She walked all over him.
She literally fucked him.
Hes like a child.
>go on Donald, shake the nice ladies hand.
You voted for this. A pathetic manchild who gets trampled by every free world leader.
She walked all over him.
She literally fucked him.
Hes like a child.
>go on Donald, shake the nice ladies hand.
You voted for this. A pathetic manchild who gets trampled by every free world leader.
Other urls found in this thread:
You're a fag.
Fpbp /thread
I honestly think Trump didn't hear her.
OH look!
It's Ahmed, pretending like
his opinion matters again
Drumpf is a manchild
I hope Bannon punished him after the meeting
'No golf and twitter during two weeks, Donald'
'muhhh, I do whatever I want, I'm the President now, you're not the boss of me...muhhh'
'OK Donald, now I'm calling Ivanka'
'Nooooes, she will lecture me again and force me to read the Torah with Jared, AGAIN'
'Right Donald, this is the last time, next time: Ivanka'
'Muhh, you're mean'
KEK. He got her to pay 2% of the NATO budget now.
He walked all over her
He literally fucked her
You voted for this.
A big beautiful brown man to fuck your wife, Nigel, while you sit back and watch twitching your micropenis.
He probably didn't even know who she was with her out of her burqa.
>Trump: Alpha male hand gesture. Secure and confident posture/face.
>Merkel: Hunched shoulders. Wry smile. Fidgety hands. Legs crossed.
Trump BTFO Merkel with body language.
I wish I was blind too
it's fantastic that a man with your handicap manages to use a message board
technology is awesome
he DID shake her hand, just not when the media's asked....
2% of Germany's budget will be allocated to NATO
work your reading comprehension, and educate yourself
Trump is his own man, and doesn't jump when the media says so. You wouldn't know about that, because you're a bitch.
>look at me I'm so smart get educated kid
fucking kys man
I love you know
I need to stalk you and fap to pictures of you
Please post pics
Fucking millennial cuck. Go suck off John Oliver and spew your cuck shit aomewhere else.
I bet your mum didn't even let you watch Cheez TV before school. Just having a bit of a giggle. I'd better keep an eye on you mate, don't want to catch you buggering one of my jumbucks when I turn my back. There is literally nothing wrong with supporting Bernie Sanders. Go punch cones under a bridge or something you fucken wanker. You are LITERALLY a jew. All of my kek. You ugly fucken dog cunt. top kek.
>Being that fucking gay.
Yeah, I was a bit iffy about it, but then I thought "What would Warnie do?" and I fucked her in the bum. I'm fucking ridgy-didge mate, not like you. I wouldn't trust ya as far as I could throw ya.
Trump isn't the medias bitch.
>slumped over
>hands pointing to the ground, defeat.
>won't make eye contact or even look or turn toward her
I know we're all pretty autistic in here, but you're hanging so far off the fucking scale.
Merkel has cooties boykisser
Why would he shake the hand of the woman who is responsible for the slow total destruction of European people.
>Euro Sup Forums
I dunno, he sucks Putin's cock all the time and if he weren't propping up Assad Europe would be a lot better off.
>I love you know
1 post earlier
>work your reading comprehension, and educate yourself
>Cheez TV
Probably copypasta and bait, but I'll bite. Pretty sure the UK didn't get Cheez TV.
60%+ of the "refugees" aren't even syrian
Also wrong. 2% of the entire German GDP is going to defense spending now.
Body language? From my perspective, Merkel was quickly seduced.
>slumped over
Has had enough of this photo op shit
>hands pointing to the ground, defeat.
>>won't make eye contact or even look or turn toward her
He doesn't respect her. Why would he?
kys bong
Didnt he shake her hand before the oval office sit-down and also afterward as well?
Fuck off /leftypol/. You guys are such losers, you can't even troll adequately.
>Trump BTFO Merkel with body language.
She knows what she's done.
Yes, I'm sure your first-hand account told you a lot about what happened.
What's that? You weren't even there? You're telling me you're just guessing? Yeah, that's what I though Sadiq Khan.
Might want to work on your English skills while we're on the topic.
That's right, Huey.
