British tears about coming brexit - the thread

>I know this is supposed to be light-hearted, but it's just depressing. There's no levity to be found anywhere in the vicinity of Brexit.

>I know what I'm doing. I'm getting my German passport and then saying goodbye to this festering, putrid hive of bigots, old bigots and those that dream of days of empire when they could tell darkest to fuck off at the point of a bayonet and taking up residence in any one of the 27 countries remaining in the EU, preferably a hot one.

>This is so sad...those people voted mainly for Brexit who never visited any other country in the EU...Brexit is about hate, intolerance, selfishness...

>Very depressing read The realisation that the bigots and little englanders have the full support of both main party's and the views of the 48% who voted for remain are irrelevant

>just hoping my current EU country will relax the current citizenship rules. i'll always be British at heart, but in reality i want nothing to do with the backward looking wishing it was still 1945 cesspool it currently is. for the love of money...

Other urls found in this thread:

>polish flag
>guardian link
>pro-eu thread


>oh no I'm going to have to spend 10 minutes on the internet when I want to go on holiday

do these people think that they are banned from travelling now or something?

>traveling with a passport

Enjoy your cavity search.

This is the butthurt I want to see

No poland

Wow your retarded

>lefties leave the UK over Brexit
The only thing wrong with this is is that they move to another European country. Why can't we just deport all socialists to Venezuela?

Rolling in, Murica get

please be Japan, please be Japan!

Pathetic attempt to bump your thread.

>hurr without the EU you can't work or live in another Euro country

Wtf, I hate facts and logic now

This. I am rubbing my hands jew-like at the prospect of all these leftists leaving the UK.

Tories are already polling at 45% and Labour are slowly dying.

May is using all her media and political powers to destroy the SNP and we will become one of the most right wing nations in the world. Once we tear away all the EU regulations our economy will open up to the world and we will prosper like never before.

HAHA, you'll get aborded, too bad
What's comming for me?

>Tories are already polling at 45%
That's a good thing to you? CIVIC

I swear to god if I get Canada...

YTKD pls go

>Once we tear away all the EU regulations our economy will open up to the world and we will prosper like never before


along with your 350 milion pounds a week

The ironic thing about OP's image is were suffering all those things right now, all of them, and were still in the EU. Now the "certainty" the EU provides means more of that shit. Seeing as the leadership of the EU is unaccountable, in that there's no way we can complain about it, people protested in the only way the EU allowed. It is literally the only way the people of a country can communicate to the EU directly.

That is the reason were leaving. It's not hate, we simply looks at the "certainty" and said nope. But it's OK, because a bunch of people can grandstand and claim "it was about hate and intolerance" when in really was about jobs and financial security.


Oh well. Bye!



Jealous cuz the Brits are gonna survive the 21st century?

That's much better

>Trading globally is a bad thing

I suppose a Pole wouldn't understand how this works. You trade locally, like to the next city, and receive gibs for aunty Merkel. You see, when a country grows up they can produce things to meet a demand, we then sell the excess to our requirements, or create a product to meet a demand, abroad to make profits. We trade more than Adidas track suits to Russia man, a lot of money is at stake.

No you moron, you wont trade more globally. Why would you

EU regulations is meme as big as those 350 milion

for example people on Sup Forums invented a story that according to EU a slime is a fish and you blieved it, this never happened.

EU was not holding you back, but what can you know about it?

>No you moron, you wont trade more globally. Why would you
Because we now have acess to those markets.... You do understand the EU is a trade block right? To keep out competition and maintain "financial security" the EU companies.

So...Why wouldn't we trade more globally?

>EU regulations is meme as big as those 350 milion

Try starting up a business. Look up the rules and regulations, see if you can find a way to make it profitable. Unless you're providing a service to the public you will struggle to source and employ people locally. It's why jobs are going abroad, but you wouldn't notice that, Poland is still largely agricultural so it has to source locally.

>for example people on Sup Forums invented a story that according to EU a slime is a fish and you blieved it, this never happened.

A slime being a fish has nothing to do with trade... How is this relevant?

>EU was not holding you back, but what can you know about it?

Were a much richer and powerful nation than Poland. We didn't need development like Poland. We have never gained anything from you or other EU nations, other than people taking semi skilled jobs and lowering wages.

But what would you know about it? No one here want's to work in Poland...

