My mom just flipped the fuck out because I told her that Planned Parenthood only does abortions.
What do I say to blow her the fuck out?
My mom just flipped the fuck out because I told her that Planned Parenthood only does abortions.
What do I say to blow her the fuck out?
just move out
also dont argue with women
also you must be 18 to post here
Ignorance is competence then go ahead just bargain it, selling out not buying it take it for a refund 10%
You could apologize for being factually wrong.
Well she's right
Tell her she's a woman and women are dumb.
get out of high school and get laid for once maybe
I am 18. College freshman.
they do provide other services, but they are likely cooking the books. they mainly known for being the countries biggest abortion provider.
My mom thinks I'm going to kill people. Even though by any metric I'm pretty successful. Job contracted signed for when I graduate college for a well above median income job. Going to get my masters, etc.
She thinks because I own guns I'm dangerous.
I mean they do shit for couples that actually want to have kids, too. It's almost as if they help you plan parenthood or something. Moron.
>I'm retarded
Apologize to your mom for being a failure
Even I as a Trump fan know PP does more than abortions.
Plenty of stories like that to go around on /k/, get in line
Fucking women shouldn't be allowed to involve themselves in politics
this, it's so funny watching durumphh crash and burn but in all seriousness we can't let him get the nuclear codes
>they do provide other services, but they are likely cooking the books. they mainly known for being the countries biggest abortion provider.
Then that would make the statement—
>Planned Parenthood only does abortions.
—factually wrong.
>I told her that Planned Parenthood only does abortions.
but that's factually incorrect
Let me tell you the secret to arguing with liberal weenies.
If you aren't a master of speech on the level of Donald Trump, arguing with those types of people is pointless. You will never change their mind, so don't waste your time. Instead, save your energy and wait until an election comes along and you can help BTFO them by voting against them.
yeah we get it. they did 6 breast exams and a couple of pap smears. and 3434954958498 abortions.
Call her a whore.
OP here. I see now that I was blinded by my own arrogance. Thank you. I'm going to apologize for saying something so fucking dumb and actually learn from this.
Just tell the truth.
The truth doesn't justify itself, believe me.
It works with time.
I don't think that spells BOOBLESS on an upside down calculator, liar
Why do people have such a hard time debating this?
"My major issue is that Planned Parenthood gets massive SEPARATE government funding. In a perfect world these services are provided by local hospitals (which are more than emergency rooms)."
"When people are concerned about 'Big Government' this is what they're talking about."
>call her a whore
This is the only logical thing to do in your current situation.
Post results pls OP
Well, what else do they do? They only reason planned parenthood exists is because the founder wanted to reduce the black population.
Is there data on this? What % of their services are abortions? What % of their funding is federal?
the real reasons?
>it's a wedge issue to drive women into the DNC
>they sell baby body parts
>they support death in all forms.
they refuse to give out statics and numbers because damn near ALL of their business is from abortion.
Ultimately, that's irrelevant. While they can claim to keep their abortion and non-abortion funding separate, in practice there's no real way to do that. Any federal money that goes toward non-abortion services and overhead frees up private funds to put towards abortions.
It's like giving someone who wants to buy a gun a $1000 gift card to a grocery store. True, you didn't buy them a gun, but you freed up the money for them to do it themselves.
You could start with "Sorry, I'm really retarded and only read dumbed down articles by fearmongering Christ cucks on the internet"
We know it's you
Yeah but THEY COOK THE BOOKS, MANG, LISTEN TO YOUR COUNTRY'S 'let's make abortions illgeal because it's my belief that I can and should interefere in the lives of women' TOTALLY SANE PEOPLE AND CHRIST KEKS
Ask her to provide you with valid arguments, instead of screeching.
Arguments or GTFO.
>3434954958498 abortions
Now the realy kicker here is that you have so many in the first place
>Clapistani sex ed being effective
> Still carring about womens opinion
dont you have some fumes to huff?
They don't only do abortions, they also do STD tests, give out birth control to poor people, and other stuff.
That doesn't seem so bad on the surface, but the net effect of sex without consequences is a people preoccupied with sex, a weakened family unit, and more people reliant on the State. It's no good.
Don't you have some bikes to steal?
Yeah we just need better sex education. They're getting pregnant because they aren't being taught that unprotected sex leads to pregnancy, so they fuck 15 dudes and surprise! That is definitely it. Definitely doesn't have anything to do with rampant degeneracy.
There was a caller on one of Molyneux's videos recently who went to PP for some kind of test or something and they tried to push get into getting an abortion. They even lied to her and said her pregnancy wasn't viable or something when it was
no you're not, and you know it
don't go bragging about having no life experience
>That is definitely it
Apparently it contributes to it a lot, also Christ cucks.
Romanes eunt domus
I laughed quite at bit at that movie, but still. You called me a bike thief. Take it back!1!!111
ok well your mother was correct
which is embarassing
probably dont open your mouth until you have googled something
>okay they also sell body parts
mm yeah you fucked up bad
They have quotas on abortions because they sell em for stem cell research. Who else is paying them for abortions when government funding doesn't even dent the budget they make?
I take it a-back-a, Italiabro. Have a great weekend.
Good enough. You too, lad.
