>be me, blonde blue eyes white boy living in LA
>be in kindergarten, lunch time
>got your pizza and chocolate milk, ready to munch a wholesome USA public school lunch after a hard day of learning
>walking single-file with classmates to the lunch table that my class sit at
>older black girl from another class makes eye contact while passing, puts her foot out tripping you
>pizza goes flying toppings-down into the dirt, face nails the ground at high speed
>get up confused, in pain, crying
>look at black girl
>she is laughing to herself
>teacher was right behind you (single file line) when it happened
>say "you tripped me" in abject sadness, looking back and forth between the pizza and this girl laughing at you, while being unable not to cry because of physical pain
>teacher looks UNCOMFORTABLE AS FUCK and hurries you along from behind, saying "no she didn't" and makes you sit with your class and no lunch
>teacher will not acknowledge that the girl tripoped you on purpose and when she attempts to get you another lunch cafeteria is out of pizza and chocolate milk
>hate niggers for the rest of your life

Other urls found in this thread:


Living anywhere near diversity tends to do that to white people.

I'm so glad I was born in Canada and not the U.S

I can't imagine how bad it must be living with niggers.

>From Winchester Kansas, as white as it can get
>Move to suburbs around Chicago, still pretty white
>Have exposure to mostly civilized blacks, 5-10 in whole school of 800
>Become complete libtard faggot with rap and pants sagging
>Get thrown out at 17
>Move to actual ghetto because poor
>Work at fast food joint in ghetto
>All downhill from there
Now I just hope they all die

Kid is giving golden shower to black bitch mother.

always thought I'd be safe from them in central Europe, but they flodded the entire fucking continent.

That is a very typical origin story, all it takes is observing them in their day to day lives

Nice, vintage pasta.

God, I fucking hate niggers.

I'm so happy they know their place here. I hope some minority chimps out so we can finally curb stomp some gypsies. It's been a long time coming.


not here you fucking faggot



I'm so fucking happy you faggots are getting what you all deserve for the betrayals. There truly is a God and his son was a Bulgarian.


fucking westfags getting their shit fucked up

Waiting for the race war so we can curb stomp them and bring back Jim Crow laws(slavery in all but name). Or at least limit the population.

That's actually legit. Most are like that. Pick and choose your friends.

what did I do to derserve nigger scum, Hungary?


I wrote this like 1 week ago Loll, you guys are lurking pretty hard

stopping us from wiping out the turkraoches scumbag surbs and reuniting all of our lands to create the only viable strong state on the balkans

now you faggots get what you deserve

were there a strong Bulgaria this wouldn't happen, but you were too greedy and decided to trip us.

karma is a bitch, isn't it?

I have no idea what you are talking about, but at least I'm not poor.

>Nigger steals my bike in third grade, laughs and gives me the finger as he rides off
>Decide it's about time I start hating niggers
>Spend teen years driving drunk and throwing piss on random niggers from car window
>Become an adult and stop throwing piss, but still don't feel bad about it
>Move to white part of country

>at least I'm not poor

I'd take not as rich an ex empire over nigger and muslim infested anytime, freindo

I'm off to look at pretty girls at the park without having to worry about getting beheaded/shot/ran over


>going to the park alone to stalk girls

What's the difference between a nigger and you? They literally do the same you faggot.


Who says I'm alone, you presumptive pompous faggot?

Also stalking? I'm just enjoying our beautiful women and weather. But I guess most of the pretty ones in your country are already taken by mohamed's sandy camel dick?

Also I could not be sperging out and engaging in an intelligent conversation, but I really like "insulting" people in general.


Soon you'll have enough """refugees"""

Piss toss 'll make ya' DUCK! DUCK!



yeah you're actually right :(

I actually really like Austria, beautiful architecture, the classical stuff is also very nice.

The people are just too presumptive and elitist.