Cool story but Germany is still America's biggest bitch
this user is right
but autist are very bad at reading body and facial language
if he's really in Russia's pocket, then he did this on purpose to drive a wedge between Germany and the USA.
There is nothing Russia would like more.
That fat bitch was lucky Trump took time out of his day for a chat. His time is worth infinitely more than hers and she doesn't deserve it.
Tfw trump cares about German people more than merkel
Tfw trump actually says he's proud to be German
Tfw Germans are completely brainwashed cucks
Why live
Can stop making this thread every hour?
Can't be worse than how badly your people read the destruction of your very cultural identity.
A men's only golf club in the UK is being forced to accept women. If they don't, they will never have the British Open played at their course again.
It's bullshit! The Cuck in this video thinks its alright. Thumbs down this asshole.
Some people here are pretty fucking dense. The reason Donald didn't shake her hand is because the shit press guy asked him to. The man has never and will never answer or do what the press wants him to especially at this point going forward
>If they don't, they will never have the British Open played at their course again.
My answer to any ultimatum is 'fuck you, do it'.
Also, you don't judge body language from a single frame photo you monumental dunce. Video only
>fucks child
Seems according to tradition
It will never be her turn.
>Trumplethinskin throws another tantrum
It's hilarious that he thinks this makes him look strong. He's no Putin.
I dislike Trump, and all his policies, I dislike how he is destroying the main resource the Ustaters have, their inventive and technology.
I dislike how he is treating us, the latinamericans, and how he is part of all the hipocresy of the US system, influencing in our governments, overlapping a lot of corruption and corrupts we have here, and waiting nobody from us will want to go to the US for a better future.
I dislike his rampant hipocresy supporting Saudi Arabia citizens and their terrorism, while cursing iranians, in his migrant ban.
I dislike a lot of him, i dislike him a lot, I'm sure you Ustaters deserved someone much better, but since many of you have turned in a bunch of fat degenerated losers, comunists or neocons, you got what you have turned in.
BUT, at least I respect that I know where always he will be.
I had NEVER shake the hand of this guy, and Merkel is a whore trying to do it so.
At least Trump will tell me his absurd ideas and his hypocritical bullshit clearly, but Merkel thinks diplomacy IS hypocrisy.
Both area pair of stinky turds, but at least Trump, doesn't conceal it.
nice proxy, kike
sorry I offended your autistic feelings
sorry I invaded your safe place
but I can't help myself.......
I'm not a "kike"...stupid colombian.
>pissing in the ocean
>this thread
>Muh Liberal tears reaches an all time high.
KEK! This is the main reason I come to Sup Forums.
Too see the little mongoloids let their despair out among the grown ups.
Keep my win-win coming libtard! You make my day.
>yfw when you can't tell a paid-for shill thread from a shitposter having fun any more
Jesus Christ. Anytime this dude does remotely anything it's front page news for a week. This has been talked to death in like 20 fucking threads already. Fond something original to shitpost about, you tea-sucking limey fuck.
>free world
I too wouldn't shake hands with the woman who will destroy Europe
It's got to the point where it's being parodied in porno skits inbetween the fucking. I've seen at least three fake TV skits where they read out the joke headline and then "in other news, Trump Trump Trump Trump and Trump".
The Left has no self-perception, it seems. Well, not any more, anyway.
Not gonna lie, former Trump voter here. This is fucking hilarious watching Trump crash and burn. But in all seriousness we can't let this guy get the nuclear codes!
Trump will go down in history as an unwanted, unelected one term president, sandwiched between the first black and female president and the last Republican to be elected to high office ever.
Kys then , easy that way.
It's like that time after the election where Trump went to Washington to meet Ryan and he was slumped and staring at the floor like a little bitch while Ryan was smug and mugging it up for the cameras.
How about Elizabeth Warren 2020? Retard?
>first black
>and female
sounds about right. prepare your anus for a dynasty.
>Elizabeth Warren
Is that what you think is going to happen while Hillary Clinton still draws breath? If she lives to 2020 she'll run again - her ego demands it.
he was just about to faint and couldnt understand what was going on.
It happens when you're overworked and of an older age, you faggots need to cut Daddy Trump some slack on that one.
How many shill threads are you going to make?
This is your 5th one.
DId you even see the press conference?