For all non muslims
Why aren't you converting to islam right now ? is this a new meme or do you have some kind of mental illness ?
>non muslims still exist
For all non muslims
Why aren't you converting to islam right now ? is this a new meme or do you have some kind of mental illness ?
>non muslims still exist
Other urls found in this thread:
bait harder faggot
>Why aren't you converting to islam right now ?
Wow. The Comedy Hour started early today.
Because i like my beer, bacon and weed muzzrat.
I have nothing to convert FROM.
Mohammed is dead the evidence is aged. What do I get from following you? As opposed to being my own leader, what are YOU offering me to become a muslim?
Your invisible sky wizard isn't any more believable than the other invisible sky wizard they've been trying to sell me since childhood.
>what are YOU offering me to become a muslim?
Mohammad here can only offer you subjugation to god, death to unbelievers, etc.
>not praising allah
>are you a gay infidel user?
lol triggered infidels , anyways i spread the word
convert or burn in hell for eternity fags
Because I can read and the Quran isn't worth the paper it's printed on, it's top tier kindling.
If you have actually read it an believe it to be divinely inspired, you're a literal double digit IQ nigger.
There is a reason why every Islamic country is a cesspool.
The Best YT Channel on Islam:
subjoo-? subjoogaysh-...?? what does that mean in 5-year old's english?
All death is life, living and dying are the same action. If you offer me more of either I couldn't tell you the difference.
Read the Bible, your book is literally fanfic written by an illiterate and his apostate Catholic wife.
It's top garbage.
i red the quran 2 times , and each time my faith got stronger
conver , infidel
Your people are all ugly retards, and your religion is autistic.
ew I'm neither closet homosexual or inbred so no islam is not for me
convert to islam
give me one reason not to
>read the bible
america education
I don't fuck goats.
Keep your Ummah, OP.
I don't want to be part of it.
After you , infidel
Even if i kill myself , i will go to heaven , if you kill yourself you will burn for eternity
i know pigskinny , you are still a virgin , even goats run away from you
not your choice
Islam is just Judaism 3.0. I've updated to 4.0.
>if you kill yourself you will burn for eternity
There is this world and no other.
Too bad your life here sucks, as there's no eternity for you to enjoy.
Better luck next time, when your atoms get recycled into maybe something truly happy, like a puppy or a bumble bee.
I didnt see that this thread was up, sorry for posting a semi-dupe. What do you think of the revised /islam/ OP I made a week ago? Ill post it below.
Because people are homosexuals and drug users who do not actually want to clean the west from godlessness and degenerency. They just pretend and roleplay that they do. Islam is the only realistic option to bring back traditional values to the west.
Welcome to /Islam/! This thread is dedicated to discussion of the religion of Islam.
Islam is more than just a religion, however, it’s a way of life; one which guides the personal, political actions of believers. Islam even has its own legal code.
This thread’s topic is [thread topic].
>The basics of Islam
Coming Soon!
>Sup Forumsack Convert Testimonies
Essential Links:
>The Hadith of the Prophet Muhammad
>Read and listen to the Quran online
>Biography of the Prophet Muhammad
>Islamic site with everything you need
>Find a mosque and convert today!
OP template:
is this a meme or something ? do atheists still exist ?
>a genuine religion and not just learned behavior due to its many intricate and overly complex rules.
>believing even 1 in 10 'muslims' have any real faith.
"And when you pray, do not be like the hypocrites, for they love to pray standing in the synagogues and on the street corners to be seen by others. Truly I tell you, they have received their reward in full." Matthew 6:5
Feel free to convince me that praying 5 times a day (dont forget to point towards a particular city!) And specifically recite the right words everytime in an archaic language every day of my life is a genuine expression of devotion to god and not 'that thing I need to do so my friends and family don't disown me.'
I am going to convert soon. Islam just makes sense.
We're all born as atheists, OP.
Some of us are able to fight the brain poison that we're offered as children.
Yup, you are right....Muslims cannot read shit, cuz most of them are illiterate.
>do you have some kind of mental illness
Yeah, the mental illness called sanity.
One goatfucker religion from the middle east is no better than the other. Purge them all.
>i know pigskinny , you are still a virgin , even goats run away from you
Said the sandnigger.
Islam is a degenerate pedophile cult promoting inbreeding. Btw all muslims should be killed
based as fuck
Wow ! very great
i will save this for future threads
How do you explain why every single country that is destroyed by God in Revelation is named, and what are they all Muslim today?
How could a book written 2000 years ago, and even older books from Prophets over 3000 years ago all come to the same conclusions that all the Islamic countries will be Satanic and destroyed by God... when they were written thousands of years before Islam existed?
>Zebah and Zalmunna said, "Get up and do it yourself! It's a man's job!" So Gideon got up and killed them. Then he took the half-moon ornaments that were on their camels' necks.
Looks up all the references to crescents in scripture.
It's the sign of Satan, you fool.
I would recommend you read the bible just to familiarize yourself when arguing with Christians. It has made my Dawah much more effective.
Allahmadullah, Islam will take over Europe
any questions and i will answer
at least we have toilet
t. triggered frog
For those who don't know this retarded OP has been making this thread for a solid month+.
Sage and report don't bump this slide thread.
Read the pastes, see if they can be improved. I tried to keep the basics paste very neutral, but I'm not sure if I managed to do so correctly without my own theology seeping in/ not conveying reality by trying to be even handed.
Are there any countries where Muslims live that don't have huge violence? India has had Muslims for centuries and yet Muslims still are bombing Hindus. Not cool.