>Grow up in central Cali
>45% Spic
>Schools all have a chollo clique
>Spics are always disrupting class over stupid shit
>Most spic girls are fat loud and ugly like sheeboons
>Have to put up with this for 12 years
>A bunch of them even got caught in a drug bust at my high school
>One of them threatened to do a driveby on Twitter back in 2012
>Spic criminals got arrested by the police less than a block away from my school on multiple occaisions
>Get tired of being told that I'm the bad guy because I'm white through all the propaganda in English and social studies classes
>Discover Sup Forums
>Discover Sup Forums
>End up getting banned from every other forum I post on due to my political views
>Years later and I'm posting here

here is something to cheer you up with


we are not a civilizational dead end, there is still hope ; )

>be me
>be romanian aryan master race
>never had to face a nigger before
Thank God I am Romanian Aryan Master Race and not some amerikan ;-;

I can feel the blood from our ancestors!
Hungary, do you want to be friends again despite all the niggers living at my front door? :)

But I am not Hungary, Australia... I am but a simple Bulgarian tending to my gypsies.

haha was so sure that was the hungarian flag.
Does your border security also beat up """""refugees""""""?

>asshole ""minority"" with inferiority complex
literally what i lived through cuz of damn kurds 20 years ago
""the west"" gave them financial AIDS as they had 20 children per family (at least)
now they are big enough to found their own fascist country backed by USA military
and now westerners are surprised when the turks do a fraction of the same thing to them after years..
im not an erdofag but i would die happy if i see a niggeristan in usa and europe before i kill myself due to post-graduate joblessness

>Romanian Aryan Master Race

what always interested me, whats Turkey's problem regarding a Kurdish state at their border?


what's usa's problem regarding a mexican state at their border?

your fellow Romanians in rich countries behave like niggers, car theft, home invasion, etc. nearly all done by fucking romanians. Damn, I donated in elementary school to your fucking people.

They don't have one, even the Sup Forumsacks wouldn't mind if the Mexicans just fucked off and stayed in their country

it hasnt to do with Mexico itself, but with the immigrants coming through that border.

the questions stands, what's the problem?
When they have their own state on former syrian territory, they will most likely move there and won't kill your security personnel anymore.

Live at Austrian Border on a small farm
Working lumber
First wave of "Refugees" marches in a Kilometer wide column with 15 or so Federal Police around them
First Thing they do is throwing shit at us and making sexual gestures at my mother (57yo)
One of them dashes at my mother like a fucking predator
Punch him with a shovel
they all howl like monkeys
Federal Police shocked and want to take me in as a NAZI RACIST
Bavarian State Police has tapped the incident and saves me from a possible 6 year jail sentence for defending my Mother
I hat Muzzies since day one
good Thing they all Clog up Berlin and Hamburg now and enrich the Natives there

Fuck of Chad.

Why would you donate to gypsies and trash who would rather live in garbage bins and steal in other countries instead of working in their own?
>people still fall for the romanians are gypsie meme
We hate them more than you do.

I live in a predominately white area so I don't have that many experiences, but I have this

>go to get iced coffee at dunkin donuts
>hit the drive through, it's usually white people who are friendly to interact with
>place my order and pull up to the window
>its an old black hag who stares at me like I'm scum, despite being friendly the entire time
>accidentally give her less than enough money and she slams the window in my face until I find the change
>does this a total of two times and doesn't say a word the entire time, still looking at me like scum even though I said sorry
>finally get my coffee and take a sip
>its the most disgusting shit I've ever tasted, like she literally dumped sugar in it, couldn't even drink it was so bad

Fuck niggers

>45% spicy

Care to elaborate? How does that even work?

Shit, I meant *spic. fug

fucking pigs

Thing is with all the Human traffickers and refugee waves who marched through Wegscheid on course to Passau we had Kind of a fucking war on our part of the border
Niggers en masse trying to get into sheds to sleep or creeping after playing children for the entirety of the Migrant crisis
while we had to march on fucking patrol at night and work in the morning for 2 months
fucking hell

the gypsies here are easy to recognize, they sit at train terminals and cry for money. Romanians, on the other hand, doing all the crime. Also, why master race? Their skin is more brown than my poop.

at least that is over for now, they rather use trains or get smuggled in cars.

The only black person in our school ended up a drug dealer.