Tell her set her phone on record and call a planned parenthood in your area and tell them she has no money but has what she guesses is syphilis, can she come in and get some free exam and treatment.
Blow a bullet right to your temple because you are woefully retarded and it is clearly in your genes
Well since you're wrong, nothing.
If it's any consolation, you being an idiot "blows her the fuck out" on a different level.
I guess you can tell her to shove her GBP and tendies?
>Planned Parenthood only does abortions.
Nope. They are doing God's work by removing future super-predators, youths and teens from an already suffering society.
You are an idiot. Planned Parenthood prevents more abortions than any clown fundie ever will.
Tell her set her phone on record and call a planned parenthood in your area and tell them she has no money but has what she guesses is syphilis, can she come in and get some free exam and treatment. Enjoy the rejection.
She's literally right OP. Educate yourself
Thanks for "organically" prompting the infomercial on Planned (Failed) Parenthood. Now go cash your Sharia Blue check.
>they mainly known for being the countries biggest abortion provider.
1) ... they ARE mainly known ..., as in, only niggers omit the copula
2) "they be mainly known" to provide only abortions because of idiots like you who parrot this bullshit.
I hope she punched you in the balls for repeating retarded shit you learned on Sup Forums.
OP ... just. Just fucking JUST.
>I said something stupid
>My smart mom told me I was a dumb fuck
>help Sup Forums help me come back with a zinger to save face with mommy
Kill yourself
You should be thanking them for helping to keep black population low. There's a planned parenthood on every corner in wash dc.
I had to pay for three back in my high school/ college days because fuck condoms and had to drive 30 minutes from my white part of town just to get that baby vacuumed out.
None of the planned parenthood locations in my city offer abortions. Closest thing is the morning after pill. Other than that they're like STD testing facilities.
Planned Parenthood doesn't only do abortions though
You're factually incorrect, retard
Have sex with your mother.
Don't you idiots realize OP is a troll trying to get you to take the Left's side via Cunningham's Law?
I hope you're happy that you made me go find that degenerate trash you posted
>can't believe my son is this misinformed
Your mom is an idiot. She's the one who's supposed to be teaching you the ways of the world right? It's funny how she criticizes you for the fact that she failed as a parent. My oldest used to come to me with wild leftist bullshit she would pick up from her teachers and the other retard students at her school. But instead of attacking her, I calmly ask questions to slowly red pill her mind and help her realize the truth on her own. I don't want to fight against my family, I want to fight side by side with them.
Also, calling someone misinformed isn't an argument and she should be ashamed of herself.
same here.
Kid you're dumb. Only 2-3% of their services are abortion. Just admit your losses when you've fucked up. It's part of being an adult
Citation needed
What other services DO they provide?
I'm, genuinely curious.
Well one person realizes at least.
OP here. I apologized to me mum for being such an opinionated ass.
And I'm sorry for wasting your time for that as well. I'm gonna probably take a looong vacation from politics.
Go in good health, anons.
seeandyou're pretty wrong about everything.
That's honestly probably a good idea. Remember how malleable your brain is at 18. The ideologues on both sides are toxic. Maybe start practicing an instrument?
Ask her how many abortions she had, why she killed your brothers and sisters, what she named them, and if she didn't name them, name them yourself and set a place at the dinner table for them & include them as part of your family.
Only 3% of Planned Parenthood is abortions
>mom drama
we don't need that shit here boy
but it sounds like your mom is a commie
>What do I say to blow her the fuck out?
Remind her that no Planned Parenthood location has a mammogram machine.
>no meme tabs
Sort yourself out mate.
You just blew yourself the fuck out so IDK OP.
I don't know how many time I've seen liberals hammer home the talking point that only a minority of PPs budget goes towards abortions.
1: you're wrong. They do do more than abortions.
2: you don't argue with women.
Wrong. Most pp clinics don't have abortion operations available. Most pp clinics are little more than gynecology offices for low income women.
I'm not a fan of tax payers subsidizing this shit but let's not spew falsehoods like dumbfucks.
Why not just go to your mom, say you were wrong and you're going to get more informed on the issues, instead of being so petty you feel the need to win political arguments with your fucking MOTHER?
Calm down there, Abdul, just because I don't give a shit that people kill their own offspring doesn't mean I care about women's opinions.
you are slightly misinformed user, planned parenthood does other things...however their PRIMARY PURPOSE is to perform abortions.
What your mother did is a classic "nitpicking argument" essentially trying to undermine your central point by finding minor things about which you are incorrect
When you find yourself in this situation, I find it is best to acknowledge your mistake and then redirect the conversation back to your central point.
For instance:
>"you're right mom, PP does other things too...but isn't their primary purpose to perform abortions?"
>"Then it won't hurt them if we stop funding for abortions, because they have all the other services to provide which are clearly less important than abortions, right mom"?
or something like that
That number.. Keeping the nigger population down. Feels good.
They dont ONLY do abortions, but that's their main reason for existence and the '3%' statistic is complete bullshit. See:
She's right lad
>i want to cry about my parent
>hmm which board
>Sup Forums
>Sup Forums - Politics
Not your personal blog you fucking edgy underage faggot. Gas yourself