainwash our culture even more.

Other urls found in this thread:

Just replace "the left" with "the Jews"


Europe will be completely under islam rule by 2050, but they will have political majority by 2025, and there is literally nothing we can do about this

It will be like those montages of "Iran in the 70s and now" or "Syria one week before radical occupation and after"

Fascism, NS and communism are all inhumane degenerate monostrosities that are product of weakness and insecurity rather than strength.

>the Left has completely and utterly won the culture war
I think most people know this is true for the time being. Any millennial with Facebook knows how other millennials incessantly virtue signal and aggressively shame dissenting opinions. Although about 30-35% of millennials are not rabid leftists, they don't speak up for fear of the social or career ramifications, thereby adding to the problem, i.e. the liberal domination of public discourse

It doesn't mean you can't thoroughly enjoy Trump's presidency or Brexit. And anyway it's not like anything matters in the long run, once we're all dead no one will be around to care about what the political climate was like in this degenerate age

No shit all you do is sit in this echo chamber not even raiding social site, you masturbate yourself stupid dont breed and grow fat.

?pol is not even redpilled, prove me wrong

never underestimate the power of individual thought
I'm a bullshit millenial, yet I'm still here
we all came to Sup Forums somehow, right?
don't think that culture can't change for the better
keep your head up, user

The smallest black penis is still larger than the largest white penis.

The only people who voted for Trump are the suburban an rural retards.

Only idiots believe in god.

Women just want to be respected and listened to, not commanded by jerks.

Hillary did nothing wrong.

Drumpf is a failure and a liar and a conman and his supporters are all inbred rednecks.

Obama is the greatest president since Lincoln.

There's no such think as """shareblue""" or whatever, you people aren't that important.

There is literally nothing wrong with pedophilia, it's perfectly natural.

>never underestimate the power of individual thought
Lot of good that did to the 150 million killed by socialism

I bet all the swedish ten year olds silently disagreed with being raped to death

yeah so what? 200 years ago owning slave is completely normal.
Political spectrum is always shifting, the world is shifting more to the left because the left is the ideology of a more advanced civilization

well then I guess we're all dead
do you own firearms?

I think you are mostly right OP. I also think the that we are going to have to ultimately push for a big war. I don't know when, where or how. The most fucked up part is that a HUGE amount of work needs to be done to bring enough white people together to support our side in this next great war. Let me rephrase this...we have a HUUUUGE amount to do before we can even get to a fucken WAR. This is how bad it has become and there is no going back, our people are already too cucked.

I agree with you, the left is the ideology of advanced civilization, but you need your peers to be advanced too. When you are under attack you shift to the right, and right now, people all over Europa is shifting to the right.

Spot the germcuck.

This is what you are right now. A blind, whiny cucked nation, under american military occupation and getting invaded by millions of durkas. You are moribund, its only a matter of time before you get bred out of existence. Hell, you may be even welcoming the slavs when they decide to "liberate" Róstók and Berolinsk from the durkas.

You dont need firearms to start a revolution. Unarmed men can revolt and find their guns within hours if their will and dedication is strong enough

Apparently people need a religion. Westerners, especially white people, have embraced cultural Marxism as that religion.

>the Left has completely and utterly won the culture war

Right wingers don't seem to realize that the world has been leaning left for the past 50 years.

Left leaning policies equal progress. Right wing policies equal stagnation, and that's just the way things work.

The USA is even now, under Trump, more left than a whole lot of other countries.

>Prohibited for civilians: automatic rifles
>Permission of the Hungarian Police, psychological test (some cases) and hunting or rifle club membership is required for: semi-automatic rifles, hunting guns, shotguns and handguns.
>Registration is required for: carrying of gas pistols in public

hell of a revolution you got cookin
not that you need one, sounds like you guys are a "free" culture

I'm just annoyed that people claim because Trump won the right is somehow winning. And when you show your concerns people just call you a concern troll. But what if the concern makes sense? Trump lost the popular vote, his voters tend to skew older so they will die off sooner and we are still going through big demographic change. His victory was not the result of big cultural change but rather the right people voting in the right places. If you seriously belief that Trump's victory represents a kind of shift in the cultural paradigm, then you have already lost. It's a good first step, but when the lefties get back into power (which I think will be soon) they are going to unleash progressive hell on us all. Their main goal right now is to ensure that something like Trump or Brexit can never happen again.

Their problem is the next generations always want to rebel against whatever the norm is. We're seeing the shift now. Degeneracy will soon be frowned upon by normies.

Not a problem

We'll just serb the current world-culture and start another war

Hopefully digits confirm

Five years ago the left had total dominance of the culture war.

