Religion is trash

Religion is trash

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If you weren't a dumb leaf you would realize it serves its purpose.

user, I don't think Christians are the ones playing with literal shit

Nah dawg. It's litterly shit. I mean you can't be that stupid to not see it, can you?

>Tax exemptions for me
Well yeah. Churches are, by law, required to be non-profit, donation run, politically neutral organisations.

There's no real good or service to be taxed.
Organized religion is retarded, but so is everyone that tries to tax it.

***except Islam ^_^

>pork is made illegal to eat because it is often undercooked and full of poisonous bacteria in pre medical science times

>wowwww church people are so stupid lol! they think they shouldn't eat it because god said so lmao!

I wonder if there are good reasons for religious beliefs and behavior, behind the mythology and obfuscation of time. We might never know!

Property taxes alone......

>make fun of christianity

>make fun of judaism or islam

I agree that religion is mostly bullshit, and true atheist shouldn't be afraid of making fun of or criticizing any belief system. Have you seen those retarded atheism+ faggots who have turned their atheism into this weird SJW equivalent of religion? I see those """"atheists"""" all the time who bend ass backwards to defend islam with accusations of islamophobia. It's fucking retarded.

yeah dawg. let's just act like it's 500 bc again xDD

so lets keep doing it even though these things arent a problem and can be reasonably explained now

>porn and videogames, widely adopted as harmless by mass media, turn a large portion of a generation into fucked up shutin freaks who aren't breeding and barely working

>it will make ur hands hairy lmao!!!!!! XDDDDD

Hey. Dumbdumb.

This isn't 4,000 BC. We've introduced proper cooking techniques and invented germ theory reprievesince that shit was written. Telling people not to shit in the encampment in modern era is neither useful nor profound.

I'm an atheist and I think the Muslims should be executed along side the Christians, Jews and Hindus.

The spirit of the Bronze Age persists as an all-consuming fire! Viva La Muerte!

Again, that comes with heavy stipulations regarding how they obtain and spend their money.

Are you willing to remove tax exemption from every other NPO just so you can piss off the religious institution?

White trash religion serves little purpose. The ghost dancers who commune with aliens (angels) and live forever are a different story. Non-native Canadians always were too stupid to sort out the good parts from the bad.

>tax free churches
>communities getting together and participating in free activities that aren't taxed
>Completely funded by members
>aren't allowed to engage in politics
>Christian charities still outperform atheistones by orders of magnitutude
>as opposed to government sponsored LGBTQ club houses that are used as locus points for left-wing/atheist political activism

I'm a hair away from going full fascist.You aren't helping. Somebody is going to get punched in face at some point because you made this post. keep that in mind.

This is all that religion has left, the tired "It doesn't matter if it's completely fake, as long as it's useful" argument. I thought leftists were supposed to be the postmodernists? LOL.

Religion does serve a purpose: it's the opium of the masses. Many Gods are depicted as kings and rulers for a reason. In modern times we see rulers using religion as a tool as well. Imagine that.

People used to believe that odor itself caused illness. This is why plague doctor masks were stuffed with roses to eliminate odors. Obviously we should abandon germ theory and go back to the miasma theory.

I'm an Atheist too and Muslims are the worst by far. Don't kid yourself.

>Implying porn and video games are the reason people aren't working and breeding and not that because people aren't working and breeding they're watching more porn and playing video games.
I work too many long hours to hold a relationship and I would rather be sitting on my ass, not moving so I can rest while playing battlefield instead of doing meth to deal with my back pain from my manual labor job.

>I'm a hair away from going full fascist.You aren't helping.

Blaming people for your shitty beliefs like a typical reactionary.

Condemn the religion, protect the individual.
I think Islam, Judaism, and Christianity are all retarded, but I support your right to practise any of them, so long as it doesn't infringe on other people's rights like my own

It's not 2000 years ago, abraham, why are you still so scared of bacon and why are you checking women's underwear all the time?

They're going to get their head stomped in now too. You happy?

unless it's islam, then its a very interesting religion and culture and how dare you infringe on their right to practice gay killing, woman oppressing and murder

i s l a m

Schizophrenia - The Post

Atheists are trash

fuck that triggers me so fucking hard
the new atheism movement was fucking ruined by fucking sjws like all good things, fuck!

>Atheists are trash
Nothing in particular means agnostic?


>I'm an Atheist too and Muslims are the worst by far. Don't kid yourself.
I've never had a Muslim tell me I was going to burn in hell because I didn't agree with them. I've also had too many Christians try to tell me how to live my life and try to control me. All the Muslims that I've known have been chill as fuck. I dislike Christians a lot more then Muslims but it's mainly due to the fact that I live in a predominately Christian country. If I lived in Saudi Arabia I would dislike Muslims a hell of a lot more. I actually believe in freedom of religion so long as you fuck off, leave me be and keep that shit inside your churches.

