Germany wanted to take over the wor-
Germany wanted to take over the wor-
Germany was ev-
Name one part of that map that wasn't better off under British or partial British rule
u jelly subhuman
Fuck off
And good they didn't succeed, can you imagine Merkel with that kind of power?
you know its true pajeet,there would be no street shitting if you was under occupation
we spread our ways world wide and planted the seeds
america will dominate you all
What kind of state do you think India would be in today if not for large British influence and investment? Do you honestly think you would be anywhere near as relevant today if not for us?
Be happy that you fought and collaborated side by side with others across the world as part of the greatest Empire of all time.
But the British took over the world before colonization was considered bad
Hitler was wro-
You realize if the British had stayed you would be pooping in a loo by now.
The Brits ain't exactly winning either. Their capital is also occupied.
Everything Hitler did was wr_
>alt.right in politics
the US until like 1965
they are the cheap labour
its not nice i know...but pakis are cheap labour and london is the business capital
if we made the natives work like that for little pay they would riot...we tried it once in victorian times...even used kids as labour in horendous conditions
wow congrats on all that land you took from niggers, abos and arabs living in the bronze age britbongs. And don't count afghanistan, you couldn't even beat them anyways.
>righteous rulers descended from the lost tribes of Israel
>LARPing wanabee neo-pagans and Islam-sympathising upstarts
Some are meant to rule, others to be ruled, others to keep to themselves. We are seeing what happens when Germans are allowed power; the extinction of the European peoples in their homelands, and the Islamisation of Europe. Compare and contrast our glorious rule.
The Finns are even cheaper I hear
Don't forget the Leafs
>but pakis are cheap labour
wrong, Pakis don't work
slavs are lazy even farrage hates them more than pakis lol
the redpill is......we aint being invaded
this is just a imported slave labour to boost europes economy...its all delibrate only dumb muds think europe is falling..its not we are just exploiting their cheap labour and when the time comes we kick them out
Yeah you took over the richest country of its time and left it as the poorest you sure showed us how progress works
If this is the timeline I hope it is, once true Automation becomes the new cheap labour Brits will get sick of foreigners taking their jobs and will elect people who will deport them back. Once the country is 90%+ white the population can keep at a level population count as machines will decrees the need for large population increases.
they are a pest and i hate them
but natives aint willing to work the hours they do for shitter pay
if natives was willing we wouldnt need to import them
you left us id quite like for us to blanda up again
Aglo education at its finest, your country would be an irrelevant shit hole it it wasn't for all that development you had on the behest of the raj
we already was advanced mate
you wouldnt of developed if we didnt build those train tracks and hospitals either
you was barbarians and we showed you a higher path just as the romans did with us.
>You wouldn't be relevant if you didn't do all those things you did that made you relevant, so there
Well we don't take kindly to pakis
>being this delusional
Stay bitter pajeet
Fucking faggot Americans, if you hadn't have been treasonous dogs, imagine the empire we could have had now.
Yes the industrial revolution happened at the expense of the Raj read some history not what they taught you in school we were already civilised contrary to popular belief
You forget that we had to fight other Europeans both physically and diplomatically for most of that land. Every piece of land we took pissed off other Europeans more and more as it upset the balance of power in Europe.
Well common core did fail you it's not you fault
if we had indians we wouldnt need pakis lol
you guys intergrate better and adopt british culture
you aint religious zeolots
if you see an indian girl with a white guy you dont chimp out
you will watch a white person eat a burger and not blink even though you worship them in india where a muslim would chimp out
if i could hit a button and send all pakistanis back and switch them with hindus and sikhs i would.
we dont get taught about any of that in school mate
we pretend the empire never happened lol
True. Now we just gotta weed out all the niggers and muds.
Shitskins want to take over Sweden. And the Swedes love it.
Our history teacher held a club during lunch time where he would correct the bullshit he'd teach in class and talk about the Empire and how much he hated communism.
Good times...
I was once given detention for mentioning the Empire. Most of the others in the class had no idea we even used to have one.
Holy shit, that's got to be fake!
Fuckin hell no wonder most of aglos believe they brought us civilisation
India was never rich, it was just economically big because of how many people there were.
we did babesh
before we came,you had witch drs and child marraige and other bullshit
we put a stop to alot of you are doing well for yourself but it was us that helped that
you will become a strong regional power and you must reign in pakistan
i hope to see you over take china also,i tend to buy indian made goods than chinese anyway.
t. would have been sacrificed to some retarded God if it wasn't for Anglo imperialism
there is people during brexit saying how could we cope outside of the eu we are just a tiny island
i told him that we did before as the empire and we controlled the world he said he had no clue what i was talking about and was chatting shit lol
We were not a prison colony, but direct descendants of British hierarchy. Our founders wanted muh freedoms not bangers and mash.