Or Muslims causing violence in the Philippines in Mindanao?
No matter where you look, Muslims can't be happy until they dominate. And when they dominate, they turn on each other.
the only thing about poos i actually like is their hatred towards islam
lol infidel
convert to islam
i know all kinds of verses i need to know
its much more violent that islam and its violence is unnecessary
they claim they hate islam because its uncivilzed and barbaric yet they ignore the bible
Ameen ya rab
Does malaysia count?
OP is right, what are you gonna do?
Vote for ethnic nationalists?
Have more children?
Rise up against the state?
Amdullallah you weaklings may as well convert now lol
I'm part Jewish and my dad was a Zionist and I sympathize with Christianity.
Islam is evil and degenerate, imo.
I don't enjoy murder, torture, or rape, so I don't think Islam is for me.
No u don't....U r worser than Indians.Thanks to Islam.
you have one chance, right now, to drop to your knees, ask GOD, not allah, for forgiveness and to accept jesus christ as your lord and savior on pain of being cast to the fieriest pits of hell where tou will languish for all eternity.
choose wisely or by fire be purged saracen scum
wtf pajeet this is not Sup Forums
you made a mistake my friend
>islam was founded by muhammad
you are wrong here
islam is the religion of allah , it was not founded by a human , allah gave the task of spreading it to muhammad pbuh
I have zero interest in fucking goats, donkeys, camels and dancing boys.
I'm a Buddhist. It's said in our ancient scriptures that we must kill those who follow the tyrant muhammad
True. The multiple wives, harems, eunuchs, and slaves are pretty cool though. Big plus on those points for Islam.
Oh jeez, he must be literally shaking right now! Get him, my keyboard warrior friend!
Islam a big shit
you've been making these gay ama threads every day for like a year and your english is still shit
people should just sage this crap and make pol less cancerous
>inb4 rape baby memeball you post every time you encounter with serbs
They are all the same guy, dude
Nope, that's the real Muhammad.....a dickhead
>Muh dous velt meme
see pic you cuck
I wanted to make it easier to understand for those not familiar with it, I'll change the wording a bit. Also considering changing the bit I said about non-abrahamic prophets, because while they are considered to be such by muslims in areas that traditionally followed those various doctrines of disbelief, and this doesnt go against Islamic theology - their message has become so corrupt as to be an afront to God.
Keep in mind the basics paste is supposed to be a barebones intro for normies.
Im not a goat raping shitskin, thats why
will you be so smug on your day of judgement?
>Compiling lies to tempt people towards evil
I don't really believe in an afterlife but if there's a hell you're definately going there.
All Muslims burn in Hell.
Explain how this was written 500 years before Mohammed the false prophet was even born.
>And the beast was taken, and with him the false prophet that wrought miracles before him, with which he deceived them that had received the mark of the beast, and them that worshipped his image. These both were cast alive into a lake of fire burning with brimstone.
Revelation 19-20
>And the devil that deceived them was cast into the lake of fire and brimstone, where the beast and the false prophet are, and shall be tormented day and night for ever and ever.
Revelation 20:10
>Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep's clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves. Ye shall know them by their fruits. Do men gather grapes of thorns, or figs of thistles? Even so every good tree bringeth forth good fruit; but a corrupt tree bringeth forth evil fruit. A good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit, neither can a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit. Every tree that bringeth not forth good fruit is hewn down, and cast into the fire. Wherefore by their fruits ye shall know them.
Matthew 7:15-20
Islam is basically Redpill: the religion.
I don't believe in superstition.
>muh invincible, fearless mujahideens
Cuz Muhammad was a harami pedophile not worth looking up to ,and Muslims are retarded inbreds that are indoctrinated since birth.
allah will reward you my friend
you did what you could , also yes , mentioning other prophets is good
Religion is a trash.
Why are you 24/7 on Sup Forums just kys already fake muslim
Because christianity is easier.
why do you faggots defend christianity? It's not even white, not to mention that it's the most cucked religion on the face of the earth.
It's not a lie, Muslims believe that Prophet Muhammad did not FOUND Islam, but rather brought the message of God back to true form, as it had become corrupted. He is the founder of the modern religion of Islam, but Islam is also a concept - a state of submission to God, and a Christian or a Jew can also be in a state of Islam, thougg it is much less likely.
>Why aren't you converting to islam
because i'm not a wife beating child raping pedophile praising idiot that smells like shit
Not mentioning muhammad or islam
based south america friend !
see pic
Rowan Atkinson didn't convert to Islam though, it was fake news created by an Israeli propaganda website.
But Islam ia evil... How doe that basic irrefutable fact never factor in? How much conflictive dissonance does it take to be Muslim while living in a Western country where people mostly still can discriminate between right and wrong?
lol fag
>the easier religion to follow is the right one
well my friend , christianity at some point was the right religion sent by allah , and its prophet was jesus
but then some people edited and ruined the bible , therefore its not the true religion anymore
then you must join islam because you are not what you just said
To any reverts/converts here, please post your journey to Islam in detail in a paste, and I will add it to the repository. Thanks a bunch ahead of time!
Because it's false.
>islam is evil
Same to you....pic related of a Jordan boy
Yes. Otherwise, there is no point in following religion.
Because I want to extermine Christianity and Islam.
This triggers the mudslime
proofs ?
Anyone have that picture of the sexy Muslim in a burka sucking a banana?
I'd convert for her.
fuck your fucking trips
The resurrection of Jesus Christ
but instead you worship a bastard jew?
hahahaha triggered poo