It's time to meme kurdistan into existence.
It's time to meme kurdistan into existence.
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He's really getting desperate now.
Ten years from now, with Turkey in economic ruin, Erdogan is going to end just like Ceausescu.
>western Anatolia and European Turkey to Greece and Bulgaria
>eastern Turkey to Armenia and Kurdistan
>Turkey reduced to around a third in size in central Anatolia
Find a flaw
i was doing this on Sup Forums a year ago but i ended up being called a commie.
literally the best way to fuck up roaches.
Don't tell me that Sup Forums buys the whole K*rds meme. I mean it would be pretty abnormal for anyone to not hate T*rks at this point, but K*rds are even worse. They are like double T*rks.
but if turks and kurds kill each other its already half of turks
You're just like them but with more mongol DNA from all the invasions
>r-selected gonna r-select
If Europe wants to be K-selected, it's time for the beat downs.
We'll deal with the kurds later. Right now is about destroying Turkey.
like also is god's work.
I would reproduce with anzu at least 5 times!
>Waaah I hate Kurds but I'm still going to occupy their land anyways
>white genocide is nonse....
Other people having kids is not genocide.
>Let's meme X into
Hehe le reddit XD
Decent plan. Encircle the turks and then bolster the military power of the surrounding nations. Start deporting the turks back to the steppes.
best part is if you even poke libtard nose in this he would never accept it and never agree with you
Well yeah. But it is not a good idea to have a literal islamig gommunist country in the middle of an already buggered region.
The ching chong admixture is small in both ethnicities. K*rds are just darker, hairier, more inbred, and more conservative.
If it was up to me they would get their mountains and we would deport every single K*rd in T*rkey to there. But they do not want that. They want autonomy, so that they can fuck donkeys freely in their autonomous region while still leeching off of T*rkey.
Hell, if it was up to me the western provinces of T*rkey would secede.
Why are roaches so retarded? Doing stupid shit like this just furthers the cause to not let the into the Eu while also straining relations. What do they even get out of this?
Turkey is going to Invade Europe, I've been saying it for months now.
Britain and America will not land on the beaches a second time for mainland Europeans, why the fuck should we put our mortal bodies between Turkey and you?
This is your fault, Germans, French, Spanish, Polish, Dutch
You are all going to reap what you have sown
stop shilling you faggot
I'll allow Euros to come here, I'm not like other burgers who want us to remain 60% white. Seriously though burgers do need to realize white immigration benefits us.
grandstanding that serves also to pressure opposition during an election. literally not news
Turkey would get completely BTFO even if they were only facing the EU. Also the military is mostly anti-Erdogan which would be a problem for them
Money from (russia, israel or china )
Complete wishful thinking of Erdogan roach right there.
Previous works on France and Catalonia found distinctive arrival effects on migrant fertility. These effects
are confirmed for the Turkish migrants in Germany. We further find that the
fertility risk among the Turkish migrants decreases with increasing duration of
stay, as was shown for France and Catalonia. The positive effect of being in
a union and the large impact of the age at migration, particularly for those
migrating in young adulthood ages, is also confirmed for the Turkish migrants.
However, some of our findings differ from those for France and Catalonia. This
might be because these studies examined all of the migrants together or because the migrants were grouped by their continent of origin. Our work examines Turkish migrants in Germany,
and thus focuses on one specific group of migrants. The strong anticipation effect
of a low fertility risk in the years preceding the move shown by Devolder
and Bueno is not evident for the Turkish migrants in Germany. For the
Turks, hardly any anticipation is visible: their fertility decreases slightly before migration, but it never falls significantly below the German level. The small size
of the Turkish anticipation effect might be related to the low German fertility
level. In addition, the arrival effect of very high fertility right after migration
is found to be even more extreme than it was in Catalonia and France. Most
of the Turkish migrants probably came for the purposes of family reunion or
family formation, which has a positive effect on the fertility risk during the years
immediately following migration. The Turkish migrants apparently represent a
specific migrant group in which migration and childbirth are highly interrelated.
Furthermore, the Turkish migrants’ risk of having a first child adapts
to the German level with increasing duration of stay and even falls below that
I hate Turks so much. Kurds are bros on the other hand. Kurds are the true master race down in the area.
