When are Anglos going to give us reperations for the potato holocaust/slavery?
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Ireland is Anglo
>too stupid to realise potatoes aren't the only food.
The only thing we did wrong was allowing some of you subhumans to live
Why do people keep posting this stupid fucking image. It's based on the long disproven idea that there are any relationship genetically between Irish and negros. There are also no Irish people or any European people's who's faces vaguely resemble that deformed cartoon. You can't tell the difference between Irish and English visually. In reality Irish are the purest whites in Europe of course.
Do you think the same thing about dresden you anglo swine?
When are you cucks going to start acting white
you didn't even read the text
sorry your country has to be at least 50% white for you to be able to discuss white issues
When are irish going to get over it.
The only thing the IRA did wrong was being communist.
You were literally subhuman thugs during the Troubles. Whether you're an Ulster or a Brit, neck yourself.
The legacy of the holocaust still affects Ireland's population. We would have a population of 20 million+ and the most glorious country in the world if anglos destroyed the country and started a terrible cycle of emigration and all the brightest people leaving and crippling the country irreperably
Why you stupid greentards only knew to grow potatoes? What about corns, peanuts, beans, etc.? You don't put eggs into one basket. By growing multiple crops in one field, it will help the soil fertilizer as well.
So you Irishtards basically got killed due to stupidity.
Sorry but your country has to actually not starve to death to be white. It's not the English's fault you faggots were too retarded to farm
those cunts stole all our food we didn't starve
how many potatoes would you like
But you fucks just claim the entire anglosphere is irish.
How does it make sense?
Wasn't it the Irish lords' fault technically?
Like they continued to grow food and have their lands worked, but rather than give or even sell the food to the people, they just sold it all to the English because they paid well?
>we WOULD be kangz
What, you want a bag of chips or something? We could do that - youre not getting ketchup, though.
>tfw you kill millions of irish 50 million indians millions of africans in concentration camps all the tasmanian abbos and millions of mainland abbos and nobody wants reparations
Fuck you potato nigger, from new Zealand. Stand united or fall.
You starved because your only food was potatos and the potatoes got a bug
Never. Ireland will always be England's bitch.
We wiz leprechaun n shiteeeeeeet
We gave you a £6 Billion bail out loan a few years back you cheeky cunts. Finish paying that off over the next century and then you can have your reparations.
Gib back Zuid-Afrika.
How where you so retarded that you couldn't even fish.
Unironically, yes. I sorta wish the krauts had held out longer, so the burgers had felt the need to little boy their arses.
St Patrick was a slave we brought from England you know?
£7bn actually
Britbong invader here.
As far as I understand it, British laws forced the Irish to divide their farm land up between their children instead of giving it all to the eldest son so the only food they had room to grow was potatoes which when they got blight the irish all started eating eachother and died.
Right after Germany pays war reparations.
The British wouldn't allow them grow anything else. Troof. Such is the life of British colony!
Don't compete with my agriculture you, you,,,colonists!
Germany was the righteous side in the war and you know that.
My gf is irish and she's fit as fuck
Said with the knowledge that American bomber command was backing up little Britain. Thus we have our vibrant multicultural world thanks to to the likes of bomber harris.
Do you want another 1812 you bodacious ragamuffin?
"where de irish wimin at m8"
t. anglo nigger
Irish women generally are attractive. Northern especially.
Probably not true, or very unlikely at least. Irish people are the ugliest white people in the world. They are SO fucking ugly. I mean hot irish girls do exist, but they are very rare.
Also their annoying, arrogant masculine attitudes make them far less attractive.
Stay mad that the anglos are stealing your birds paddy
>potato holocaust
Sue the weevil that killed the potatoes. Sue your ancestors for being too stupid to diversify their crops. Leave us out of it, Paddy. You've had your own country for nearly a hundred years. It's not our fault you're shit.
>Northern Irish
Pick one.
How come no Irish can answer the question: what did the Irish eat before potatoes?
>The legacy of the holocaust still affects Ireland's population.
Who cares?
>the brightest people leaving and crippling the country irreperably
The brightest Irish? So you mean people with an IQ of 90 instead of the usual Irish 80? Fuck off.
They ate cabbage and carrots and shit. English laws basically forced them into having smaller farms and potatoes are the most calorie dense food you can grow with small amounts of land so they had to grow that to live.
After the potato blight, they started eating eachother
The good side of Northern Ireland identify as northern Irish. Or British for short.
average irish iq is 95 so I mean people with iqs of like 120 etc the average irish iq would be like 110 if not for it. it would be like atlantis
Lots of contributing factors iirc, they irish farmers had got rid of the grain land to raise cattle for beef export. Potatoes could be grown on smaller plots, but they only used one variety, so when the blight hit there were no resistant strains. Absentee landlords etc.
