Gee, I wonder who could've picked these quotes.
Gee, I wonder who could've picked these quotes
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I dunno, someone. Your point? Both his predecessors were actually competent and even Bush could talk and not come across as a totally incompetent spastic, unlike Trump.
Wtf why are white politicians such sexist morons
We need to elect Barack Obama again
>tfw too competent to figure out why flooding my country with millions upon millions of niggers is a bad thing
>Bush and Obama were competent
>That flag
Checks out
More competent than your current retard in chief, that's for sure. But I guess in the case of Dubya it doesn't take that much.
trumps IQ is higher than yours, you low IQ mongrel
Elite 150+ers like trump and me don't need to talk to shitlib retards like you, we're literally to smart for that mehmet
Please explain how Obama differed from Bush, policy-wise.
George Bush never would have aligned himself with BLM.
>we're literally to smart for that mehmet
Hi there, Bergjude
Please show me the part where I give a fuck
Oh I forgot you're an authoritarian dick-sucker spouting off about shit he knows nothing about. I think we can all agree we nuked the wrong country in WWII.
Enjoy the (((Gottkanzler))) reaming your ass until your country and people cease to exist, faggot.
Why would you like Obama? Can you even state a reason?
The gunless are not relevant. One needn't speak to the slaves on the plantation.
Because he's black and this new german is afraid of being called a racist.
Jesus Christ, Germans are so fucking gay.
That traitor needs to be put to death.
>authoritarian dick-sucker
You clapistanis, always with the violent homoerotic stories.
See pic
If-if-if-if-if you take into account that he at least has some experience in governing, has had community experience and isn't a full of shit 70 year old who got everything shoved up his ass forever, like the gullible FOX news watching dumb fuck your current president is, I think you might arrive at a similar conclusion. Also, trying to reform your shit healthcare system I guess.
Why does trump trigger you so much?
What's wrong? Achmed touch you funny under your swimsuit?
I'm just sad you people actually elected that moron into your country's highest office, where he continues to devalue it with his constant bullshit.
People used to look up to your country, now it's just a laughing stock and a god send for dictators and shit regimes.
Why is it that especially Clapistanis always seem to get off to violent sex fantasies involving brown people here? It's a bit disturbing, but not unexpected from a group with a 99% of sausage miring at muscular Aryan men.
The only people getting off to brown people here is your women and children.
yeah teach us your ways of electing great leaders like Angela "Destroyer of Europe" Merkel and a literal commie kike shill
>Le drumpf is dumb meme
He's aiming his speeches at IQ 100 and hitting the mark perfectly. Do you really think any dumbass can become a billionaire and cultural icon?
>People used to look up to this country
Why do they keep fucking flooding our borders then?
>Implying we didn't control the world and 75% if it's dictators since the end of WWII
Get fucked. Your empire was crushed and you are a failed race. Hurry up and cuck yourself out of existence.
>people used to look up to your country
Lefty cucks do not count as people
>muscular Aryan men
we're talking about germany though
Thank you for correcting the record.
Aww a bunch of left-liberal European nigger-worshippers don't look up to their Mulatto Kang Obongo anymore, very sad
>We are the ones we've been waiting for.
>dude you guys won't destroy your nations economy and demographics by importing tens of millions of literally illiterate niggers
>we're so concerned for you!
we're concerned for you, hans
>Why is it that especially Clapistanis always seem to get off to violent sex fantasies involving brown people here?
You're the one who keeps importing rapists by the millions annually, stupid germ*nigger.
probably the jewish communists at google i mean nigger