Call yourself white nationalist

>call yourself white nationalist
>watches gook shit like anime

Other urls found in this thread:

I only hate niggers, spics, chinks and jews. japs are pretty based

>browses 2+2chan
>hates animu

I don't call myself a white nationalist and I don't watch anime.

Nice slide thread.

Japanese animation is the most pure Aryan animation out there

The anime aesthetic is quintessentially alt-right and white supremacist, it developed in the 1930s when the animation of the infamous antisemitic hatemonger Walt Disney first spread to Nippon. These rice niggers have been gaslighted to accept the Aryan race as the ideal embodiment of human beauty ever since that point onward.

It is natural for white Aryans to seek out Japanese animation considering the corruption of Walt Disney's company by the filthy kikes who have been pumping out vomitous perverse shit like "The Beauty and the Beast" or "Aladdin" for decades. A disgrace. Walt Disney would be furious if he could see what those Heebs did to his creation...


have you never watched any anime? all the characters are white



at last i truly see...


>fucking mudsharks reeeee

Anime is for kids.

The thing I hate most about Sup Forums, actually the only thing I hate is animefags.
Such a degenerate lifestyle.
If you watch anime please stop posting on Sup Forums and go back to /r9k/ where you belong you pathetic loser.

Anime girls are white tho

>if you watch anime, please stop posting on the politics board of an anime imageboard
Fuck off, you're no different than mudslimes who immigrant to Europe and then tell Europeans to leave if they don't like their presence.

No matter how much you complain about anime, you'll never change the fact that Yotsuba's the official mascot of the entire website. Go back to r/the_donald

And muslim cock is for muslim women but that doesnt stop you spreading your boipussi for some does it?

>call yourself white nationalist
>smokes nigger weed

>Because the board will stop working if you don't post degenerate pedo cartoons

Who could be behind this post?

Doesn't even have to do with being a white nationalist or not or whatever, watching anime just proves you are mentally retarded. I watched so many different shows and they're all absolutely disgustingly boring.

And I say this as someone who loves Japan. I don't have an aversion for their language or culture or something.

You literally have to be 8 year old mentally to enjoy this shit.

And let's not forget anime is factually degenerate.

Op is mad his brain is too small to comprehend anime. No 2d waifus for him. Feelsbadman.jpeg

>complains about mudslimes invading europe
>is completely fine with invading animu websites
Who could be behind this post?

anime is gay

how are those two things inversely related?

Last Animu I've seen was NGE when I was 11
First and last, really

Projecting this much for anime. Why do you feel threatened by anime desu? You're no better than a kike for trying to make anime fans feel bad about something they love. Making fun of anime is making fun of kek as well, don't bring that kind of wrath upon yourself. Heed my warning.

Literally Sup Forums's anime

Reminder that nationalism is a capitalist tool to keep people divided so they cannot unite against global corporate capitalist rule.

You got the causality reversed there buddy.

Penny's stopped existing so people started watching anime which 99% consists of traditional gender roles. Even the shows that feature a strong independent female will usually reveal it is all a front and that she is in fact more than prepared to tone down the act and let a male character take the lead. This is a fantasy that doesn't exist anymore and is not featured in western media, in fact western media is predominantly the polar opposite completely destroying traditional gender roles and acting like forks and knifes are to be treated the exact same way (they are not, one is a fork the other a knife).

If girls like Penny still existed animu consumption would be less with males being able to fill the role they were biologically programmed to fill. Instead all the man's natural instincts are discouraged from birth nowadays. Playing soldier at school will get you labelled as dangerously aggressive, being rowdy in class due to all pent up energy because nobody is letting you do anything physical gets you labelled with ADHD along with a prescription of ritalin at age 6, showing interests in "dangerous things" like guns, military equipment, cars etc. is a big nono too. Then they wonder why these males check out and delve into gaming/anime/chans, basically the last 3 places in the west that don't berate you for being what you are.

Grew up a military brat, went to school tied to a military base, some other kids and I during recess got a massive sheet of paper and started drawing a collage of a battlefield. Tanks, fighters, soldiers, helicopters, all the cool vehicles we were growing up around were included. Female teacher saw this, took our drawing, trashed it then phoned our parents for our disturbing behaviour. Now this being many years ago and the circumstances it happened in nothing came of it in the end of course, but still, that was then, I can only imagine what it must be like now.

If you are as new as you are you should consider going back to whereever it is you came from.
Not saying this to be horrible, but you clearly don't belong here if that is the kind of change you need to enjoy yourself here. This place has always been like that, if you don't understand that after 10+ years it can only mean you weren't here for 10+ years to begin with.
A place like infinite chan is more suited to you, not inherently linked to anime and you can ban anime from the boards you make if you so wish.

Good luck you out there danebro, I am sure you will find a place on the internet that suits your needs one day.
