how based was he? the far right has made use of his works, but leftys are also eager to lay claim. commies and anRAWRchists, mostly stirnerfags, use him for an anti racist poorfag context. others use him in anti racist anational elitism kind of context. who can lay claim to him? or was he just too super spashal for sides?
Other urls found in this thread:
literally a Stirner plagiarist, added nothing new to the arguement
> How Marx and Nietzsche suppressed their colleague Max Stirner and why he has intellectually survived them
> New Light on the Stirner/Nietzsche Question
He wasn't based, but he was smart enough to realize what was happening in western societies ie the weakening of religion and the nihilism that would result because europe is full of a bunch of weak willed faggots.
It all goes down as whether you want to "become what you are" and embrace the ubermensch or if you want to go back to strong traditions, moral and values
I personnally don't think we are ready for the ubermensch
he was trash
he believed in moral relativism and authority.
psuedo-intellectual garbage.
checked, but didn't he have a boner for those old traditions? my impression of him was that he was a sort of classical greekfag who saw christendom a slave revolt in morals.
No he did not you retard. Nietzche was far from nihilism and moral relativism actually, he even thought wagners music was degenerate. He just realized what was obvious, that humans are animals. Only the weak-minded and weak-willed will see this as a reason to drop all moral values and have no purpose in life. If everyone saw life as an art and tried to make civilization strong and prosperous we would have no degenerates and no religious degenerates.
His sister changed his work to fit the nazi beliefs
albert camus is literally /ourguy/. why dont i ever see him being discussed? his philosophy is the philosophy to end all others.
This is an 18+ website.
Overtime I have discovered that the average anglo knows fuck all about Nietzsche. Do not buy Zarathustra in English.
You won't understand shit, I have a french and an English one and the English one should be illegal.
So far the Swede is right.
OP opened with the discussion about nietzsche and you claim i'm underage?
Meh, it's still very coherent.
And I have yet to see actual proofs of that.
+ Why would a fascist movement keep the parts where he openly shits on the state.
She changed it to make it look more anti-semetic.
And nazi's are not fascist, see other thread on board.
I've read Nietzsches work in English, and I don't think the misunderstanding of him has anything to do with language. Maybe some people are simply too stupid to understand he's indeed not a nihilist or anything like that.
>nazis are not facist
Let me quote and you decide yourself
>I miss the time when people used to fight each other
>If you cant be my friend at least be my enemy
>You should love your enemy more then your friend (context here is that enemys are more important to an individual then friends, because they help you to improve more, firends help you to survive)
>Thats how I want man and woman, warwilling (kriegstüchtig) the one and "wanting to give birth"(gebärtüchtig) the other, but both loving to dance.
>God died because of the pity to the humans
You have to activly refuse to read some of the passages to compare him to Stirner.
You have to activly refuse to read "der letze Mensch" witch is leftism.
You have to activly refuse his statements on nations to claim he wasnt nationalist.
>the pic
>the post
based :)
Nietzsche talkshit the niggers and the chinks too.
Calls them preachers of death for being submitted people.
So what, he is somewhat right.
He is not anti semetic as much as he is anti judeo christian
As I said.
I have 1 version in french and another in english.
And the english one shouldn't have Nietzsche's name on it.
It misses a lot of content removed.
I call him "the meme philosopher". His whole philosophy run around this concept of "will of power" and he didnt even explain us what the fuck this will of power is. We only had some sketches so everything its an interpretation. What a meme.
>He is not anti semetic as much as he is anti judeo christian
No he wasn't.
>inb4 muh slave morale.
It misses a lot of content ***
Nietzsche would have detested nazism. He believed that the "super man" was a theoretical endpoint in humanity which we should all constantly sacrifice ourselves to achieve. All people should strive towards it, not just aryans, or any other single group.
He wants people to break their social conditioning and excel - that doesn't mean killing or deriding those who dont.
how can stirnerfags care about racisim or poorfags?
He doesn't speak of genetics and such as much as he speaks of the implications of religion.
Now you can deny this but it doesn't mean you're right.
Like said. Read Nietzsche in german, a lot of words can't be translated and they are not correct in english and lost their meaning
People always think that when Nietzsche tries to come up with a solution for having lost the justification of our morals (death of God and thus Christianity), that this is somehow proof of him hating Christianity or being a nihilist.
He didn't, he's just trying to figure out what the fuck we're supposed to do after losing the cornerstone for our whole civilisation.
He was no humanist.
He didn't believe in human unity although he did say that the ubermench could be everyone.
He promoted polytheism in part because of that.
He hated the state, the mix the the tongues and the incompatible moralities that it holds.
I repeat, he wasn't a humanist and would have detested the concept of multiculturalism as it represses our natural instincts of protection.
That's clear as shit on paper.
You leftits really have to stop doing that shit.
He doesn't speak of genetics and such as much as he speaks of the implications of religion.
I don't see how what you said invalides ^^^
Well, what is anti-semetism?
