Insult country above you. 2.0

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You make shitty memeballs.

"muh freedom" is not a valid culture

It's fitting that there's white in the middle of your flag so that you can fold it when you capitulate


You'r country is a meme.

what is this

Snail eating cucks

their p[resident got cucked by Merkel yesterday

Go wave the white flagg you Vichy faggot

Half of us are still delusional leftist retards even though Turmp won.

Cuck cut dick nigger lover

Literal nigger


there's no need

Parts of your country have a holiday that celebrates racemixing.

Failed multiculturalism the country

You are poorest exsoviet state.

Don't you have a bullet to enter your head Raul?

>Failed multiculturalism
That's a pleonasm

Can't afford guns, will probably just find a tall building to jump from.

You enslaved 5million Africans. We only enslaved 400k. You are the true evil slave driver.

There's no insult to be given to Brazil, the country is perfect.

Yeah, if you want to get killed,mugged or get HIV.

Youre turco-slavic rape babies cucked by the turks since time immemorial

You produced pewdiepie.

>"Time Immemorial"
>500 years

For you...

You have a hijab wearing feminist government and you can't stop gagging on that Somali cock.

I have nothing to say to you. My country is literally shit and will most likely cease to exist entirely within 20 years. I can either immigrate or expect to get beheaded, because by then I'll be too old for any ISIS fighter to want me as a slave.

>Average British man

Hungary is accepting German refugees fleeing multiculturalism.


Thank's for Riga, step dad, but you are going to become a muslim shithole, Riga will be lasy teuton-style city that will not see barbarians feet on it.

honestly, how are you planning to deal with these millions of refugees that are in your country. it just seems so irresponsible

How are you dealing with your voodoo witch doctor president's impeachment?
>Lost Bosnia
>Lost Kosovo

You can't eaven reunite.

North Korea is best Korea.

Some of you actually fucked abos

You think that you are brits but in reality brits have allways used you to fight wars, and they where sending a lot of criminals to australia, you guys are sons and daughters of worst brits.

tfw best country

very well actually, unlike in the US the people don't tend to throw tantrums and wreck shit in every protest.

and you can't even into economic development??

Another literally who country but at least you're whiter than Argentina.

Worst korea

You can't take a fucking joke without chimping out.

You are white country but at the same time a shithole.

Well that may be true but..

You're right. Your protesters wreck themselves by comitting seppuku in the streets.

i can say wholeheartedly that americas problems are entirely caused by niggers.

they treat bad behavior like a bill of rights.

and to top it off locking them up is profitable. a process which encourages the progeny of weak teachers in public schools . which in turn leads to nigger kids. which in turn leads to nigger parents and tramps.
which in turn leads to prisons. which in turn leads to niggers in compasionate positions
like political offices and public assistance.


I don't have the add-on, but i can tell you ain't from Texas, you homo

No, we can.The reason why you are so prosperous is becouse USA was aiding you, Samsung LIteraly owns 18% of you'r whole GDP.

I'm from California. Nuke us. Please.

never won a single battle in WW1 and WW2 and had trouble invading ETHIOPIA

I remember when these Latvians came to my country. Theyre just rapey Poles

worst germany

>mfw there was zero incidents in the anti-park protests
>that had +1million people present
>tfw american riots

90% of degeneracy comes from USA, you guys are the reason why europe lost it's might.

Gassed more Serbs than kikes.

Dude pizza lmao

Worst Korea

Kill them if you whant to.

Our state department is investigating Soros and congress is looking to kill Obama's leftist slush fund. The degeneracy spreading will end in time.

>아군이다! 사격중지!?


that's because we ran out of kikes but still needed to fill the quotas

Jong bung jauuu huj mjau lju bju chuu huiiijjj

>Not a Poo or Paki

Corpse of an empire

My gay prime minister says you don't exist.

Lithuania is better, it has Tony G.

>mfw I actually dont know what they speak in latvia...maybe russian??

Why do you still play Lineage? It's current year.

>the amount of russians who still play cod is just depressing

No, we speak Latvian, the master language just look at this!
Koreja ir laba valsts, man patīk jūsu valsts jo tā ir ekonomiski atīstīta, taču mani pārsteidz ka koreja ir sadalīta, tik ilgu laiku un kulturālās atšķirības ir pārāk lielas, vai ir iespēja ka jūs atkal apvienosieties vienā valstī?Kā tev liekās?

You invade our CSGO servers like you invaded Crimea

You are responsible for the downfall of the west.

Handy latvian man see farmer and say, "Your wheelbarrow sound squeaky, I fix for half potato." Farmer angry because as he say, "This not wheelbarrow, this is wife!"

Fallen gigant who destroyed eastern european economy, the only one's who benefited where churkas, who didnt own anything in the first place, and now moscow is full with churkas and shitskins and muslims.

And you ruined Europe for the 3rd time in 100 years

Leave it to the American to think a legal secession referendum is an invasion LOL

Your caliphate is ruining Europe for the 3rd time in 100 years, you must be fucking proud.

Make that Counter-Strike 1.6.
But the thing is that Lineage was released almost a full year earlier.
And it's an MMO.
For what purpose, Korea?

You are a disgrace for whose tried to make europe great.

Thanks for the Cultural enrichment.

The literal asshole of the US.

You are right beneath us. And even though we don't shit on you you somehow are still full of shit.

Heroes of Might and Magic addicted, HIV positive and krokodil abusing vatniks

Your cities are disgusting and people poor.

Goatfucker who must be part of australia.


>can't even spell it right

You ust be part of USA.

Literal leaf.

Your flag looks like an ice-cream cookie.

Hello Estonia

I am 90 percent sure you are some little Eastern European country so insignificant that I have do idea who you are. Except that the Russians probably ran you.

Inferior shitposter

>Eastern europe
No we are nordic europe.Also we lost more people in ww2 then you'r burger fat ass did.And killed hundreds of thousands of russians.


You own more land then you deserve.

Now that's a proper banter.


??? Nordic? The guy earlier had a good point though about your flag looking like ice cream.