what the hell is drudge doing?
What the hell is drudge doing?
well, he's a jew you know...
Being a (((good goy)))
the "I'm not Alt-Right, I swear!" starter kit
Just as I posted in my thread last night, Jews are subversive. Even Jews who seem to align with us on critical issues will eventually effect sabotage because, so long as they remain Jewish, instrinsically despise Europe and Christendom (namely traditional Catholicism.) There are shining exceptions like Brother Nathaniel, but he was baptized. Drudge, at the end of thr day, is a homosexual Jew who publishes clickbaity headlines and reaps millions in the process.
He hates Jewgle
The only Jews that are /ourguys/ are those who are explicitly antisemitic and condemn their own people. Any Jew who will not take that step will inevitably act as a fifth columnist, they can't help it.
WTF i love google now
google won't pay for people to police the thousands of hours of yt videos, thank god.
(((drudege))) is jewish ya dingus
alt-right is already subverted
strangely, google is jewish too
>Drudge, at the end of thr day, is a homosexual Jew
its weird how many alt-right jews there are that are gay
dave rubin
ben shapiro?
drudge and ben are gay? wtf?
The article is hidden behind a paywall, goyim.
Google is run by self hating jews.
okay let us make something clear
there are many of them Jews that are not (()), and what's more they are actively and semi-covertly undermining the cabal.
My tip is; do not trust any Jew, for a start, even if they seem like they are honestly fighting for a cause (Alex Jones (jew), Mat Drudge (Jew), Jared Kushner (Jew), so on and on).
Do not put ur trust into any of them, because even if they are Just you might end up being shilled.
But do not also think that every Jew, is okay with what (()) are doing. So never forget that at the end mass oven is not a good choice.
Just Jews Jewing Jews.
AJ is not Jewish. He's a sellout connected with many Jews. He married a woman who is half Jewish and remarried a prostitute named Erika Wulff. He's in many ways a quintessential American shabbos goy.
no, user. those jews will eventually subvert you as well. they must all be wiped out entirely. absolutely none are to be trusted
>Erika Wulff
is she jewish too? good goy
I disagree. Manstein for example loyally served Hitler unlike the loads of traitors (who were German.) He was partly Jewish but Baptized Catholic.
Unconfirmed. He still avoids admitting that he divorced, cheated on his wife countless times prompting the divorce, and remained a prostitute whom he impregnated. I do not know if Wulff is Jewish though.
mass oven is always a good choice, don't kid yourself
>but muh good joos
>good jews then give birth to bad jews
>((())) starts all over again in a couple generations
>some faggot stands up again and says mass oven is bad idea.
>rinse, repeat.
3D chess?
>jews calling out jews for being anti-jew
>So never forget that at the end mass oven is not a good choice.
this will never happen in the anglosphere. anglo countries are almost tailor made for jew control. they have done everything hitler described and which made germans crazy, but instead in anglo countries like the US and britain they essentially granted rule
the jew end game is bloodshed against whites - thats what happened in russia and germany.
jews will keep the borders open, and despite an occasional mild nationalist like trump, the game is essentially over. of course its important to keep fighting, because eventually these jew run countries will collapse as they are parasites and kill their host, but if we keep a large enough locus we can hold a defense, and as these countries collapse, we can form new states that are ethnic and anti-jewish and protect ourselves and move to the next phase
If u are the one that raises the hand against good hearted one (who ever it may be) then u are not better than (()). Only evil needs to be exposed and dealt with, turned into ash.
And i said, trust no one even if they are doing good do not trust them. But when the day of reckoning comes, we will be able to tell whos what.
For now work against (()) them all.
Drudge is ethnically jewish (ashkenazi). I don't know why anybody here gives this filthy kike any clicks. You can't just be against everything jewish and pretend certain jews aren't jews. Andrew Breitbart was also jewish although to be fair he was adopted.
Drudge didn't get the tax cuts he was promised.
>wake up and check Drudge
>wtf wtf wtf wtf
This has been the first 5 minutes of my day, I don't like this
>YouTube leaves videos up of gay porn.
>YouTube Leaves videos of pedo shit that tries to brainwash kids.
>Let's fucking complain about muh Jews being persecuted by a video game reviewer.
Jews have a higher incidence of homosexuality.
Which is probably why they push it so much.