Is it hating the jews?
Is it hating the jewish ways?
Is it wanting to fight the jews?
For the average citizen all of these questions are synonymous, while there are huge differences! The first to questions should be answered with no and the third with yes(from the nietzschian perspective).
To avoid confusion the Reichspropaganda said these questions are synonymous.
>he didnt even explain to us what the fuck this will of power is.
Yes he did. "An insatiable desire to manifest power". He believed that all things have a capability beyond their immediate or enforced reality.
Look at an atom - it has the capacity to create enormous power, but it is restrained from doing so. Look at a gorilla, it has the ability to learn how to communicate with humans, but they generally don't because their environment creates other concerns.
Nietzsche believed that humans have enormous power within them which we fail to use because we are preoccupied by religion constraints, ideas of morality, or political or legal restraints.
Basically Nietzsche was saying "Fuck the system - the system was made by other men who made up ideas of good and bad for you, then built rules around them."
We're the same person though.
Maybe you should try to form a coherent sentence, then I might be able to have a conversation with you.
Are you a native French speaker?
>he is anti judeo christian
Trying to cope with the fact that something has been destroyed does not imply you wanted the thing in question to be destroyed.
This is how I invalidate ^^^
no, i agree leaf. He believed in the human compulsion. The tribal. I'm not being lefty.
>leftys are also eager to lay claim
"You preachers of equality, thus from you the tyrant-madness of impotence cries for 'equality': thus your most secret tyrant-appetite disguises itself in words of virtue"
Well, let's put this way.
If you gave him the choice between the greek mythology and christianity/judeo christianism.
He would have chosen the first. Without a doubt. Why, because the greek mythology was more fit to our human nature. Althoug he gave some compliments to religion and it's positive influences. Overall he was quite against these two monotheist religions. And I say two because he says of Islam : at least they have the decency to admit they are dealing with men.
the ubermensch is not a tangible thing; it's a concept similar to living the life of jesus in christianity
You could almost say that Nietzsche believed in being a sociopath - he believed in defying any and all resistance in the pursuit of a great passion.
Psychopath would be the word
I also have this feeling sometime.
Who knows, maybe being a psychopath is the original human path, crushed by judeo christianism and other death doctrine.
Surely they are well adapted to survive.
Quite funnily Bakunin, founder of today's anarchism, created it because he opposed jewish dominance.
Nvm. I've just checked in english and you're correct. My bad.
Again, analysing why something failed doesn't mean he wanted it to fail, that he hated it, that he was against it. This is what "anti" means.
Nietzsche was not anti "judeo Christian", no matter how much you want him to be.
Thank you a lot for this lenghty discussion over the way you define a fucking word.
He didnt like it*
Jesus christ the autism is powerful on this forum.
Or better yet because even there you could go spastic, he admitted that those were not his favorites, surely you can't deny that.
Defining words is essential to philosophy.
What is good?
What is truth?
Maybe you should go back to posting lolcats on facebook if this is too much for you.
Plagiarism is a spook
I know, that's why i said "embrace it"
Are you asking me the question or are you asking me what Nietsche says of it^
I recall reading something where he makes the link between the origin of the word bad and the word debt in english in the genealogy of morality.
Thoughts are essential to philosophy, words are adjustable to some extend and you're arguing over a moronic detail. What is the difference between not liking something and rating it as the worst choice.
Next to none. You're just being an ass.
Fucking pleabian slowing down the discussion.
You remember incorrectly, it was in german, the word is schuld, and it was from debt, to (moral) fault
Or maybe it was the word fault, can't remember exaclty.
Yeah. Just recalled
But the discussion behind it had to do with morality.
Maybe you should read him again before jumping into debate. If you missed this point, you likely missed a few others
You're right.
I'll stop, I just noticed I wrote in English instead of in german... lack of sleep.
Have a good one.
Before spouting off about Nietzsche, at least learn how to spell his damn name
Well, those are memory related details with me half dead on my chair.
I can't remember what he was trying to demonstrate with this but overall I feel pretty safe to say that the genealogy of morality speaks of morality. Yes.
I know a thing or two about Nietzsche. ama
Tell me about Nietzsche, why does he wear the mustache?
He was being more marxist than the marxist and showing how actual morality is more rooted in the material world than in higher ideal virtues
In the case of schuld/debt he wanted to show how the genealogy of morality was linked to wealth and power and it had originally no sympathy for poorfags and manlets, and secretly still hasn't
the antichrist makes a pretty strong case for him hating christianity. there's a line in it somewhere about it being pretty much the worst thing ever, to say nothing of the thousands of other passages that shit on it, from daybreak on down.
The same type of people who think you've refuted an argument by pointing out a spelling mistake, will say that he wore a mustache because he had syphilis.
I don't know if that's true, but the motivation of those who say that's why is suspect. It's worth noting that N's health started collapsing around the same age that his father died of a "softening of the brain."