But the pendulum has swung back hard and will continue to go further. very few people five years ago would ever have believed we are where we are now.

>Right wing policies equal stagnation

Hitler's Germany and, fuck, even the Mussolini's Italy were technological advanced for the times. Your point is dismissed.

Freedom is not measured in muhgunz. All your guns are independent militias are worth jack shit when your government, culture and demographics are cucks. Also, remember the last time you tried to challange the federal government with force, that Fort Sumter shit didnt end well.

Meanwhile, we and east europe are winning the culture war, not by accomplishing anything major, but simply not giving in to degeneracy.

Yes, there is high probability this will happen. Also, I think an American military overthrow of the government is not out of the question. The US military, police and intelligence services are the least cucked part of our society and that's not changing any time soon.

The left IS losing the culture war. The old right and alt-right are NOT winning it, however. We're drifting back towards the centre.

>technological advanced for the times

Yeah, I wasn't talking about technological advancement, I was talking about cultural advancement.

Both Germany and Italy failed as nations after World war II. Germany recovered because they became a progressive liberal country, and Italy is still a shithole because it didn't.

>Redpills that are too big for Sup Forums to swallow
>Your ideologies may be wrong
>They may not be the best for humanities continued existence
>You are failing to see the big picture

>eastern europe
>not giving into degeneracy

you speak for the whole country now?

also, pic related
we nuked the japs

>winning culture war

fucking lol

Hungary is a joke. We share a border and I've never been to Hungary. Why would anyone go to Hungary? What do you people even do over there?

...I remember that my grandmother used to go to Hungary to buy sausages, but that's about it.

yea the problem seem to be immigrant from right wing and developing countries such as arabs and africa not wanting to integrate.
Can't really blame them tho, they have been brainwashed since birth. A friend from palestine even told me there are so many temptations here, as he stare a girl wearing jeans and jacket passing by, kek (this was in winter).

There is also progressive movement in arab world albeit slow, so we may still have hope

The reason Europe is taking it up the ass and every other European man has social problems or looks like he's low-T is because of all the alpha males dying in WW2

This is also why Japan is full of betas and going completely backwards. All their prime men died.

You know I'm right.

As everyday after our "victory" goes by.
This sinks in.
We delayed the end is all.
The end could be any moment now.
I'm sorry guys Trump will literally have to be chosen by god to save us.
As a atheist I am almost absolutely sure the right will fall and fall hard into hell.
Unlike before in history there is no place to start over no new lands. We can't escape to Mars.
Liberalism has destroyed the hearts and minds of men of the west.
We lost brothers.
Only God can save us at this point.
Hillary has returned confident and strong for a reason.
They have something big in store soon it seems.

meming something into existence is literally breaking into 4th dimensions and letting powerful creatures (that you power with your sincere thoughts) guide you and use you


Please tell me how these are helpful aganist demographics. Unless you go full day of the rope shitshow trump is likely the last white president of america.

>you speak for the whole country now?

>Why would anyone go to Hungary?

No sandniggers.

>What do you people even do over there?

Not getting hit by trucks at christmas.

Atleast youre on the right side of europe, croatia is uncucked and not getting invaded by muslims like germany.


Also I don't like this, I don't want any wars, I don't want any deaths. I just think the culture needs to change.

Are you faggots agreeing with OP just retards or are you also shills? The left is losing the culture war hard. In just a year, they've lost most of their footing in society. Their glass high horse is crumbling. They don't even have memes. We have the truth on our side

Italy had one of the lowest literacy rate of Europe before Mussolini, even as a cultural advancement, fascism greatly improved my nation.
And don't shit over Italy, we are struggling with corrupted pro-euro politicians and niggers immigrants but after Brexit we are the 3th net contributor of EU.

Ok kys then. Do it now

>degeneracy is "advanced"

I think they are somehow feeding us estrogens. In countries where most males survived WW II the low-T nu-male population is as big.

That's called a blackpill.

>Left leaning policies equal progress. Right wing policies equal stagnation
This fallacy is why they're still around. Progress =/= good, but the left preys on the weak minded and politically illiterate, so it makes sense that it works.

All of the things that marxists do to deteriorate a society just so happen to be the same exact things leftists consider "progressive" and "advanced"

What a strange coincidence

Not everything is lost until there's still a person fighting back.

yes, you're correct
guns, wars and nukes have never ever mattered because they're useless
good point

and at the end of the day, you live in hungary and i live in the US
your life is bad compared to mine and you should feel embarrassed
that gives me pleasure, along with winning this argument

>brainwashed since birth
Why so smug? Maybe WE are being brainwashed from birth into thinking we all are equal.
I don't think there is hope for the future, not for EU at lest.