In high school
13 years old
2 muslims fags in my class both bullies
Go on excursion to camp Westerbork where they used to detain jews for transport.
Everyone in the class has empathy for those jews.
We were 13 year old this was before pol red pilled me.
The 2 muslims spit on the stones they laid there for the jews.

That and the fact every encounter with a non white has been negative.

i would very much like them to fuck off and be contained in a limited space, but things don't work that way.
if i talk too much i might get redflagged but they had been doing all kinds of illegal shit here since YEARS, they won't give up their source of income that easily. (the coup happened FEW weeks after first big-scale weedfield bust in eastern turkey)
also, almost anyone on the street has a relative or friend died in terror attacks, i dont think the citizens would let them go there with their heads on their shoulders.
now thanks to the escalated racism, i won't be welcome in any country even if i left this shithole (im not a mudslime but the moment i step into an airport im treated as a terrorist)

Yeah pretty much
I just feel sorry for the Germans in the big cities who are now stuck between These bastards, the Police who does fucking nothing
and the Politicians and Leftists who think this is a good thing

You are lucky you don't live in Toronto or Vancover. There are areas of these citys that are nothing but sand niggers

Niggers are sick and disgusting. Should move them back to Africa.

How bad is Hamburg? I had a friend there, she said things were scary and hasn't talked to me for a week.

Nice greentext newfriend.

Not white but Mexican
>Be 6 years old living in a Mexican-Black neighborhood
>Every Sunday my mom and her friend would take me and her friends son to the park together
>This Sunday friend was back in Mexico with his dad for the summer
>Sat down with mom and her friend not wanting to play with no one since friend was not there
>They just want to gossip in peace so make me go play with the kids
>Start playing with toy soldiers in the sand when a shirtless black kid literally jumps out of no where from on top of the playground and starts beating the fuck out of me for no reason
>Mom comes in yelling trying to take the kid off me
>I am crying and could hear older black kids laughing and saying shit "like beat that nigga"
>Mom holding the nigger, he still wildly throwing punches and trying his best to get away
>Literally looked like a rabid chimp
>Get home, full of blood and with a black eye
>Super macho Mexican dad is pissed off
>Takes me back to the playground and makes me fight the black kid
>Tells me to kick him in the balls as soon as the fight starts because I am not fighting a human, I am fighting an animal so forget about rules
>I am nervous as fuck but I am more scared of my dad
>Little nigger is beating up some other kid
>I throw sand in his eyes as he fights the other kid and he gets up screaming holding his face and I kick him right in the balls, proceed to whoop his ass
>Dayuuummm! Is all I hear from nearby niggers
Feels good man, I hated blacks ever since that day

Growing up in this shithole did it to me. Mexicans are no better than niggers and are almost as stupid.

After all this time lurking i still don't know how.

>aryan master race
>steals copper for a living
>live in a trailer

You are the European niggers.

Hamburg and Berlin are pretty much wrecked at this Point
The communal politicians have a very Leftist Point of view for decades now and some Parts there are allready 90-100% just niggers lefties and Arabs pulling shit 24/7 while Police there is underfunded and forbidden to do shit to dem cause "MUH RACIST" Most parts of those Cities are still White and the Picture you get from Browsing pol is grossly exaggerated but Hamburg and Berlin are fucked up for real

Read the FAQ next time toothpaste

>Live in white town
>Hear 2 blatant refugee tier looking dune coons speaking Arabic
>everybody around is whispering about them and looking disgusted

It's too late, If they're here they have already won

>be me

>grew up in a 1st world country

>had parents that both worked, built a new house, had a typically active childhood

>use inventions created by my race, live in a country and society created by my race.

>dont think much of it, until i get into my mid teens and then learn about the "hardships" in other parts of the world.

>can't understand why they cant get their shit together. (my people have done, cant be that hard right?)

>start putting 2 and 2 together and noticing other races are lacking in intelligence to help themselves

>feel a little bit of remorse. but in the end grow up realising we have everything we have because we are superior.

>travel to a few 3rd world countries, my thoughts are backed up with what i see.

