>forced into veganism by poverty
>now that i have money all meat tastes disgusting
Forced into veganism by poverty
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am i a numale /paul/
gob bles ameriga
Where the meat is cheaper than the vegetables. Sorry for your troubles bro.
>meat is cheaper than the vegetables
bullshit. i've heard macdonalds was cheaper than eating right but you can't tell me a pound/kilo of tomatoes is more expensive than a pound/kilo of ground beef.
I'm forced into veganism by my wife.
I win the numale competition for today.
Start hunting
feed a family of 4 for a year with 1 kill
Is Bulgaria that poor?
I could send you money through my private island. What is your paypal?
You disgust me.
I can buy an entire chicken for $2-3 or 2lbs of ground beef for around $3-4.
And this is from Publix, where shopping destroys your wallet.
A fucking pepper is like $1.75.
great flag. you there as a worker, a native, or is it a proxy?
no, bulgaria isn't that poor, i just got into some shit that left me with very little spending money (about 150 EUR/month). that's over now tho.
An entire chicken here usually costs like ~$9-14
holy shit dude. how in the fuck are vegetables so expensive? do you live in some megacity where the nearest farmland is 100 miles away?
1.75 dorrar for a kilo of pepper is passable. but 1.75 for a SINGLE PEPPER. holy shit. even accounting for economy differences, that's ridiculous.
An entire chicken is 3-4€ here, a head of lettuce 1€.
Potatoes 0.5€/kg, tomatoes, peppers and other vegetables hover around 1.5-2€/kg in supermarkets or 0.5-1€/kg if you go to open markets.
Rice is 1€/kg, pasta 0.6.
By comparison most junk premade food will set you back 8-9€/kg.
i get where you're going with this, but look atapparently in america eating meat REALLY is cheaper than eating vegetables. goddamn
I had the same, my friend. I fucked up hard and had to fast every other day for months. I was Auschwitz tier by the end of it.
I still don't eat a lot of meat because I got so used to it not being there. I actually got the shits bad when i started buying it again too because I wasn't used to it.
meat is the healthiest food in the world, i wish i was living in america
>>now that i have money all meat tastes disgusting
wafting grilled ribeye steak aroma your way
If we're looking at the least expensive places to shop, you can get boneless skinless chicken breast, i.e. pure meat, for under $1.50 per pound. Broccoli is just under $1 per pound, but a pound of chicken has far more calories than a pound of broccoli.
Poverty shopping strategies should base decisions on cost per calorie, not cost per pound (or kilogram). Get just enough of things like broccoli, peas, chicken, and so on for nutrition and use rice and beans as filler.
Also, wanted to ask, as an Amerifag, can I come
to Bulgaria and join border patrol so I can beat
up illegal immigrants and mudslimes?
>I can buy an entire chicken for $2-3 or 2lbs of ground beef for around $3-4.
>And this is from Publix, where shopping destroys your wallet.
This cannot be the most expensive place to go. That's cheaper than fucking rice
>meat is the healthiest food in the world
that's a pretty extreme statement. care to back it up?
doesn't work tho bro. pure meat actually tastes the worst to me. for a while i could at least eat mince (meatballs, paddies and sausages). i guess because of the spices. but even that is repulsive to me now
>Broccoli is just under $1 per pound, but a pound of chicken has far more calories than a pound of broccoli.
It's like $0.70 USD per broccoli head here unless it's on special.
>doesn't work tho bro
Nah I understand. Ive gone meatless a few times but never long enough to give up red meat. Listen to your body, if it doesn't want it, don't eat it:)
>that's a pretty extreme statement. care to back it up?
read the recipe for living without disease by aajonus vonderplanitz
No, you just took the green pill.
Nothing wrong with that.
i don't think so. all of these law and army services require you to have a bulgarian citizenship AND be able to speak bulgarian.
Wtf are you hunting?
veggies cheaper than meat?
where do you live?
>aajonus vonderplanitz
what the fuck is up with that name? where is this guy from?
in bulgaria
>require you to have a bulgarian citizenship AND be able to speak bulgarian
Well shiiiieeeetttt
>do you live in some megacity where the nearest farmland is 100 miles away?
This is a very large country, faggot.
hey, if it was up to me, i'd let you in. i think we need burgers over there. the only person crazy enough to mow down those mobs of refugees would be a burger i bet.
we need machinegun nests over there.
In Florida, Publix is the highest quality and most expensive.
I could go to a fucking Costco and buy like 100lbs of rice and beans for $20. That will last me YEARS.
Not to mention they sell lower quality chickens, they come in packs of 5 and are usually around $15-20. Which is more expensive than Publix.
American grocery stores are in constant competition about who can sell meat the cheapest.
I think it was about US$0.80 per pound of broccoli last time I went shopping. Do you know the approximate weight of a head of broccoli in Australia?
I know the heads I buy average about 1/2 pound each, but I go out of my way to buy the right size for one head to make one meal. Larger heads are available.
Well, if it helps, I really am white. Scotch / English,
and if America falls and I survive, I will learn Bulgarian and help you guys fight the good fight!
