Muslim Preacher Discusses How European Slaves Will Be Divided
and Insha Allah its going to happen. Scary huh?
Enjoy, Europe!
I bet you wish you hadn't believed guns are for rural and suburban retards your entire life. :^)
But those Eurofags want to be slaved and killed, otherwise why they love MusRats and their semen so much?
but.. he will not divide us
LOL alpha as fuck.
What is best in life oh Conan?
If Europeons dont want this theyll vote against it.
Thats big talk for a sand monkey.
The Swedes will be lining up for this shit.
Youre worse than cuckold if youre scared of these subhumans.
What a joke. Its like when Africans speak about enslaving whites when due to globalism they will never be free again and mulattos will be the ruling class and above them the ancient tribe
I am not Afraid of Arabs. They are weak and unintelligent. I fear the betrayal of my people and the work of USA
Ok great, but what's with the pic from the suburbs of paris?
whatever man, just look at chicago
At least majority of our murders are not commited by blacks
Says the krauts who literally had 4 million men under arms - at least - and surrendered thinking life would be back to 1890 after.
These cowards should invade with their army instead of hiding for months just to blow shit up at the end. Fucking cowards. Invade and we will see who wins.
This is an age-old war.
Ever since the inception of Islam, it has been trying to invade legit Christian clay.
It already took over N.Aftrica, Turkey and the Middle-East.
Now they are attacking Europe again, as they have always done.
Guns are only one part of the equation.
You have to have the will to survive to defend what you value.
So Europeans are going to be enslaved by mudshits, and you'll be shot.
Congratulations nigger.
This is no time to mock our brothers across the sea. The United States of America was founded by europeans with european ideals. We are still linked no matter the distance between. These crimes against them are by extension crimes against us.
>white slaves
that's a mistake, really. You can kill whites by the truckload and they seem to laugh it off but all attempts at white slavery seem to have ended poorly.
There were millions of European slaves abducted by muslims for centuries until the French bombed Algeria to ashes and dust and started counterimperialism. Europe back then was not pussified and infected by leftist ideologies. We are done, man. See that the US doesn't go down the shitter like we Eurofools.
>hehehe sucked in kiddo, we get killed by muslims unlike those filthy americans that get killed by niggers, now who's laughing now!
Inshallah! Infidels will suffer for their endorsement of degeneracy, and a false prophet, (((Kek)))!