All that shit, marxism in itself, (((critical theory))) and social """science""" were only created for one purpose: bringing down the aryan race.

They pretend to be objective thought models but they are not. They are tailored to question our existence.

Guys don't fall for this obviously shilling. They used to go harder on the nihilism when our apirits were high. Now that we're really winning, they want to make it seem like we're losing. Don't fall for it

Spreading demoralization tactics are the best weapon against your enemy, OP is somehow trying to undermine and underestimate the capabilities of being chaotic.

I'll wait for the day they come kill all the right wingers user.
I really don't believe that the police and military will be our "battle buddies". No significant portion anyway.
They will do as their wives want.
If they take out Trump they will come for all of us. That's the perfect time to destroy the bad seeds that dissent and deny globalism.
At least it be the smart thing to do.
The world wouldn't give a shit. They hate America and would find it funny to watch the blood and shit storm.
Liberals want us dead. Powerless. And to deny the glories of our ancestors our founding fathers.
They want to see us grovel and scream in pain.
I know liberals. They are fucking monsters.
As a atheist I know liberals.
They are vile zombies who will always think they are superior to you.
Normies will follow the women.
It's over user. Sorry

Havent seen mad this pure in quite a while.I seriously hope for your own sake youre baiting. Please tell me how guns, wars and nukes are going to stop pic related.

>your life is bad compared to mine and you should feel embarrassed

Yeah dude, when someone goes on a cantonese basket weaving forum to brag about how good his life is its totally believable and not just hillarious overcompensating and projecting at all.

Pretty much this. France, UK and Sweden are as good as gone and the rest of us will not take long to go that way too. Maybe Poland, Hungary and hopefully Portugal will survive the demographic change in Europe but who knows.

My opinion is that the future will see those white European countries as remnants of an Europe long gone. The same way we now see Luxembourg and Lichtenstein as remnants of pre-Napoleonic Europe... and in the same way those white countries will still be the most prosperous and civilised of them all.

Anyway, I'm making plans to move to Eastern Europe eventually. Any country any of you guys can recommend? Preferably a monarchy if possible!

Sage all CIA threads.
Ignore all CIA posters.

Sorry for annoying you, CIA-bro. Try to resist hacking my car ;)

Agree with you, PEOPLE, let us not get demoralized to the point of breaking in.

If fate decided to be like this, let us die in a blaze of glory.

You forgot that gen-x is still more based than millennials, and They'll have some control for another 20 years in that time frame.

There's still hope, albeit slim.

My god, what a cuck.

> cultural advancement

Turning into an Islamic theocracy is cultural advancement? We're going back to the dark ages, and it may be centuries before we get another enlightenment, if ever.

He also seems to forget that we have kek on our side. Adding additional chaos to the system creates more potential, ultimately leading to more positive manifestations (light to come from darkness) that would not have occurred if OP wasn't such a faggot. Because of the nature of kek, chaos, and faggotry, it's a win-win for us. The alternative would be for OP to not be a faggot, which of course is not so bad

OP is spreading demoralization attacks against us.
> Let us do our work and not be disturbed by the current situation we are under.

>I'll wait for the day to come where all the people with no guns come to kill all the people who do have guns
I stopped reading right there

And "has" with "have"

Someone spilled the truth.
>Chaos is in our side, none can predict what path we choose, we can only deal with it and move on.

Women should be kept in cages and their sole purpose should be reproduction, otherwise the jews will always win.

The police and military will do whatever their fat wives want.
You really think they side with a bunch of basement dwellers who worship a cartoon frog?
ohhhh kay bud

the west and modern asia will not breed

because of contraceptives for both sexes, career women, sex robots, virtual reality, pets are easier and funner to take care of than children

arabs and africans will breed

because their religion tells them they must. sex is only supposed to happen within marriage to have children. they are poor so by having more children, they have more hands to work or farm which in turn helps the family unit (remember children don't have the same sort of ant-work pro-education views they do in the west).

global climate change is 100% real. the arabs and africans live in the hottest places on earth. those places will be completely unlivable because of the heat, and unfarmible because of the dry land in 50-100 years. EVERYONE that lives there will move or try to move to the west. And the west will let them because the west is not sustaining itself by not having children.

All of the West's dreams are over. All of Asia's dreams are over. All of Mankind's dreams are over.

We will never reach the stars.

>Although about 30-35% of millennials are not rabid leftists

I doubt that. I think it's more like 90% not being rabid leftists. 10% of those are rabid right wing. 80% fall somewhere inbetween (50% being 'i don't give really care/know, did you watch suits last night?').