>something else

These people could have an Satanist Church of Worldly Delight, and all of their hedonism could be tax exempt.

But they're too goddamn lazy to fill out the paperwork, and too goddamn self centered to come together with others, even if it means getting richer themselves.

>I'd rather let the unbroken chain of successful s*xhavers, that begun with the first cell dividing in the ocean, all the way to me, die, and play videogames, than continue it

Why do you fetishize slavery? What made you so lazy, is it the ease with which you can activate the dopamine reward circuitry in your brain via videogames and porn?

No, that would be hinduism


It's ONE article you stupid fuck, it's not representative of most athiests at all!
Jesus fuck you're sensitive

Well low an behold I've had plenty of Muslims tell me about the hellfire and wish you were basically dead.

Daily reminder that Christianity is Jewish and Jesus was a cuck.


Only the dumbest of motherfucker could mix two concept that contradicts eachother so well and call it a movement.

fuck off degenerate
nobody wants to hear about the brown dicks you took




>live in a safe and prosperous civilization thanks to Christianity
>LMAO religion sucks who needs it anyway

You're like the Marxists denouncing capitalism while enjoying all the benefits of it

What's it like to spend your whole life being assmad at memes that have existed for thousands of years? Memes that have at least served humanity well enough to secure your very existence right now?

What's it like to lust for genocide of the memetically gifted while they have rendered you entirely powerless to do so and set you on your whole societies on a course of autogenocide.

>tfw every criticism Atheists throw at religion (hypocrisy, coercion, stupidity) subsists in completely secular societies
>tfw when the problem Atheists have with religion is that it followed by imperfect human beings, not religion itself
>tfw Misanthropists call themselves Atheists

>Christianity=safety and prosperty

>South Africa
>DR Congo

I think you mean thanks to the Aryan race.

You're going to trigger a lot of folks OP.

Or maybe they recognize it's morally reprehensible to tax exempt your personal practices. If only Christian would do the same.

lol @ the windbag Dawkins providing knowledge. Fucking kids in fedoras think they're philosophers. Kikes

>Why do you fetishize slavery?
Says the cuck supporting Christianity.

>What made you so lazy,
Not lazy, I work a bare minimum of 48 hours a week in a factory doing manual labor. I work 12 hour shifts, 4 days on and 4 days off. For 4 days straight I work, shower, sleep and repeat. This is my first day off after a 60 hour work week.

>is it the ease with which you can activate the dopamine reward circuitry in your brain via videogames and porn?
Pretty much. Life is meaningless. The only thing that actually matters is minimizing pain and maximizing pleasure. However too much pleasure leads to desensitization. That's why I love my job. I have four days of hard work, struggle and abstinence followed by four days of hedonistic pleasure. It balances out quite nicely.

jesus christ she has gotten ugly.

>Christian charities still outperform atheistones by orders of magnitutude
They also keep niggers alive.

Charity is a bad thing.
apparently you don't know what happened to the organised atheist community
i agree most atheists don't belong to some kind of community. I nevertheless think political correctness does poison a lot of atheists in the west, be they in a comunity or not

Some twat took their time to make that fallicious piece of garbage, and thought the entire time, "I'm doing God's work"

What a fucking loser

Seems completely on-point to me.


>i'm just a farmer
>has a sword, helmet an chainmail

I'd rather just read some statistics instead of having to watch 3 youtube videos and an article from 'news24', I feel that would be more productive of my time

>Christianity is a bulwark against degener-

Well you're an idiot, so that's not surprising

Religion is trash worship the state instead

> «nothing wrong with persecuting the religious. When Mexico made religion illegal in 1917 and executed all those priests then Mexico became much more open to prostitution, drugs and similar secular values that are the basis for their economic prosperity today. Without killing the priests they would be much poorer»
> - 'friendly' atheist

Atheists have a crazy definition of "friendly" when religious persecution is considered friendly. But they have no morality so it's not a surprise.

>low iq, intellectually lazy, bad writer, all posts emotionally loaded insults no real content or insights beyond pedestrian, MSM colored observations

i'd take aids over islam anytime
besides, muslim african countries (excluding arab ones) have rapid population growth and are generally poorer

here are the statistics my trolling leaf friend

>serves its purpose
>doesn't elaborate

Do you believe a supernatural being exists somewhere in the universe that made everything and all of the claims he's made in the bible are true?

