What happens when Texas goes blue? As I understand it it's only a matter of time due to the shifting demographics. Will there ever be another republican in the white house?
What happens when Texas goes blue? As I understand it it's only a matter of time due to the shifting demographics...
>Will there ever be another republican in the white house?
The only hope is Trump deports everyone instead of going soft.
A Brit says wut?
If Texas goes blue California will go red just to keep universe balanced
With Texas, New York and California all blue the Dems should win for a good while until things flip like they always do. It might take longer for that flip to happen.
Once Texas goes blue, I predict
-Massive California-tier gun control across all 50 states
-Some kind of bill that grants amnesty to every illegal in the nation, thus almost tripling the Hispanic citizen rate
-Tax rates hike across every state to accompany welfare for the new immigrants
-Probably some secessionist movements will start popping up in Texas and elsewhere, of course constantly watched by government
-At the same time, Mexican nationalist groups like La Raza will pop up and take major positions in Congress and local government
-Crime rates will skyrocket
It will literally be the first step toward civil war part 2
Not gonna happen.
By 3rd generation most Latino families get redpilled.
They get "woke"
>realize Dems only offer handouts
>hate paying taxes so Shaquandralin can open a roach motel on governments dime
>will have had family be victims of crime and hate the dindu mentality
>will become more succesful than previous generations
Trump got 30% of the Latino vote in 2016
In 2020 its gonna over 40%. Barron will get 70%+ when he runs
This another thing leftists don't get.
It's not all about Demographics. There is a marketplace of ideas, and leftism CANNOT COMPETE IN THIS MARKET.
It's why they try to shut down speech. It's why they try to subvert and usurp language and meaning and intent. It's why they govern and legislate through the Courts instead of through the Congress.
It's why they get butthurt emotional mad about everything.
"other" is yellow
Population graphs don't project into the future. How does the coming civil war chart into making Texas blue? 4TH turning predicts political violence in 2019/2020. Race war could break out while Trump is fighting the CIA, and the heavily armed Texans just might remember the Alamo.
>Texas going blue
It'll never happen. Republicans have gerrymandered the state to make sure that it doesn't happen.
This is the most probable outcome.
all "republicans" will experience a sea change in what policies they espouse
Trump is the last grasp to prevent this and get us back to pre 1965 society
>Blue Texas
Over my dead body.
It was blue before the 80s. Texas is and always remain a conservative state.
I know for a damn fact that it's not the illegal aliens, but the damn Commifornians. They turned their own lands into a gentrified shithole and are immigrating to Texas to do the same there. It'll be two more generations before the major political shift happens, but hopefully their children will grow love Texas and seek to preserve her values while renounce their family's degeneracy as well
So war?
Honest question why do Mexicans have so many more kids compared to blacks?
Not a chance, wetbacks.
Remember the Alamo
Spics are pro-life Papists while Dindus believe in Liberation Theology or Prosperity Doctrine and abort as much as they breed.
>>Hispanics automatically vote blue
Hispanic Texan here
not gonna happen
don't make me laugh
I would guess catholicism is a factor
And now you realize why they are the greatest threat.