I don't agree of child marriage but both of you have no idea how our religions works you have the standard western belief that if its different destroy it with fire
Pajet laughing at the truth apparently
Great rebuttal, it was always true of India. Tiny rich minority ruling over millions of impoverished people. Also India was in economic devastation when Britain started taking it over because it was constantly in a state of war.
I know that child sacrifice was such a massive problem that Britain had to have a war with your retarded religious leaders just to get it to stop.
Actually before the US rebelled it was the number one spot for sending convicts.
son...when are you gonna stop being a cuck and dominate the world already?
I thought Quebec was French territory did they have a revolution or something? Some goes with Florida, wasn't that Spanish?
You're thinking of Georgia.
>Georgia is not in the US
british colonialism is different to the spannish type
spannish was like locusts
the british wanted to raise people up from barbarism to civilized men and when a certain amount of progress was made we left
sure we took resources but so did rome from the british isles
we fought them also...but eventually we embraced what they taught us
Yes, but it was just Georgia. Not USA as a whole dumb fuck half-fetus swine.
The Mughal rule had ended and we were progressing towards a Hindu Kingdom but you interfered and do read about the massive famines we had under the British rules might put in prospect that we could feed ourselves when we were free and suffered famines u der the superior rules
>child sacrifice
You are probably talking about sati and child brides sati was objectively bad but the real kicker here is that It we Indians leading the charge that British just made the rules
Trump needs to be impeached first, the revolution starts then.
you mean the one during ww2? mate it was a world war! the troops had to be fed
if we lost the nazis would of come for you and they considered you sub human
communism is everything the founding fathers hated
other than the liberal coastal cities it will never be allowed
I thought the British trained Pajet how to farm effectively?
we also helped weaken your caste system also to give lower castes a chance in life
That was one of them smart ass we had multiple famines and again read history the redcoats and more that enough supplies Churchill starved 3 million Indians for nothing
Long live the Empire! Long live the commonwealth!
Looks like Pajet learned British lessons slowly.
My god you made it more prominent what part of divide and rule don't you understand
Yeah right we waited till they left and then progressed
It was all because of the arya-
t.Eternal anglo
No Pajet flag? No China Flag? The two most populous nations. No moon landing for you then Pajet. But we can help find your lost space crafts.
its time to let go jignesh
we are allies now,we let you into our lands,we send you aid you are part of the commonwealth also and if shit went down and you was attacked we would help out
the colonial period is over and its time to move on
>Being this desperate
All of it. The British were assholes who took away anyone's rights when convenient just to squeeze whatever pofit out of them they could. Sometimes, they'd just genocide for the heck of it, for no apparant reason other than the whims of some mad british politician.
The Mughals were still very strong, it was Britain which actually put them down.
>and do read about the massive famines
Massive famines have been happening in India for all its history until very recently with the last one in 1987.
plastic frenchman detected
like france has clean hands
user we are free nations today and I hold no prejudice against you or your country but I do believe knowing history is important cause if we don't know where we come from how can we move forward
But but muh Magna Carta...
i know the empire did alot of bad things
its why its not talked about in schools,if no one knows there is no outrage lol
imagine how much more peaceful it would be in the usa if they didnt get taught about slavery and blacks in america had no idea they decended from slaves?
Nope the mughals were at their weakest, and no we have no history of massive famines too apart from the Raj
I thought it was going to be a picture of US military bases. Pretty hilarious when US/brits whinge about germany and world wars
Nice crime rate faggot
-d cuck and make it their very own. Sweden was outraged.
and stay mad colonial
>Historical and legendary evidences names some 90 famines in 2,500 years of history prior to British colonisation in South Asia alone.
Yeah, I am calling bullshit about that.
Stop throwing peanuts at us leaf.
Please don't tell me that's true.
Did you just take it up the ass from this historian? I see she presents little evidence. We took your wealth and your """country"""
>Regarding India, the Marxist historian Rajani Palme Dutt said: "The capital to finance the Industrial Revolution in India instead went into financing the Industrial Revolution in Britain." In contrast to China, India was split up into many competing kingdoms, with the three major ones being the Marathas, Sikhs and the Mughals. In addition, the economy was highly dependent on two sectors—agriculture of subsistence and cotton, and there appears to have been little technical innovation. It is believed that the vast amounts of wealth were largely stored away in palace treasuries by totalitarian monarchs prior to the British take over."
stop eating them
She's vestigial you retard
I love empire envy. It makes me feel so smug.
>tfw your country did the most for the white race by spreading them across the globe but Yuropoors say you ruined it by defeating Germany who started two world wars in the homeland of the white