Do you think fiction writing can still be useful without creating a religion out of it?



Niggers are niggers. Plus those light red countries are Christian

good boy

>attacking people is fine if they're a minority: the image

>i'd take aids over islam anytime
If Islam was 100% white and racist it would be the best thing ever.

>Jews voted for hillary

You think for a moment that a Satanist gives a fuck?

A Satanist wants to be left ALONE. Any way they can keep their personal freedom is a check mark in their corner.

A Satanist doesn't want to follow God's rules or yours.


according to pew & wiki atheist make up for 2-3% of Americans, compared to catholics with 22%. If atheist had a similar share of the populace as catholics their percentage of abortions would surpass those of catholics. Too lazy to compare the others but I expect similar results.

>determining how you feel about someone by who they voted for

SJW detected

People here are losers that want to larp as crusaders, let them OP. They will never know how it feels to be intellectually superior. They will never know what it's like to school people with facts and logic. Fuck your stupid skydaddy. The human race is tethered to a rock floating in space and you fucking christcucks are over here worried about "MUH DEGENERACY ON Sup Forums". Fuck off, plebians.

You can't be that stupid, ya cunt.


I know niggers are niggers. But clearly Christianity makes niggers even niggerer.

And it's not doing whites any favours either.

i'm an atheist, ahmed, but i feel way more threatened by islam then christianity

So, do I. But Islam isn't white.

This is my point. Were it not for the fact that it's followed almost exclusively by shitskins it would be lightyears better than Christianity.

Shut up faggot. You don't know shit about anything.

That doesn't explain shit. Why don't the Indians eat cows then? They're not bacteria ridden. also, they had no concept of how disease spreads then.

Indians have sacred cows jews and mudslimes have pigs

I've seen a much better argument posed that the people in those areas didn't eat cows or pigs respectively because for various reasons it was very inefficient for them to try to farm those animals. Even then that argument is a bunch of bullshit handwaving by a sociologist. They can't prove shit neither can you.

This is more cringey than when the fedora meme first rolled out. ish.

Says the guy who's first post is 'dey notised a trend wen day eet pork so dey said don du it den scienc cumfirm dem religun truu!'
Lmaoing at your life right now, hombre

Unfortunately most people who don't believe in god are prone to believe in madness, as can be seen everywhere. That's why religion is so important in the first place.

Underrated post.

>Well low an behold I've had plenty of Muslims tell me about the hellfire and wish you were basically dead.
I've had the opposite but if I was in your shoes I would dislike Muslims a lot more also. Like I said I don't give a fuck what religion you partake in as long as you leave me the fuck alone.

Just like your country, your opinion is completely insignificant.

>live in a safe and prosperous civilization thanks to Christianity
You mean a democratic republic with a competition of capitalism and socialism whose intensities are voted on by the people.

>LMAO religion sucks who needs it anyway
It does, it's a tool used for oppression. There's a reason why Christianity is in decline in all of the first world country but is on the rise in third world countries. I actually don't care if it goes away or not because I live in a free country. If you wish to be a slave to a God that doesn't exist then by all means go right ahead, just don't push your shit on me.

>You're like the Marxists denouncing capitalism while enjoying all the benefits of it
You do know that Capitalism creates Marxism right? You also do know that Marxist-like ideologies have stopped capitalism from falling in on itself over and over again in the past?


Sweden overall is cucked, it's turned into a non-argument for anyone trying to use sweden as an example of anything. They might all be retarded. What a fucking anomaly that place is, i'm glad my great grandfather left that garbage heap.

White Christians are cucked worldwide.

Even the Westboro Baptist Church are nigger lovers.

Religion is the archetypal Blue Pill. It is the original bullshit narrative made to serve the elites interest. Even if you are a believer, you acknowledge that Religion, for most of its history, has been used as a mean for political control.

>There's a reason why Christianity is in decline in all of the first world country but is on the rise in third world countries.

Because third world countries tend to favor traditional, conservative social values; while first world countries are increasingly dipping into nihilistic, hedonistic degeneracy. Meanwhile, Islam is slowly but surely taking root. The West won't be secular in the end; that vacuum is just going to be filled by another religion.

That's true; doing favors for anyone who wants the handout. It's like a poor attempt at socialism.

I'm an atheist but I can't help but feel when people like Dawkins, Harris and Hitchens make the point that you can't look to Mao or Stalin as examples of atheism run amok, that kind of strikes me as disingenuous. It may not have been the primary motivating factor overall but it surely was in their actions towards religious institutions. Am I wrong here?

There's a third way to resist nihilism AND religion.

and yet the left will never fling it towards a muslim