What does America mean to you?

What does America mean to you?

Is it a flash in the pan from the past, or the future?

Does any of this even matter?

Had potential before the kra*ts went over and bred like rats.

America should undergo balkanization.
Dakota (North and south combined) New England and Cascadia would be comfy as fuck white nations and the rest of the Land would turn to impoverished nothing.


The number 1 exporter of cuckoldry and degeneracy.

Isn't hard to achieve when all your offspring are named Muhammad.

Foreigners always forget about the Midwest Master Race

There are only a few places Id really like to see go. Namely California and Jew York, but California is an economic/farming juggernaut and Jew York is our most iconic city.

Im conflicted Sup Forums, on one hand I say let them rot. On the other I say final stand mode activated and we take back what our grandfathers built.

The motherfucking beacon on top of the motherfucking hill

Im going to assume youre still salty about Geert and give you a pass

A mistake. A complete failure. The worst decision whites ever made. They were brave and honorable men, but they were wrong.

Fat people
Uneducated people
Fake patriotism
Masters of diabetus
and many many more

edgy teenagers ran away from home on the mayflower.

they survived natives and weather because superior anglo genes and intelligence.

flash forward a few generations and the colonies are overseen and maintained by a faggy fraternity called the Freemasons.

this faggot frat club see America as the jewel of natural resources that it is and creates the United States to better control and claim land.

manifest destiny.

flash forward past domestic and world conflicts while the nation struggles to form it's identity.

modern america is project not very different from urban housing projects in shit neighborhoods.

the government provides for it's poor shitty people, fill them with chemicals (just for keks), and puts on a charade of a glorious nation all the while it's just a capitalist project for wealthy frat boys to spend poor niggers tax money.
americans are niggers. USA is a nigger nation. Every citizen is a nigger in a giant nationwide ghetto. The rich whites are mega corporations.
The united states is just a school project upheld by tax paying retards. We take the needless medication and fill our bodies with toxins. breath poison that factories pump into the air.. The Army and mega corporations are the Whites. everyone else is a dumb nigger living paycheck to paycheck.

if you're lucky you can make yourself rich and be part of the "elite", but ultimately you're still a nigger in a dumb nigger nation. just your clothes are nicer and you eat better.

Capitalism is zionism is the cancer killing the earth.

>t. Stalin

In your mind, what is a better representation of what a modern country should look like?

Get away from the eastern seaboard. Country is a hell of a lot nicer once you cross over the mississippi

True Libertarianism and free market system. No INTEREST payment. it's a jewish system of keeping non jews in debt.

don't pretend you know what True libertarianism is. The world has never seen it. and American citizens are too dumb to implement it.

So you dont have a single real world example? Just political theory?

I was 13 once too.

My Freedom.
Without America I would not have this freedom all my life. Thanks.

America is a failed social experiment.


>Niggers everywhere blaming everyone for their problems

>University professors from India or whatever that no one can even understand

>Basically a corporate shithole that's rooted in tax cattle

>Mexicans who exploit us for our welfare and send our money back to Mexico.

It's a shitshow.

Well America is certainly divided and the people see to it themselves far better than propaganda machines.

The most inane bullshit broadcasted rotting the American individual from within.

Corrosion of morals.

Capitalism enabling hedonism, greed, and deification of mammon.

IMO the States should be broken up in favor of autonomous city states. Tho I'm dumb and never into politics. So yeah.

Also public education. Why even bother? Better of taking a small percentage for higher scholastic education with the rest to rot in remedial work, better off this way as at least those in lesser positions retain true real world experience rather than nation wide sanctioned day care.
I fucking hate feeling this way

Reconstruction failed all of us, if we didn't treat the south like shit after the civil war America as a whole would be a lot better off.

>worlds largest economy is a failed social experiment

All I hear is defeatism, I hear no solutions to our problems. Funny you bring up Pajeets, if a 3rd world nation can pick itself up and go from designated shitting streets to a space program in one lifetime then maybe they deserve it more than us. At least theyre trying to solve their problems. Stop being such a pussy, Christ user.

I would be speaking german if it it wasn't for you.

I wish America was more progressive like the Dutch. You're like a miniature America with your own distinct culture and traditions but you guys have been the most supportive of America in Europe

>Amerifeels thread
America is a dead nation, there is no American "people" only a population of various races and ethnicities
They say this country is meant for everyone, but if a country is meant for everyone then it is meant for no one.

We were on track to become a nation, to become a whole new ethnic group, until that kike Emmanuel Cellers introduced the immigration act of 1965 which has been turning this country into Neo Brazil ever since

They wont be so progressive in another 10 years, mark my words. Once the shitskin population reaches a certain point theyll see the light.