Turks in Turkey have Europe-tier fertility rates. Their Kurds have Muslim-in-Europe tier fertility, while already comprising 15 percent of the population. Either Kurdistan is happening, or the Kurds are taking over Turkey.
Ok Heval.
Roach, just fuck off. Your country is evil, just like Saudi Arabia.
France would anihilate Turkey overnight on its own lol.
>mfw turkey collapse into a massive civil war
Neo Byzantium when
He's asking them to breed less? Mighty fine of him.
The problem is that Greece is just Turkey 2.0 with less Islam. The people are genetically identical.
Erdogan should be hanged from the tallest minaret in Constantinople.
K*rds are even worse. You are clearly a retarded ANTIFA faggot who hasn't actually met a K*rd IRL and buys the whole MSM narrative, or a K*rd.
Feels good man.
You know turkey is scared shitless when they send in erdoshills.
>EU and Russia ally to remove roaches.
fuck off roach
They are not. Islanders are different, Peloponesians are different. Mainlanders from Macedonia and Thrace are more Turk/Balkan-like
t. half-Greek
somebody love me..
This is a myth. T*rks from the Aegean coast are pretty similar to Greeks but most of the country clusters closer to Armenians or Georgians.
I didnt use to hate turks
But edoman is threatening to basically kill Ataturk's turkey
Worse he is trying to make a you back to a islamic country
Cant one of out a bullet in his head and save turkey
No way! The EU are globalist cunts and the cause of all this mass immigration in the first place. Their biggest justification to exist is to defend against Russia. Let's meme Le Pen into power so the EU will collapse faster. Then bonds based on shared interests/cultures can form. And work together to remove kebab!
He is extremely well protected if that is what you are wondering.
Are you a turk or a expat
He did win the elections in Turkey by using that tactic. It is a known tactic that civilized people make less babies, and subhumans like him use it to use the flaw of democracy. The solution should be abolishing democracy.
As an Assyrian, I will shoot Erdogan
ok stab him then
Lol same fagging
Buts it better for a Assyrian to take edomans advise and have quite kids
There aint many of you, your basically christian proto arabs
Literally the only non sub humans of thr middle east
Turkey and Turks still exist.
No I am T*rkish.
Fine, nuke it what's left of turkey and all the stalker fags can go there as well
They will have to get through the balkans first achmed
birth rates in europe ~1.8. hence whites are shrinking. Take into acount that non whites have a lot more children means we have more and more non whites being born and birth rates for whites are even lower. Plus, we get a huge number of non white immigrants, plus race traitors. It's only a matter of time before white become a minority and then cease to exist completly
Wasn't so hard last time
Hopefully serbs actually remove this time
Thats not genocide boi
Westerners are too cucked to have children.. it isnt the non whites fault
In a civil war Turks and Syrians will immigrate to europe and if you think that europe can hadle it I have nothing to say.
Build the wall
these subhumans tout their r-selection strategies like a badge of honor
>usless id
I dont care about western Europe
As much as i want to see the hisotrical side of europe
You can stop a people so fucking hell bent on self destruction
All i can hope is civil wars across Europa and returning to a 1900s mind set
So the Europeans will finally have some fucking pride in thier heritage
Turks don't belong in Europe. They have to go back.
hol up. we get kurdistan to form, we they declare war on turkey. While that's going on, the Kekistani people should demand their own homeland with Kekstaninople as their capital city. this would leave what's left of turkey wedged firmly in between Armenia, Kurdistan, and the incredibly redpilled and dangerous nation of Kekistan.
no one ever said it was the non whites fault, they're just puppets
Turks aren't all bad, but they need to be severely humbled to stop them being a threat to Europe
This. Send them back to Central Asia.
We have a wall on our syrian border.It didn't stop syrians to come and shit on our streets.
what are you?
Turks are not turkic
Turks are islamic greeks and Armenians
Turkic central asians are chinkys
fuck me says the name over the icon
Sri lanka
The smaller but cleaner india
>being this new
Come on now
We ain't Arabs.
Go away, Reddit.
Thats right.Turkey is a big cauldron of races.
Or a hive.
>Hopefully serbs actually remove this time
If roaches step a fucking foot into the Balkans 1389 COMMENCES AGAIN (except this time we win)
Turkish president literally calling for white genocide. Sup Forums cares more about anti-trump tweets.
>ww1 and ww2 was anglos dying "for" Europe
Kill yourself kike