Tasty...eat it up. paddy.
Your IQ is very clearly 95.
How can you live off cabbage, carrots n shit. Seriously its like a vegan diet.
Maybe Ireland isn't meant to be densely populated if it can't grow a diverse arrange of food. Its just one of those unfortunate events.
False. England didn't exist at the time. Patrick was a British Celt.
Oh sure you fat cunt, we where the thugs, turns out bombing schools is what the people who are NOT thugs do.
But then you do like bombing schools and hospitals don't you? You fucking half-breed nigger cunt bastard.
I'm not Irish but I do enjoy eating the people here. They arent the best tasting but they are very easy to shoot.
Remember, if not for men like him, you guys would be speaking Japanese now. Cos that's what Hitler had planned for you.
English people were eating all their meat hahahaha
My wife's irish an all
>tfw she used to be fit as fuck
You sick cunt...respect.
Oi Cunt aren't you the fuckwits with a muzzie mayor in your capital flaunting the Brexit vote?
Stay cucked
No but using Northern Irish children as shields and bombing churches is thugish, both of which you did
>Waaah the IRA planted a bomb and called it in so we could evacuate everyone and they just cause property damage, but we failed to evacuate, those murderers! Better grab an Ulster's toddler so they wont shoot at me
You're thugs.
At the same time Anglos give reparations to Negroes.
They will come up with 6 legged excuses or worse.
Thus is the way of the world...European man was never meant to be in Asia or the pacific anyway...we are an a abomination and don't deserve to exist.
IRA wasn't communist. At the start it was for like a year until it broke off into the provisonal IRA who was responsible for the fighting in the troubles.
The provisonal wanted nothing more than the freedom and liberation of the oppressed Irish in Northern Ireland, they were not communist and socialist that is BBC bullshit you bought into
> British government bombed churches
Where's the proof?
The loyalists chimped out more than the nationalists lad, and you guys helped them.
At least we night have a muzzie nog as president. Fucking twice.
> that is BBC bullshit
Leave black people out of this!
Later today when we fuck you.
When are you going to pay reparations Ireland?
And when are you going to pay your denpts?
The sad thing about the Irish is that ALL their history is about is getting cucked by Anglos. HOnestly I much prefer the Prison Islander heritage
>Bongs flaunting about brexit
>They were literally as cucked as the rest of the EU until the vote and haven't done a single thing after the vote to warrant proper pride
>Their PM was a remainer
Get over yourselves desu
People don't realise all Anti-British stuff comes from Communists like the Soviets.
This desu
Muh brave military
Couldn't defeat the IRA for 30 years then went into Iraq and Afghanistan where they couldn't beat the taliban for over 10 years.
>believing in the potatohoax
As if we couldnt of wiped you out in a heartbeat.
The reason we "couldn't defeat" you is because we weren't trying to. We wanted to extract resources from you.
There is publically available information that you can literally google that shows collusion between Brits, the RUC and the men who murdered non combatants and innocents on the fenian side.
IRA were shitty too, but the idea that loyalists are the British aren't worse-let alone morally clean-is an outright lie
Seriously. I long to return to the British isles. I don't belong here in the fucking pacific. My grand Parents were English and they didn't gibe a fuck about what anyone thought of that.
Difference being we could send some of us to a barren land and they turned it into a modern country. The Irish started with a paradise and made a shithole of it.
Ireland doesn't reparations. We made the Brits pay with blood.
Not to mention we almost bombed them into bankruptcy in early stages of the troubles
>Muh potatillion
The famine never happened, get over it.
Britians a shithole though.
>Potatoes aren't even Irish.
> gibmedats because reasons
Sigh, i thought your commie dreams died when the pussy IRA wet itself and bent over to submit
>nig tier
Essentially, but that was also the fault of the British too. The relief commission or whatever it was specifically made work building roads and such so that the Irish would be too tired and busy working for next to nothing to even notice the British carting food away to be sold in Britain
>That time a buttblasted paddy called Hugh almost brought England to its knees
Irish history is defined by interactions with Norseshits and the English.
I do not hate the English but their time on this rock has passed. I'd rather us both be uncucked and buddies. But english people acting like Ireland never causd them any trouble when they mistreated them is a bit silly, lads.
So what, it's our ancestral home...fuck the antipodes I want to go home!
they don't want you back, you're not an arab
if you were still living there they wouldn't want you anyway for the same reason, you should be glad you live where you do
We already do it to wales and scotland