>Race is a social constr-
Race is a social constr-
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me on the right :3
and guess which one of the pic got Jew'd to oblivion by this Jew ?
huh really made me think
But it is a social construct.
>Race Is a Social Construct, Scientists Argue
>Racial categories are weak proxies for genetic diversity and need to be phased out
Do you think you know more than Scientific American?
Can we all just take a moment to put our differences aside and be happy that we're not niggers?
me on the left :3
French Jew...generally considered the slimyest
Meanwhile in england
what's wrong with the fat ass?
Race is a facial construction.
and Jews are the master ra-
Legal in USA will never leave.
Never, deal with it.
>That pretty ''black''
>implying she's black and not 60% genetically white
If you have problems with demographics, go to a higher dimension. The clear and pure rises while the turbid and foul descends.
That Japanese woman shouldn't count, it's pretty obvious that she's been heavily-modified. Probably looked more like the one on the left before all the surgery.
Uh there are better examples of good looking african women than a fucking quadroon
>Implying their origin without knowing shit
>That damage control
>you can't determine genetic background by reading facial features
Gas the kike.
Lol the african is mixed
us has higher surgery rates than japan you retard.
Florence Colgate isn't that attractive, I prefer Kate Beckingsale.
>this assmad mudskin
Hey Tyrone wacha doin?
>Literally assuming shit
>Sup Forums in a nutshell
hallo jamal! Did you arrange a terrorist attack in France today?
Was her real father a Greek?
Çan confirm.
Am Slav. Am not white.
What exactly is your point? Asian women do not look that way naturally. She's got that "generic post-op" look women over there aim for.
I'm fine.
What about you?
Thanks for the chuckle, have a ((you)).
More like an abo thus aussie brainless fag
>he can't spot genetic features from pictures alone
Does God hate niggers?
Yep, planning to bomb things in Zelda BOTW. .
I can confirm,they are the worst kikes
>pointing out strawman arguments makes me a nigger
I just hate stupid people and if you're making fun of dumb nogs you better not be an idiot about it like this clown
>Asian women do not look that way naturally
wrong and you're a delusion idiot if you think this.
Pick one
first pic, not hot and hot woman.
second pic, hot and not woman
Your interpretation.
These study aren't all recent.
Other scientists question the veracity of these study.
But talking with stormfags seems to be useless anyway.
Post non-photoshopped pics or else you're just trolling
>wrong and you're a delusion idiot if you think this.
Okay buddy.
>tfw slav
what do guys?
None of those images are photoshopped
>most people are ugly or average
what a shocking revelation, you fucking moron.
Not a single one of those women have facial features even approaching this you delusional weeb. But yes, I'm sure the wide, blue eyes are completely natural.
>Widely accepted that animals can have differing breeds with completely different traits
>this is in both physical and mental traits
>apparently humans only differ physically because "Were all human!"
You will never look at niggers the same way again.
The African women are racially mixed.
we're all human only until we disagree with leftists
Why not?
No because the Jews wont stop fucking with my country
>race =/= ethnicity
>Your interpretation
No, it's scientific data.
>These study aren't all recent
Niggers haven't suddenly evolved in the 15-20 years since those studies/data were taken, Jamal.
>Other scientists question the veracity of these study
I'm sure they do. That doesn't refute any of the points though does it?
>niggers comprehending numbers
It's a sad state of affairs niggers are in. So hopelessly inferior, and too low of an IQ to ever possibly comprehend their own inferiority, like animals.
Those are Koreans.
Why should I agree on shit that isn't approved by the majority of scientists just because it triggers you stormfag?
God, I can't wait for this hacks 15 minutes to be up.
2 girls far right are cutest.
You do you. Though I doubt anyone could do such "racist" Science today and actually get peer reviewed and accepted.
So for some it's just "I assume everything is propaganda, if it disagrees with me"
Your sources aren't all unquestionable.
Also Nigerians are progressing because they have better education.
Stop taking just numbers which satisfy you.
The majority of scientists do agree on it, they just can't be public with it because it would trigger you, nigger.
No, if he did he would have sent a plague or something, oh wait
You can find any excuse you want.
>Source never.
>Also Nigerians are progressing because they have better education
Nigerians have the help of the white man.
You're welcome, Tyronigger.
I though it was only genetics for you.
once we pull out they'll let everything go to shit and the country will fail again.
fucking "humans" trying to destroy neanderthals once and for all
Probably but still, with good education, progress is there.
Didn't say they were. Just said we aren't likely to get any new science about it, so people with that position need to use outdated numbers. Some think those numbers are right and the current thought on such things is "dishonest".
At this point all they have is "anecdotal evidence" which means fuck all and in most cases has other factors.
Just my "a fucking leaf" opinions.
holy fucking shit
It's predominantly genetics.
You can rise up slightly out of the mudhuts, but you will never replicate what white people have done, especially on your own.
if they're going to let everything go to shit then there is obviously something wrong with them and they shouldn't be in a civilized country where we try to not let everything go to shit.
>if they're going to let everything go to shit then there is obviously something wrong with them and
we shouldn't be wasting our finite resources, also
>they shouldn't be in a civilized country where we try to not let everything go to shit.
Your opinion is good though.
Why are you in this echo chamber go shit post some where else.
what is evolution? we wuz apes n shiet.
Let's see if IQ will stay the same with time in Nigeria.
Then I will believe you.
what is a race
you mean like mario cart??
They are sub humanoids with a small intellectual capacity.
They evolved in a plentiful and rich biotope so it was not a problem to be waist full or to destroy things.
In competition with other animals and the inability to craft tools to overcome the balance, they developed to be loud and aggressive to scare off or kill other animals that potentially are a threat or a resource (so the ones that where less aggressive were less successful).
All other races have Neanderthal dna in them,
hominids that lived in a harsh climate around 100 000 to 250 000 years ago.
cooperation teamwork saving and managing resources was key to survival.
Empathy came in to play as well as if one member of the group was weak or injured it was beneficial to help him or her.
This member might have had a skill that would pay off in the long term.
Also taking care of your children and teaching them is more important in a harsh climate. Making sure they don't freeze to death or starve in the pre teen years becomes more important as well.
Africans had to deal with a high death rate from wildlife.
There was enough easy food and living to keep up a high rate of birth.
Because of this there was no genetic selection for cooperation ,teamwork abilities, intellect , empathy, efficiency conservancy or the ability to convey information from one person to another , simply because nature never required it.