I'm leaving the US due to certain intelligence agencies not liking my living being.
I'm trying to decide between Holland, Russia, or some under developed nation like Kazakhstan.
Thoughts? Opinions? Nude photos of redheads are welcomed.
Which country should I move to?
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American Education
Fuck off you fucking immigrant.
fuck off
lel @ 3d render
Have fun in Russia, a top 10 place in homicides per 100,000. Hollland is probably nice.
Holland is infested with Turks, Russia's cost of life is high if you want to work there (much lower wages) and Kazakhstan is most likely the same.
Go to Poland or Japan.
Literally just Astana and Almaty are developed. The rest of the nation is a shithole equivalent to Moldova.
Don't go to Japan unless you have a salary that lets you live in big Southern California cities or New York though. Also, you need a job go even get into Japan long-term or otherwise be very rich, otherwise they won't accept your ass, no matter how white you are
the lowered the requirements recently though (in light of the upcoming olympics).
worried the Russians will be suspicious cause ex-American moving from DC, heh... Don't need the same shit there, that I'm getting here.
Hot women everywhere though.
Go to Asia
New Zealand is probably the best English speaking country to move to, outside of the US
>Small Government
>Incompetent Government
>Mostly White/Maori
>Nice cold climate keeping away niggers
>Avoid Auckland and Christchurch and you'll be fine
>Kiwi women are equivalent to the ugly skanks in the UK
>I'm trying to decide between Holland, Russia, or some under developed nation like Kazakhstan
well.. out of those 3, holland
Balkans, Turkey, Poland seem nice. Especially if you come with 200K $ so you can buy multiple realestates which you can rent out on Booking. Three Americans I know living in Sarajevo do this and they are earning like 2-3 K dollars a month which for our living standards is godtier. Sarajevo is cheap, mid sized city, close to most interesting European capitals if you ever get the big city itch and is like 99,9% white.
But you can pull of this formula anywhere in Eastern Europe.
Dont come to the Netherlands, no one likes Americans here.
Go fuck off to Poland or some eastern shithole.
Probably the best place to move to in the world, right now, if you have money and are willing to learn a second language, is Croatia.
It's mostly white, with little crime, a nice Mediterranean climate, a Christian heritage, a decently strong economy, but also plenty of poor people meaning a lower standard of living.
If you have >9k saved up, you can probably live there for a year and a half just based off of that.
Eh? What are you, Russian immigrant from Moscow in America then?
nice digits and flag!
Move to Greenland or Iceland.
People forget they exist all the time.
This ^
NZ is one of the last bastions of pure Anglo race.
russia and eastern yurope in general will only make you realize how worthless life on a daily basis is and you'll probably kill yourself
Life of a swamp nigger sucks as well.
Try the Caribean...where all the pirates and outlaws go
Do you have blond hair and blue eyes?
Hmm, researching now. Thanks. I'm open to all ideas, but off of this continent.
No, I'm an American, but the New United States government (CIA/NSA) very much does not like me. It's a long story that you wouldn't believe. I'm afraid that the US most likely peaked in the 80s/90s and it's downhill until a civil war/uprising?coup takes place.
What I think, and my situation, doesn't really matter. What matters is where I go next to start a new life, business, and family.
Iceland maybe. They've a very low crimerate, and some of the less popular cities have a decent standard of living. The country is very rich off of tourism nowadays. It's gone up more in tourists than Paris and Brussels have lost. Not to mention most people there speak English.
You're not going to learn Icelandic any time soon, though.
Holland will soon be Afghanistan dingus.
Russia is not a bad choice if you have lots of money, a few thousand dollars and I think you can start a business.
If you want to go to Europe I suggest a baltic state.
What's the story OP? Why leaving?
The people of Kekistan welcome all who are willing to adopt their values and assimilate into their culture.
Move to Hong Kong, Ireland, Cambodia, UAE, Nigeria, and China have tons of decent IT admin and programming jobs.
Okay, no, but seriously, fuck Icelandic.
If you keep your nose out of trouble, then you might like Russia. Women not as pozzed as the west, and it's going to be an interesting place to be in the next few years. If you have skills you can probably flip a profit there because they will have more jobs in IT than the other countries. But Russia is stricter on people who rock the boat, especially immigrants, so you would need to be very respectful of the natural order there and assimilate.
Sup Forumsand obviously
Unironically Japan, I'd have an ok time getting a job and the country does not have the prospect of being fucked within the following 50 years unless something unforeseen happens.