That progressive utopia is undoubtedly appealing, but unfortunately only works in a homogeneous society

the largest economy, and military force, and cultural exporter in the world since ww2, and will be for at least 50 more years

what about you op?

Bottom line is, The United States is choice, entrepreneurship, and trail blazing .

The collective make the United States what it is, who's strings are pulled from the shadows.
The sentiment is universal that things can be better, but the roadway hasn't been laid yet.
Defeatist outlook condemns this nation. It's in our best interest to understand the past,
be aware of the present, and look to the future. Easier said than done, yeah, but not impossible.

The Netherlands has way to many camel jokeys and they are very pozzed

You're history is somewhat different than ours, we would not have a history whitout the US.

If youre used to new york then its pretty much just like that except not as much of a rat race

>until that kike Emmanuel Cellers introduced the immigration act of 1965 which has been turning this country into Neo Brazil ever since

We had a good run, didn't we?

Yea....we did

fight me irl commie scum

America is amazing and awesome.
We are not perfect. We need to have less gov power and spending that's the families and churches job.
I love my country and every one in it who is willing to work hard and not infringe upon anyone else's rights.
I am unironically a civic nationalist and a libertarian. I get a freedom boner just thinking about the economic genius of our founding father and the logistical capabilities of our air force.


I think America is a reflection on whites as a whole

So steadfast, so unwaivering in the belief of our own ideologies that well hold on to them until death. Which me just might do.

I believe America is the greatest nation this world has ever known, but also that time has passed. It was exceptional precisely because it allowed a man to live out a life in the way he saw fit, he failed or succeeded by his own hands. Were no longer that country.

Were still at the top in almost every measurable category but only because the wave of our grandfathers successes has yet to crash.

The greatest irony is that our greatest contribution to the world, individual liberty, will be precisely what brings us down. How can you deny a shitskin that right when its one or your most foundational beliefs? America is nothing if not a land of contradictions.

I still wouldnt want to live anywhere else though

I highly suggest that anyone in this thread read "The Dispossessed Majority" by Wilmot Robertson

Multicultural melting pot. The country of liberalism. Dumb white trash think their conservatives are not liberal.

America is still the greatest, the whole western portion of the country could easily demolish the rest of it and take on the rest of the world of they wanted to, but theyre soo chill because life is just so much better for them.


your basically the british empire at its height only more retarded and volitile

America's future depends on purging or stopping Muslims.

That is all.

Wrong. Trump is in office. You faggots keep acting like America is this shitty place. You cunts don't even understand how fucking great it is being born American. "Muh jews, muh niggers."

You don't have to worry about dying to random warfare, ethnic cleansings, never go without any necessity.

You disgust me.

You disgust me.



i just wish the lolbertarian party could field a decent candidate

I see theres at least 1 Netherbro with some national pride left

But think of the jooooooooozs


If you mean Hollywood, then yes.

But all the Marxist socialist crap is all on western Europe.

I love Trump, think he'll do good things for the country, but the Nation itself can't be saved
Pic related is what they teach in highschool history class

>Were still at the top in almost every measurable category

What categories? Not happiness, freedom, gdp per capita, nor job security, climate, quality of family life, life expectency, corruption, crime, gender equality.

You're not at the top of any list as far as I can tell.

>gender equality
Fuck outa here with that lol
I agree with everything else though

Go suck some more overweight American cock you fucking pansy.

thousands of your countryman died face down in the dutch mud for my freedom, you are talking shit here. have some respect

Wow things have changed.

When I went to high school, (((history class))) was just a bunch of fill in the blank worksheets handed out by some dude named Coach.

The reason Western Culture (in particular America) is so successful is because ours is the only culture with the ability to be self-critical.
We acknowledge our mistakes while working to better ourselves.

Shitskin cultures can't acknowledge their mistakes and shortcomings. That's why they can't improve without handouts from whites.

Unfortunately a nasty side effect of our self-criticism is the SJW "all whites are evil" camp that could very well be our downfall if we're not careful.

>random warfare

There hasn't been a war that's occurred naturally between Western European nations since at least the 16th century.

>ethnic cleansings


>never go without any necessity

Accounting for inflation, things are 300% more expensive than they were in the 1970's.

A history test now has you list which groups were the most oppressed by Americans in order of who we oppressed the most
It doesn't feel like my Nation

>What does America mean to you?

America is Atlantis reborn.

>Is it a flash in the pan from the past, or the future?


>Does any of this even matter?


California is the bread-basket of the United States. Libtards don't change that.


America is home. I can get lost and still know where I am. A nation birthed in blood and violence, built upon the souls of so many to be catapulted the frontlines of human progress. A great blood sacrifice that has in many ways benefited man in more ways than any nation in history. Crass, arrogant, loud, obnoxious are our best qualities. Even our worst people are better than the best europoor.