>at the moment, i dont feel remorse or sorrow for those who are to stupid to themselves or their country.

>notice a dramatic increase in 3rd world immigrants moving to european/white countries. >realise they've brought there destructive and non progressive culture to those countries. they've bought crime, disorder and filth to my once clean and friendly country.

>want to reverse that cycle. and so them who's boss.

kek'd based taco bender

ive tried my whole life not to hate blacks, but it's hard because i've also had experiences like this when i was a kid... plus my dad was/is kind of racist... i'm good with blacks who are good people - see them the same as whites.. but when i meet with or have to deal with someone acting niggerish, i have a complete mental shift into hating their race.

>all you have to do is this

Come on lads. Hungary has a point a real point. I admit they have a right to be smug as fuck but atleast on the level we all as /pol people can share in the collective demise of parts of the western world.

Atleast hungary can carry the baton for the western world when we try to put it out. You've held them off at the gates for hundred of years guys.

Austria, you and Germany are great countries and those with traditional family orrientated hof like values are gold stars in the rough.

No one wins here :( awful isn't it.

but what is Erdogan's problem with a kurdish state? If he doesnt want any contact with it, there is still the possibility of a wall at the border that keeps them isolated form Turkey.

the only thing worse then a nigger is a Turk

>be me

>living in quiet neighborhood with wife and 2 children

>african "refugee" moves in next door with fat arse wife and 3 wild children

>go to hang washing on the clothes line one evening, the screen door slams shut behind me

>coon storms out of his front door, swearing and punching our dividing fence, telling me he's going to kill me for waking up his son.

>put my head over the fence and tell him to shut the fuck up or ill get him deported

>call the police, police come , he chimps out and attacks police with knife. police taser him and wife and kids chimp out. wifey throws paving stone at police officer, police knock her to the ground, kids chimp out and scream and throw random shit. whole family is forced into transport wagon, family is moved to detention centre.

>me and my wife celebrate with other neighbors on the front lawn with bbq.

LOL!! it was so funny. i was crying with laughter

>Like this?

tfw griping the ak watching this

Its California man, its just how it is, it sucks

>tfw lone white guy in a (((diverse))) urban school

I was redpilled the first week I entered the public school system. It was a fight for my life until I entered high school and the shitskins learned not to mess with me because I proved myself by fighting enough of them that I got a "hood pass."

Fuck those people and how districts work. I am glad Trump is pushing education vouchers because my parents were not ghetto trash but because of where I lived I was FORCED to go to these schools. In retrospect, yea it redpilled me but fuck was the education dumbed down. I literally self taught myself and my public school teachers were always confused why I tested 5 grades higher than everyone else.

this made me happy

This is both the most Sup Forums and the most australian story I've ever heard at the same time

>Gang bashing a girl including some trying to stomp on her face
AND SHE STILL GETS UP! fucking niggers are weak as fuck unless they are in packs

I'd give her a medal of honour for her courage

you should have seen them, it was a category 10 chimpout.

the kids were going apeshit.

he was literally pacing his front yard with a machete, because my screen door slammed behind me.

3 cop cars, all guns drawn, and the wife was jumping around on the front lawn like a chimp on heat.

police didnt fuck around. it was epic. this was back in 2007.

i wish there were chimps like this at school when i was younger
they woulda got lynched
im 27

Based cops they generally dont fuck around
only abos get a free pass here

Ive already posted it but w/e

>be me 13lv polish boy with blue eyes
>on your way to kfc couse you are hungry
>see a nigger
>you stop couse its the 1st nigger ive ever seen
>nigger keeps going
>tfw becouse of that he was 1st in a queue to kfc
>tfw you were hungry 3 mins longer couse of a nigger

racist to this day

>45% spic
>30% gook
>25% mix between white/black

That was my ratio. So in my highschool, it was about 15 white kids. Terrible. I hate spics more than I hate niggers because their slightly higher intelligence actually makes them more dangerous to society. Nogs just nig nog it up in their own little areas. Spics move and expand their infestation.

>Human traffickers

It's not even the good kind too. All arab and african dudes so no sex exploitation to be found. No massage parlors and happy endings.

