my son is anarcho communist, What to do?
My son is anarcho communist, What to do?
Beat his ass and tell him he's being brainwashed into a shit ideology that doesn't work and only gets people killed. That his ideas about the world is irrelevant because of his young age, and if he doesn't understand his lack of experience he should be ashamed.
Wasn't that legalized in putinland?
A swift beating and burn any marxist/left books/material in a fire in front of him.
Keep him away from drugs and degeneracy, he'll grow out of it. Minimize his association with others, have him "go back to on theory", which amounts to reading a lot of books in isolation, never a bad thing.
Kids like to rebel - encourage him to see the other point of view.
Kill him.
Explain why he's wrong
Tell him you support his beliefs 100%, and you will prove it by cutting off his financial and housing support because as an anarchist, he doesn't need you as a central figure in his life
>kill self
>think about why you raised a faggot when you're no longer alive.
cyka blyat.
Take him out back and ship him to Cuba
Every time I'd come home spoiting stupid liberal drivel from school my dad would always make an analogy to show why those ideas were fucking stupid. Now I'm a nationalist. Do that
bring him back to marxism-leninism through the medium of a baseball bat
And do it in a friendly and kind of fun/joking manner. Don't condescend him while doing it or the little shithead won't listen.
Take him out back and shoot him, then chemically castrate yourself to remove your defective genes from the world.
Send him to a labor camp.
Wash flag with yellow until it gets the more desirable colour.
This guy gets it
>Tell him you support his beliefs 100%, and you will prove it by cutting off his financial and housing support because as an anarchist, he doesn't need you as a central figure in his life
This 100%
be an even bigger anarcho communist. rationize his food, the time his room can use light etc. call him comrade, force him to do labor like chopping wood in the garden
10/10 would bang
give him more attention
Is he 8?
Be a mother and wank him off when he can not sleep.
He is ancap though. OP is a faggot who turned the flag red. It's yellow-black in the original.
I don't think you fully understand the philosophy user
Is military school still a thing?
ur son has a nigger nose
well i guess so... so they don't want to work at all? all products just materilize out of thin air and then get shared?
Why say that CNN.
push the idea of it on him over the top, and he'll probably grow out of it because it doesn't piss you off and he'll be getting enough of it at home. Kid rebellion mindset. Doesn't want to be dad
Apart from the fact I was An Anarchist at 12 and I never changed even when my hair fell out.
He's a kid, he doesn't know shit yet. Talk to him about it
Too old, but give him the dick anyway
give him up to the state and try again.
tell your wife to lay off the booze though.
Help him find a well-paying job
what did he do, establish a no pasaran policy to his bedroom?
unless he runs off and joins a commune or something I wouldn't worry about it too much
let him go get his ass beat at a couple of protests by some hooligans and that'll sort him out
Do a barrel.
Chances are he'll grow out of it, no need to be edgy in your response to it. If anything, encourage him to look into the shortcomings or failures of his ideology and it's application/regimes. He'll either accept it's not viable, or continue to support it, but in a way that's less obnoxious and uninformed. Again, he's young, so the latter possibility is remote, but patience is a virtue.
I found Anarcho-Communism/Syndicalism to be an attractive ideology, and still do to be honest. But understanding the faults in my ideology helps keep me grounded.
an hero
Kill your son Owen Jones
>What to do
You beat the Marxism out of him, that's what. Worked on me, when I had my edgy communist-phase when I was 11. My Grandfather sure knows how to deal with commies
Try to build time machine and prevent past yourself and your wife from consuming large amounts of booze so your son dont get fetal alcohol syndrome. He most likely will not be such an autist then.
tell all your family members. grandparents, uncles, aunties etc.
have a family gathering. give him absolute hell!
it will cut him really deep, because it's his family.
beat it
Tell your son to not blame himself, because that what happens when you get born to underage parents.
Finns know how to deal with communists in general
Just cut him off and throw him out.
Ancoms are always people living off others money
>rich parents
>government handouts
>student loans/funding
Force him to make his own money, pay his own way pay his own taxes and watch him come back to reality.
Violate his NAP
call him a faggot
kek, that Finnish nose
Force him to read the Gulag Archipelago and The Road to Serfdom.
An hero and take you shitty son with you
As someone who was also an anarcho-communist in my youth, I can safely assure you that there is no cause for alarm. If he's smart he'll grow out of it. If you try to suppress him you'll only stoke the fire for rebellion.
Just halfway accept his stance with a laugh and assure him that when he grows up he'll come around to conservatism. Just be confident in your authority.
If you start acting cucked and burning books you're going to rear at best an autist, at worst a completely dependent failure.
Romania gets it.
feed it estrogen
>my son
Are you sure your wife wasn't MÄMMIED?
there's only one thing you can do.....
>kill him
tell him you're reallocating his wealth, then make him survive on microwave noodles.
>anarcho communist
no such thing
>implying there is no such thing as retards
>that's why Americans voted for Trump, our dads haven't abandoned us and let us become permacucks
Buy a helicopter
Tell him that you brought him from a fish market for €10 and he should thank capitalism and free market for saving his worthless ass
Fpbp from cuckistan of all places
Your son is a textbook example of fetal alcohol syndrome
You and your wife are both trash
>Wasn't that legalized in putinland?
Not anymore. Putin has introduced juvenile justice in Russia, so now your child can easily be taken away by social services if they find out you don't treat the little shit "properly".
Not even the 1% is safe from this menace. I remember some rich government official girl from Novosibirsk had her child taken away several years ago, it was all over the news.
because anarchism and communism are opposites
"Я тeбя пopoдил, я тeбя и yбью!" get the hint.
bash his faggot face in
break his legs, arms and spine
he is probably smarter than you, have a nice debate political debate with him
>Eat his ass and tell him he's being brainwashed into a shit ideology that doesn't work and only gets people killed.
kill him
If he's an anarcho-syndicalist at age 15, he's quite likely to be far-right by age 25.
He is a fucking idiot and you should send him to Venezuela.....
Fuck his mom in the ass while you force him to watch
This is more accurate than you think. The fringes of the anarchist movement have been pushing for leaving the left altogether for decades.
t. Former actual anarchist/CNT member
do this.
I read Moldbug almost a decade after joining the Socialist Youth and now here I am shitposting on Sup Forums in the current year.
People forget that Mussolini was a Marxist at one point.
deport him to Africa
He managed to pick the single worst ideology in the entirety of existence...
"My son is 22 years old. If he had not become a Communist at 22, I would have disowned him. If he is still a Communist at 30, I will do it then."
- Georges Clemenceau
It should be the dream of every parent for their child to surpass them. In respect to politics your son has. Be proud of him.
Beat him and rape him and tell him this is the future he chose.
Rape him
my digits confirm
This is actually both the correct and humane answer. But he's young, so maybe the cancer will go into remission.
Take him to a Gulag, explain what happened there.
>Every time I'd come home spoiting stupid liberal drivel from school my dad would always make an analogy to show why those ideas were fucking stupid. Now I'm a nationalist
Go on
>at 22
I was a "commie" at age fucking 15, I became a "centrist" at 18 and now at 23... you know.
Kill him
my digits confirm
Drop him off in nigger town for a weekend of enrichm....
>Checks flag
Write him off. You did father at least three, no?
beat the shit out of him
kick him out of the house if he doesnt appreciate what capitalism has made for him
Proof that the average Sup Forumstard is a mouth-breathing mongoloid with zero idea what they're talking about.