Institutional control is like having a megaphone. Controlling a few popular institutions online and the internet being a place where you can make your opinion seem more widespread than it is with sock accounts, etc, the rabid right appear more numerous than they are. Having control of media outlets and university departments, the rabid left appear more numerous than they are.

Everyone inbetween is largely just trying to avoid antagonizing whoever holds the levers of power. Right now, that's the left (in meatspace - the space that counts for normal people because you can get fired or socially punished).

I have to disagree with your statement there.
In Asia, nationalism is still dominant.
We do not fall to the hands of corrupt (((people))) that easily.

it is and it's not degeneracy

what the fuck are you rambling about Croatia?
Try to be coherent next time.

>my grandmother used to go to Hungary to buy sausages

That's code
She used to be a prostitute

>The answer is A,the answer is not A though

>marxist intellectuals

Are you implying that we actually are in fact in a bad situation like OP has stated, and you're saying "we need to accept our defeat and move on"?
Are you even trying?

Do you actually get paid for this or what? I wish I could get paid to pretend to be retarded

spout demographics all you want, but your economy is atrocious, your culture is retarded and all you do is lose wars. your elite country truly has mine beat

>Havent seen mad this pure in quite a while
nah, just smug because you're a fucking loser
why are we speaking english instead of hungarian?
>cantonese basket weaving forum
epic meme! XD very random

My grandad used to go to Hungary to fuck Croatian prostitutes.


I just laughed so hard I blew snot all over my screen

I am not implying that we would accept defeat.
I am saying that Chaos is a possibility of all sides, no bias whatsoever.
>Chaos is an unharnessed energy. If we harness its full potential, none will be able to stop our actions.

Yours too!
Mine used to pay them in sausages

Relevant asian countries like Japan or China or South Korea are already fucked to the point of no return

srsly, secularism? jeebv

Say what?

Are you sure about that?

>We do not fall to the hands of corrupt (((people))) that easily.

>SE Asia

That has a real belly chuckle, and I am a big fat cunt so it takes a lot to get a wobble

This thread reeks of demoralization and destabilization to make the Sup Forumsaks disorganized.

Wise words

Truth and chaos are on our side. I honestly don't see how the left could make a comeback at this point desu. What do they even have left? They don't have anything at all going for them really

You will be destroyed by technology. Asia is accelerating as fast or faster than the US. You will all be drones working pointless jobs, so you can go home and live in a virtual reality world for the rest of your time before you go to bed. Japan's already gone. China's on its way. The entertainment industry is booming for the new middle class. Having children is hard. Living in whatever virtual paradise you desire is not. Arabs and Africans don't have access to the virtual paradise, so they believe in the Islamic one they will visit in the afterlife, and they have to make Allah as happy as possible by making everyone in the entire world submit to him. And they do this by breeding and conquering (through warfare or by immigration)

Based Hungarian is based. I think Romania is going to be cucked since we have to choose between 2 de facto leftist parties.

I remeber being 25.

Yeah. 4chink holds Japan in a pedestal but they're as fucked as any other country. The dream of japanese girls is finding a white american boyfriend and mock the small beta asian people like herself.

How is your German president liked ?

Anyone who makes threads about redpills is actually from the killer elite and just shitting on Sup Forums.

A lot of this is down to how normies percieve what's going on. Take a look at the SJW's, for example:
But to the average person, who has never met these screeching loonies, it sounds great! From a PR point of view, it's briliant.
So if we want to beat this, we need to start exposing the truth every time it gets perverted. EVERY TIME!
Don't call them SJW's, for example. It's playing right into their hands. Call them what they are...NoFun's. People will soon get the idea, and run with it.
Another one I dislike intensely is "politically correct". It has guilt built right into it if you happen to disagree with their agenda! It belongs in the same garbage bag as "when did you stop beating your wife?".
We should also stop calling people normies, for the same reason.

Tough shit, real change needs blood.

The Jews are the real master race.
Asians come second.
Whites are third place at best.

This. Also the elephant in the room is that Trump won from whites and a large proportion are gonna die off with no replacement in 20 years. We are fucked without a war or peaceful separation.

After reading "the left has completely and utterly won the cultural war" in the first part of OP's post I came here expecting it to be people making fun of such a "we can't let him get the nuclear codes" tier shill attempt but I guess some people are actually on that side, unless they are just shills too.

He is liked very much, sadly. He is luring lots of people with his "fighting against corruption" ( the other leftist party) and nationalism is not so popular. He also called 3 million people who signed an anti-gay petition "religious fanatics".