"He got to Presidency by bullshitting". Things must be getting hopeless for the alt-wrong in this world.
CNN host Fareed Zakaria goes on a desperate rant, accuses Presdient Trump of bullshitting everyday
>poot POO on national television
>every other word is SHIT
>reporter with a sand nigger name
Does anyone really need to know more than that?
>Trump is literally fake news
>We here at CNN are the only ones you should listen to, goys..I-I mean guys.
What did this plagiarist say again?
Dast ist Fantastish.
You have to go back, Fareed.
tokkek alt-wrong
>be shitskin street shitter
>get hired by 24-hour cable news jew
>regurgitate jew jewisms
>shit in dressing room
Trump is a serial liar though.
Still not news.
beginning of the year reality tv star, end of the year POTUS. This is number one bullshit
>we're only three months into Trump's first term and the meltdowns are already reaching fallout levels
>Even when CNN blatantly contradicts themselves the shills still back them.
>It's just like, their opinion man.
I think MSNBC have the worst of them. The delirium is unprecedented.
>Fareed Zakaria
no thanks. you can't fool me. that's not based Dinesh D'Souza.
Holy shit. Is Drumpf finished?
>tfw Russia has successfully gotten a total baffoon into the highest office in the US
>tfw Trump supporters still exist because they're also, like their idol, on a constant diet of delusional bullshit as seen on FOX news, breitbart etc
>it will cripple the leadership for at least four years
>t. CNN
>Fareed Zakaria
He's based as fuck and probably the only new journalist on MSM in the country.
He will die from HIV
Trump is a bullshit artist.
If youre so afraid of russia why do you refuse to pay 2% to nato?
Why take in refugees at a time russia could invade any time?
Could it be youre a lazy German whose free ride and federalized eu dreams are coming to an end?
>He's based as fuck
Globalist shill, please go
Basically you're a retard shill, you glorified Turk.
>three months
It hasn't even been 2 months yet
Wow, feminism really has turned men into women in that they just talk even when there is nothing to say
Hi Mohammed, you sand nigger goat fuckers should be banned from using white mans technology. Kek hasn't even begun to deal with you faggots, you'll be praying to Jesus soon enough.
>tfw kek and Jesus team up to btfo the kikes and sand niggers
Zakaria was born in India to a Konkani Muslim family.
They know what is coming
In school they kick you out if you plagiarize, but for some reason he still has a job! Fucked up!
CNN ? Zero credibility
>implying anyone gives a shit about the MSM at this point
>responding to cia shills
stop letting yourself be manipulated by shills
But hang on. Pajeet is totally right. Trump has always succeeded by bullshitting. Hes the ultimate shitposter IRL. But its bullshitting that comes from the heart and the left will never understand that.
They seem to be especially butt hurt and freaking out. I bet somthing big is about to drop.
The reason why criticism from people like this isn't taken seriously is because they are partisan leftist-loyalists. They never criticize Obama or Hillary.
Hillary literally makes stuff up. When she got caught in her dishonest and corrupt ways because she had said behind closed doors how you should have both private and public policies, she defended it by saying how they context was about the Lincoln movie.
I wish the MSM would quit promoting these gay negroid spokesmodels. It's disgusting to hear these simpering idiots lisping out their fake news. I can just see this little pansy practicing his "looks" in the mirror beforehand. Please, somebody throw this faggout out of a helicopter .
Why is putin squating like that? Clearly a western spy! SAD!
CNN is fake news.
>Panic and desperation intensifies
He's not wrong. Trump is a former Democrat who won by flinging their own endless bullshit back in their faces.
its just another day in America bro
same shit diff day
sad thing is, Fareed is CNN's most professional journalist
We tried running principled honorable men for president. They lost to a hustler. So we got our own hustler.
Why does CNN still exist?
>For our own amusement.
He is also a member of CFR.
that pic
no1 in the media ever mentions Obama trying to influence recent Israeli elections....or America meddling in other countries elections since the end of ww2