I literally just watched Starship Troopers.

>RIP Flores and her titties

When I was in HS, we had like what 10 african niggers in the entire school

Out of the 4 years I was there, I only saw 2 people get expelled/kicked out, 1 was a nigger and the other was his fat greek friend

A couple years later after I had finished HS, I read an article about how this nigger and greek tried to rob a Club with pushbikes, machetes and baseball bats, the cops confiscated the bikes and surrounded the building until they came out
Both of them went to jail as well as everyone else that was involved

Shit same happed to me

>Naked boy


this was in logan, south of brisbane.

ive seen a couple of africans chimp out in brisbane. a gang of sudanese on the caboolture train were trying to hold up everyone on the train. this guy called the police and they got on at the next station and dragged the lot of them out of the train by their feet.

it was hilarious. everyone was cheering. police know what the problem is, most of the time they dont fuck around. they are sick of them.

They're killing my empathy slowly. I know they're not all the same, and while my experiences aren't as bad as many of the people here, they were still experiences.

I'm caring less and less about people in general, especially those in situations lower than me. I know that I shouldn't, and that a lot of them got dealt a raw deal. But I was handed a raw deal too with dead parents before I was even an adult.

Fuck people, especially those that make stupid decisions and put themselves into these holes and blame others. All you have to do is ask them for their story. They'll always tell you what they did like they're the victim. You'll always be able to pinpoint where they went wrong.

Fuck them all. I don't want to care anymore. I want to care for myself and my wife. They can drown in their troubles.

actually if you can find a Yazidi or Alawite Refugee Girl, they Kind of prefer the German men cause of Money
Problem is they arent even 5%
The most Racist here are actually the Russian, Polish and Turk People who were here legaly, but after Cologne even the Germans are catching up real fast

I'm a foreigner in Ireland (English) and went to a school that was only like 20% Irish, 20% nigger and 60% eastern european.

We ALL hated Niggers.

I lived with 3 niggers in college aswell. And another time lived with 1 nigger.

>tfw there used to be literally no niggers in ireland

and this is why I hate monkeys.

there is already a kurdish state supported by erdogan and its called northern iraqi kurdistan, i dont know why but theyre funneling a shitton of money and effort there even though they admire the same leader with terrorists

In primary school we had 1 Asian kid, he wasn't quite right. I'd see black people on TV and they just seemed chimpy and because I had never seen one irl they were bizarre to look at, not helped by the fact that I was from a lower-class bogan family and my parents would teach me about nig-nogs.
The next minorities I met were Maoris, we had heaps of them in my high school for some reason and they were all violent thugs, it didn't take long for them to steal my schoolbag, mp3 player and beat up one of my mates who was minding his own business for no reason. The school would let them go unpunished and I think that is where the seeds were first sewn.

Obviously, it was a sheltered upbrining but I only had bad experiences with those who I didn't consider being Aussie (because they weren't white), now I am surrounded by brown and have to contain my rage. I'm treated like an outsider in the city that my family has presided in for nearly 200 years

I would have hated cuck teachers

>Niggers call me cracka every single day in elementary school (4th grade too)
>Constantly steal my school supplies when I leave the classroom (know it's them because I saw dumb nigger boy using one of my school supplies, had my name on it)
>Had to take my lunch with me if i had to leave the lunchroom because they would steal my food


>Nigger pours water on me for now reason other than he thought it was funny and gym teacher got me in trouble when I shoved him like I'm the bad guy
>Niggers also steal my stuff when I'm not looking

In Highschool I avoided niggers whenever I could and I still do in College.

Oh yeah, college story.

>Walking back to dorm room, just had an exam and was looking forward to some drinking and passing out in the dorm room.
>Big lipped dindu passes me with his nasty ass nigger looking girlfriend
>Call out "And you look like the guy who stole my bike"
>Dindu gets mad and starts getting aggressive
>I pull out my knife and tell him to back the fuck off
>back up slowly and have to take the long way home thus ruining my day

God I hate niggers so much. Anyone who doesn't hate them has never been around them. I hate living in the South.