>Be me
>Middle class white male
>Decent job in London
>Campaign and vote for Brexit
>Voted Tory
>Moving to South America in a month

Enjoy my mess :^)


>a pollack sharing a brexit related guardian article

I don't get that image. I don't see anything red about it.

Op pic is beyond retarded. More muzzles would be shoehorned in if needed didn't happen.


Porco dio


Whew lad
Sure are a whole lot of "all is lost" "it's so sad" "demoralize them" posts today

I think the only sad thing is that (((you))) think it will work




>The Guardian
>Pro-EU drivel and the PR Department of the Socialist Movement
>Owen "Cuck Me While I Watch" Jones is a columnist for fuck sake
>Opinion Discarded

The ABV is incorrect for the pumpclip. It was 51.89% that voted to leave. Otherwise its 101%.


Here I fixed it.

>924334674570000 huors in MS Panit

We have to travel with a passport to EU countries anyway.

Unless you're not travelling by plane I guess but who the fuck does that?

more people that benefit from the EU and globalisation still not getting that the whole country hasnt seen the benefits they have

must be bigots and racists though

they just still dont get it


Petition for Loyalists:

Fukku offu. We full


If you haven't seen the benefits it's your own fault for not applying yourself at life. Why should the hard working and skilled get fucked over by knuckle dragging chavs?

Are you a jap or are you just on holiday?

What is the General consensus of Brexit over in Japan?

>muh bennies



What are you talking about you dumb syrup nigger?

>implying third world EU citizens attempting to travel with their bullshit national IDs aren't torn new ones at UK airports


>this is what libertarians actually believe



rolling coal

oy vey... fuck my life.

oh no now britain is only 20 times better then poland rather than 21




let's goooooooo

>butthurt about Brexit
>been seeing these posts all night



pls america.

>butthurt about Brexit
>can't leach of uk economy any more

> I'm getting my German passport
> I'll always be British at heart

This is a mistake then, since once Britain leaves the EU any provisions for dual citizenship will be removed and current British passport holders will be asked to choose, just like Russians and Turks are when they try to naturalize as Germans. Brits in the EU can expect the same treatment as EU citizens in Britain.

Pole migrants BTFO by Brexit. Many being deported back to their shithole homeland.

Polish people are dependant on EU funds, no wonder they are very PRO-EU, Without it they would turn back into their 3rd world state before they joined the EU


bye bye

now kindly fuck off, whiny bitch

A men's only golf club in the UK is being forced to accept women. If they don't, they will never have the British Open played at their course again.

It's bullshit! The Cuck in this video thinks its alright. Thumbs down this asshole.

Oh, I'm crying alright.


South Korea!!!!


Tfw you can fuck a fit, hot, married polish 10/10 whore for LITERALLY a tenner.

You can bend her over, and screw her up the bum at the back of Aldi's while she's on the phone to her cucked Polish husband who's working in a toilet roll factory with 0 safety standards for £3 an hour.

The arabs can go, but you Pole, I want you and your women to stay. ;)

LOL! This dumb fuck actually thinks that the west isn't a castle built on sand. The media and gender studies degrees won't cut it in 'spain' or 'greece', those hot places you want to go to because they have terrible youth unemployment as it is, yet you think you're going to carve out a living with your lesbian dance theory degree?

The eu is cancer but Britain just cucked themselves into continuing to rely on them while having no choice.

you could just .... actually move here?


Kek that pick
Fuck those guys honestly

you are that pole from that poo in the loo thread aint you?

being this buttblasted you had to make this thread lmao

fucking slav cunt

Let's roll!

Gas the yuropoors
Continental wars now



Who will pay for Poland when Britain is no longer contributing to the EU?

Where will Poland do with all of its dregs when Britain is no longer allowing every last one of them to come here and leech off of the state?

What will Poland do when there's a mass exodus of Poles returning to Poland when they're no longer allowed to stay in Britain indefinitley?

What will Polish families do when they're no longer able to survive off of Poles working in Britain and sending their earnings back to Poland?

What will Polish women do when they're no longer able to come and have abortions in Britain and what will Poland do about all of the extra Polish children as a result of this?

What will Poland do when its economy takes a hit as a result of no longer being able to sell its cheap, mass produced food to Britain?

What will Poland do when mass unemployment once again becomes a harsh reality of life in Poland?