The idiot even left a way to contact him.. how do we deal with the coalburner situation?
Nigger brags about raping white women on r9k
>Nigger brags about giving the best surprise sex to a White woman that she ever had
CurryNigger ,you're gonna get nuked
Where does he say hes raping them?
>Cuckleaf talks of nuking anyone
Get back to prayers, Mahmoud al-Leafi
Having sex with smart conservative white women (if they only dated white people and mostly have white people in their social circle it's because they are conservatives) just to satisfy his racist nigger needs seems like rape to be. He says that he talk to them at parties held after evaluations. Wouldn't be surprised if he got them drunk enough to rape them and none of them knows he had sex with them
I'd totally love to find this nigger and get him kicked out
In the meantime,how do we deal with voluntary coalburners?
please provide a tl;dr if you want the jewish help.
Seems like theyre all just coalburners waiting to happen honestly, no rape here senpai.
That's just some autist cosplaying as a nigger. Shy white girls would absolutely never fuck a nigger, unless getting paid for it. Shetlered girls really have some virtue left in them, even nowadays. Don't believe everything you read on the internet.
Nice one schlomo
Do we know where he lives? Even on a regional level?
>FBI anonymous tips are just a few clicks away
>Someone made a LARP thread
who cares. Probably some white nerd.
>What is day of rope
Fucking newfags I swear
Don't insult greatest ally
That guy looks good at his job
End socialism, niggers can't compete that's why they vote for socialism.
They vote for socialism because conservatism is too long of a word for them to understand.
india with the bantz
I know some nigger like that tho. He's an acquaintance of my cousin in medschool. Pisses me off
A nigger in med school? How the fuck did that happen? He's the janitor or just hanging in there?
You meant nigger
So? Who cares about how "smart he is" and what he does in life, he's still a shitskin and white women belong to white men!
>how do we deal with voluntary coalburners?
They will hang on the Day of the Rope just like everybody else. Don't you worry about that.
Idk. I thought it was affirmative action at first but my cousin told me there's no affirmative action for colleges and universities in quebec and apparently most blacks he knows in med school come from the same west african countries
They are probably the top 0.00001% of the black race or they have a white ancestor from an interracial breeding that happened 400+ years ago and became dark skinned again with time. This is my most plausible theory
My cousin is a cuck tho, he told me i was dumb for falling to the "alt-right" and we don't speak as much nowadays. Why do liberal cucks put minorities above their own race? I'll never understand
Trump better make it happen soon. Too bad i live in cucknada with a total cuck pm. Libs want live in canada, i want to live in the u.s.a
I'd gladly switch place with a lib
its just roleplay and its probably you. kys
You mean like playing pretend?
Who cares?
>white white burns coal
>white man blames black man
White men are such complete and utter cucks.
>stupid chad nigger makes a thread
if it actually is real I would love to see this faggot' life ruined
White white? Wtf?