>Is Bulgaria that poor?
They're the North Korea of EU, literally eating grass out of starvation. The malnutrition damages their minds so much they forgot the glorious taste of flesh.
yeah, but that doesn't answer my question.
why do you think vegetables are more expensive than meat where you're at? i've been trying to puzzle it out since your first post, but i got nothing. i can't imagine how raising animals would be cheaper than growing plants. any ideas?
Kilo of meat is like 3 euro dummy.
Potatoes 15 cents a kilo.
You can easily eat normal food for minimum wage of 365 Euros.
They aren't here in Indiana because this state is basically one gigantic farm and factory, but in many states you can drive in any direction and see nothing but forests/plains for 70+ miles with a house here and there. A lot of the USA is still untamed.
>minimum wage of 365 Euros
does courland really believe this about bulgaria?
America is like random spots of civilization in the middle of the woods.
>i can't imagine how raising animals would be cheaper than growing plants. any ideas?
Industrial scale farming and the fact all the """farms""" are in the middle of fucking deserts because USA is mostly empty space.
Its because your gut stopped producing as much bile for breaking down meat ... should come back.
Just be a vegetarian then. It's healthier.
oh, it's gone up since the last time i checked!
maybe because meat you bought was bad quality?
well i am, i guess. i just never thought you can be forced into it. i just made fries and sausage and i gave up on the sausage after three bites. great fries though.
The flesh jew is degenerate barbarism anyway.
nope. today isn't the first day i'm realising this. i've tried meat from multiple different places too, not to mention places that i used to like before.
Don't listen to this faggot, it's way cheaper to eat like a normal human being, veganism the more expensive option.
Лaйнo лъжливo
Gib back potato pasta nigger.
eй мaнгaл, aйдe кaжи кoe e нaй-eвтинoтo мeco, кoeтo cи cи кyпyвaл и пocлe кaжи кoй e нaй-cкъпия зeлeнчyк
мpъceн пeдepacт
checks out
this clip used to be a favorite meme over here. first time i saw it i almost choked from laughter
great stuff 10/10
What does it taste like now?
Oт вeгaнизъм дo ядeнe нa тpeвa имa paзликa бe глyпaк. Eднo e дa pyпaш мapyли щoтo нямaш пapи, дpyгo e дa хвъpляш пapи зa coeви бeзглyтeнoви млeкa и raw meal.
great question. the smell is a combination of the way meat smells like when it's raw and the way it smells when it's spoiled. like you can always taste the carrion. it's pretty gross.
Something doesn't add up
aми тoгaвa кaквo ми ce пpaвиш нa интepeceн?
aз кaтo cъм ял caмo кapтoфи и opиз и лeщa и бoб и дoмaти и кpacтaвици тoвa нe e ли вeгaнизъм? вeгaнизъм нe знaчи, чe cи мaзнo хипи, кoeтo ядe биo чиa и тaкивa лaйнa, знaчи чe нe ядeш мeco и млeчни пpoдyкти. aз и дa ям тypшия и киceлo зeлe цял мeceц пaк шe cъм вeгaн
>2 pounds of ground beef $3- $4
Also, Ingles is more expensive, especially for meat. $3.79 for their shit tier, and $6 for lean.
The best bet is to buy a pressure cooker and pick up cheap as fuck pork ribs, chops, and beef ribs and whatever cuts are on sale, then toss them in a pressure cooker and make chili or stew or something.
typical britbong contribution
how about some contributions from more countries? i want to know what asia thinks about this vegetable vs. meat thing.
what's cheaper in asia?
Insects & rice.
No, seriously, I'm not joking. Insects and rice is a big, big food staple in east Asia.
how do they acquire insects tho? seems like it'd be hard? i assume they don't have insect farms. and how is the price/kilo on insects determined?
You assume wrong. Insect farms are a very real thing; even coming to America now. As well as that, they go out during mating seasons when lots of flying insects will be in big concentrations and use nets to catch them then.
First video on YT provides an example of insect farming: youtube.com
As for price per kilo, its a very, very good price. Insects require little food, water, space and care. You get a LOT more food for your effort with insects.
>Tfw pigs are the smartest farm animal but they have to be the tastiest
If they were a bit smarter they would accept being meat slaves for protection and food.
feel you bro i stopped eating meat when i was working abroad because meat in scandinavia was quite expensive and i was in saving money mode, and i was vege for like next 6 months.
holy shit. what fucking timeline am i in? how long have these insect farms existed
>cricket flour
alright but did you recover? did you start enjoying meat again? i think it's been a year and a half for me already and i still can't eat meat.
pig is good but deer is better
How do you think people feed their lizards and disgusting shit that shouldnt be in a house
A good few years, there was one Al-Jazeera video that was uploaded five years ago - and that's just the mainstream attention of it. Perhaps not even the earliest.
Looking at this: wageningenacademic.com
"Thailand is an example of a nation where the standard
of living is rising and the country is becoming more
westernised. Insects have been part of the normal diet in
parts of Thailand (Bristowe, 1932), but the practice has
become more widespread over the last few years."