For you, expat-bro
i dont want low-IQ subhuman shits in my country, fuck off and choke on a burger
No, we're full
please go to kazakhstan or russia so your fucking delusional american views of the world get clushed and you go back to usa after stepping out of the plane. Maybe that'll teach you a lesson to be grateful that you've been born an american, maybe you will value this after you see fucking karazhs or some shit city like voronezh. Not even saying that you probably have like 5% probability of learning russian, and even if you do learn it you will never be accepted by their society as their own. How can poltards be so dilusional about the world.
South africa is haven in getting away from your agencies. Fake IDs are easy af to get. Capetown would be best option as it has the best infrastructure. From Pretoria myself. But CT is great. Other cities have a lot of crime though.
fuck off no one wants your nigger, spic and irish genes
>Holland, Russia, Kazakhstan
It's very different countries apparently. Holland is first world developed. Russian and Kazakhstan are both emerging economies, but Kazkahstan is majority muslim (even though very secular).
If you can get yourself on expat package or you have foreign source income - I would go for Russia\Kazakhstan - it's good to be rich in cheap country. I would prefer Russia to Kazakhstan any day of the week as it's better climate comparative to dusty windy steppes of Kazakhstan, rich culture and history, more things to do, etc
>full of shit and muslims
we know what are you full with
Feel free to nuke Oslo for us
I've been seeing more and more videos, and reading more comments about Muslims becoming a problem. I'm wondering how long until the bombs start going off...
Japan is out as they seemed to have nuked themselves and are dealing with it in a shitty way.
Russia, maybe, they might think I'm trying to be a spy. /shrug
Promising, but stuck on a little island, though it's very pretty.
Thanks I'll check them out.
The Architecture in some areas is pretty fucking depressing.
Dirty blond/brown and blue eyes.
Sort of explained elsewhere. Long, unbelievable story dealing with shitheads in the cia/nsa.
Difficult language?
That's what I'm thinking.
I thank you for your patriotism.
I like to build things. If I step out onto a shitty land that holds promise, then I build.
Irish, German and I think French genes.
Any post communist EU country no niggers and ahmeds here
They won't think you are spying, there are many thousands of americans living in Russia
Stay in your melting pot, mutt. You americans love your melting pot nation, no?
>implying greenland is real
what exactly are you planning to build hahahahahahahahahahahahaehah
were you brought up by a single mother and had no real view of the surroundings whatsever? can you give it a guess why even the most stupid 3rd world scum is managing to flee their country to get into yours, doesn't that give you some idea of how great america is and how unbreable life in 3rd world holes is? you really willing to give up america for a f-u-c-k-i-n-g russia? pol is hating muzzies and niggers all the time, and worships russians, when in reality muzzies, no matter how disgusting they are as a culture, are 1-2 tiers above fucking subhuman russians.
Also it looks like Kek wills Asia, heh. Nice trips.
Those seem to be in the top choices.
Maybe, but my soon to be ex-wife might be working for the cia (long explanation, don't worry about it), and I'm coming from DC. Looks pretty suspicious.
It's good for the genes.
Looks flat.
You need to come and help us secure the border. We need every man.
This is your chance to move to Norway or Sweden, beautiful countries.
Build a better future for humanity in my own little way. If you understood what I've been through... well, then you'd understand why I must leave.
Russia doesn't look so bad. I've been checking it out. Yeah, they have their bad parts, but mostly they just seem like "average Americans", just in another part of the world, speaking/writing in another language...
No thanks.
Promising, but cold as fuck.
I'll look into Norway, thanks. Sweden has embarrassed themselves too much for me to feel comfortable there, heh.
No, it's literally -50 degrees in the entire country all year and also we're full. Try Sweden.
We're full too. Too many jamals.We're also largely too calm and such for americans to fit in. Try Denmark.
Why not Canada? Claim you're a refugee and walk over the border so all our lovely tax dollars and cuck government will support you :) get in before all the snow melts and the floodgates open
Fuck off we're full.
ICE is not an intelligence agency faggot
Due to reasons, I must move off of the continent.
Also, the day of the rake will come, and I don't need that on my mind. ;-)
Already said, don't want your radiation, thanks.
My advice to you is either go to europe, preferrably to a country where they speak language from a germanic subfamily, or take a trip to those 3rd world countries and decide for yourself, if you are willing to live there, at the end to each his own
>go to europe,
>or take a trip to those 3rd world countries
Isn't it the same thing nowadays?
go to both and decide for yourself