When I think of George Washington crossing the Delaware to crush the redcoats under his American dick I get insanely motivated and horny. There is no greater feeling than to know your country is responsible for vaporizing at least 100,000 people in a great flash of light.

>we should just be happy and complacent with what we have and the way things are

This is literally how you become a nigger. Pic related af

Boo-hoo. Get off your Dutch proxy you American shit.

America didn't help us out of the goodness of their heart. They were perfectly fine with leaving us to our own devices untill they were attacked.

The education system is complete communist indoctrination via cultural Marxism.

They are literally trying to teach that nothing has intrinsic value but for the 'class struggle'.

Agreed user, Ive said for a while now that our empathy is our worst enemy

This is the best argument against mass immigration by the way, if you fundamentally change what it means to be American then there will be no America left to escape to

I think SJWs point out our contradictions perfectly. Defending their right to endlessly criticize our way of life is in itself American. Censorship puts us in the camp with nations I dont want to be associated with, but is it a price worth paying in order to preserve our ideals? Even if the means to achieve that is antithetical to those same ideals?

Hold me Sup Forums

A huge temple with ATMs every 10 yards. On the walls and covering the stained glass, there are great shelves full of Israeli products.

I look at this country and I don't see the same nation that Washington crossed the Delaware for, that Jackson defended at New Orleans, or the nation hat went to the moon
We aren't the same nation, we're something else

Which gives people an incentive to join the military when you think about it.

(the products all contain poision)

duizenden amerikaanse families hebben hun zonen verloren om ons land te bevrijden gek! er is geen dag in mijn leven dat ik dat vergeet. dat jij dat wel doet vind ik onbegrijpelijk, ga nog maar eens met je grootouders praten mafkees.

We may be something else now, but enough of us still hold the founders in such regard that their spirits live through us

They put posters up around the school that says "love knows no gender"
Fucking kill me

But the Nation itself is gone, and it's not coming back.
Once a Nation is dead it's lost forever
Our Best hope is Balkanization and a fresh start

You're crazy nigga that's exactly what russia would want.

The self-criticism was never a problem before atheistic humanism and class-envy.

In fact, the self-criticism comes from the Protestant Reformation, which actually rejected those out two out of hand.

I could see that being a valid option in the future, but once after every other option has been thoroughly exhausted

Im not willing to throw away our collective glory for greener pastures just yet

George Washington was a Free Mason who welcomed the Illuminati. If his spirit lives through you then all that makes you is a treacherous faggot.

It's exactly the opposite of what Jews like you would want, besides what do you think Russia would do? Come over and physically conquer us? That's retarded no way they would spread their resources so far

>t. Putin

Why wouldn't they try and conquer us if were stupid enough to balkanize?

The important memes are still around. But yes, we'll need to FEMA camp the commies eventually to get back to good.

It's really something, all these new "all is lost" "demoralization tactic" "does it even matter" threads on the front page, eh lad?
Brock is a pedophile, you know.

fucking really

A great idea founded on great principals that show an optimism towards the nature of man you can't find anywhere else.

But its an idea only as good as its people. When the people lack faith in themselves and their ability to live for themselves, solving their own problems with a minimum of help it falls apart. The desire to impose your beliefs and ideologies on others is unamerican, from trying to ban flag burning to forcing bakeries to make gay wedding cakes. And wanting to increase taxes on people to fund your niche social welfare program (when you wont even donate to charity) to wanting to amp up the military budget to invade a country without being willing to see your own children or yourself serve.

fuck you for even entertaining that idea
what possible benefits could making our global defensive ability have ?
you arent getting your imaginary neet entho state you fucking 1488 larper

Because they would never spread their resources that far when they could just move into Eastern Europe, which is what they would most likely do if that situation were to occur

Are you forgetting the vast resources america has? Europe is over built and doesnt have the reaources we have

I'm not saying the whole US has to Balkanize, just one part of it, just one chance for a white Western Nation

>But its an idea only as good as its people

Nicely said user, agreed

You should fuck off to canada

Russian military equipment is shit, if we did Balkanize it's not like our equipment just vanishes
If we ever faced a ex-continental threat, we could always form alliances for protection of the continental US

Fucking retarded nigger

Keep your fucking trash

Canada is just as bad as us demographically speaking

China would fucking help em probably saudi arabia too with oil

Care to offer up an Argument name queer?

The birthplace of modern freedom

>muh free market

Yeah i sure love globalism too

The Chinese don't get along with the Russians the way you think, they don't "like" each other
China wouldn't invade/subjugate us via military force, if anything they would do so through economic means like what they're doing to the housing markets in Canada and Australia

Fuck America
