I mean, that he doesn't know there are no trade deals between Germany and the US is just... well... embarrassing.
Your president doesn't know much, does he, Burgers?
Other urls found in this thread:
>fact-shaming in 2017
This is not okay.
It was not a good day for little Donny, who will now seek refuge in the arms and on the tongues of his staunchest and most retarded of supporters.
Next really to lick his wounds when?
Fuck off you shilling lefty faggot
Drumpf is an embarrassement for mankind
He shall be impeached then tried for treason and for attempting to destroy the US
Is this bait?
The only thing cringeworthy here is the MSM thinking they're still relevant.
What happened?
Why? Is what OP said not true?
There's a forced meme if I've ever seen one.
another lying member of the lying press, or as we like to call them, jews
Is fact-shaming common in the German media? Is that how they shut down discussion of your rapefugee crisis and imminent Islamification?
Get to work Hans those migrants aren't gonna feed themselves.
Germanistanis are still mad about the "immigration is a privilege" thing aren't they?
How's all those Turks treating you?
Trump showed off his competency at being incompetent again.
>“Germany has done very well in its trade deals with the U.S., and I give them credit for it,” Trump told a White House press conference. “Virtually any country we do business with—it's not exactly good for our workers.”
>“The U.S. has been treated unfairly and that's going to stop,” he told reporters.
>In fact, the U.S. has no direct, bilateral trade deals with Germany. As Merkel quickly pointed out, Germany's trade with the U.S. is governed by rules negotiated by the European Union on behalf of member states.
Trump is mad at trade between Germany and USA because Germany has a gigantic trading surplus with the USA and he sees this as unfair.
He said that Germany doesn't have any sort of direct bilateral trading negotiation with the USA.
Merkel pointed out that this is because Germany is in the EU and the European single market and all trade deals with it are negotiated on an EU level.
Angela Merkel is fact-shamed by the one thi--
*Hoards of sand people can be heard hollaring in the distance and then the audio cuts to static*
absolute class in your postmanship. No words, no reply-to numbers just the image
Have a (you)
The only Islamification "happening" would occur in dein Traum der Schadenfreude...
>How's all those Turks treating you?
Turkish migrants are dying out due to low birth rates and people moving home as we speak.
Thing is, it doesn't happen so often on the highest level, simply because our government is not fully retarded like the US's.
>>In fact, the U.S. has no direct, bilateral trade deals with Germany. As Merkel quickly pointed out, Germany's trade with the U.S. is governed by rules negotiated by the European Union on behalf of member states.
And even further so, there is NO trade deal between the EU and the US. TTIP has been stopped by the US.
Good quality kebab at 4 am and cheap good quality produce on the weekend market, can't complain really.
How is he wrong again?
I've seen worse, I've seen better
Shame and guilt are the main motivators for women, that's why its such a big deal for them to "shame" someone or be "shamed".
There are no trade deals between our countries. He obviously doesn't know what he's talking about. That's an example why your president is the laughing stock of the world and your country by association.
UGH what a stupid orange bigot
then how do we get european goods?
>Our government isn't retarded like
Stopped reading there. Reported for being a Nazi, enjoy your gulag.
Someone is getting cranky. Go to bed, user.
Wow. She sure corrected the record.
But now that your Fuhrer has ordered your people to have 5 children each in Germany, things may change.
except we literally have agreements with you and all other eu members via the eu. again, how is he wrong? he's saying our arrangements through the eu aren't fair to us
So your saying Germany and America don't do any trade and that goods with Made in Germany stamped on them just magically appear?
How is he wrong? She basically confirmed his point. All she did was explain why that is.
But there are deals between the US and the EU of which Germany is a part of.
>our government is not fully retarded
By which thing, user?
Unlike Trump, Merkel is actually a politician.
>then how do we get european goods?
Through trade based on WTO rules.
You still don't get it.
Donnie thinks Germany and US can negotiate bilateral trade deals, which makes him completely ignorant of how the EU functions.
Unless, his goal is break apart the EU.
Which would then lead to splintering of the US.
So it was written, so it shall be....
>caring that Germoney acts through a layer of indirection that includes its vassal states
Hes not wrong, theyre just being pedantic assholes. Merkel sold Germany long ago.
>our government is not fully retarded like the US's.
US retardation goes way beyond the government.
>inb4 he makes a third thread
That would be Schroeder buddy.
Study your history.
>But now that your Fuhrer has ordered your people to have 5 children each in Germany, things may change.
Erdogan has made a big fuzz about increasing the birth rate of Turkish migrants in Germany years ago.... and the only thing those birth rates have done is go down.
Erdogan cannot meme Turks abroad to have more unprotected sex. If Turkish migrants wanted to have kids their birth rates would not be below the fucking German overall birth rate.
Wait did you fall for the Germany = EU meme?
>splintering of the US
Somebody is pretty self important if they think they could cause that
The record has been corrected.
Not even 6% of Germans are Muslims
So do we still trade directly with Germany?
I genuinely don't know
even the eurocrats aren't retarded enough to believe one size fits all. if the us wants tailor made deals with specific countries, they can do so via the eu. stop reading into this so much
>Did you buy a screwdriver, Hans?
>No you fucking American retard, I bought a toolbox that included a hammer, screwdriver and nails. Fucking retarded Americans hahahaha
>Donnie thinks Germany and US can negotiate bilateral trade deals, which makes him completely ignorant of how the EU functions.
Donnie is the president of the USA and is aware of the secret agreement Germany signed in 1949 that makes them a puppet of the US, who controls their finance, military and government.
USA doesn't need to even talk to the EU if it wants something from Germany. Who has all your gold? Who is occupying your soil?
>Implying Jews can stand the idea of Islam
I love you Sup Forums
Except for Gysi, who is sort of completely irrelevant on a political stage in Germany, I don't know any of those.
If you cannot see him trying to prop up his Murrica first trade balance bullshit by imagining a trade agreement between the US and Germany when there is none, you clearly have lost control of your life.
No seriously, it's wrong and it shows his incompetence.
>In fact, the U.S. has no direct, bilateral trade deals with Germany
Fuck you guys are dumb. Trump is imprecise with his diplomatic language but so what? Anyway, your precise autism goes both ways. Did Trump mention bilateral trade deals? No. So he was referring to net trade between the two nations - and his eye would have been on the net deficit the US has and surplus Germany has.
That calculus doesn't work when considering the Brexit context.
Try again.
even if its 5% but they are more yonger.
The main thing is the ratio of newborns
how many newborns in Germany is muslims. Thats what important.
>all this butthurt
Look at the bottom. That's your future.
>So do we still trade directly with Germany?
No, European companies and European individuals export and import shit, same as US companies and US individuals do that. The rules set are WTO rules. German and US authorities have zero exchange or ties in any of these transactions, ALL relations and transactions and paperwork etc. is done between the EU and the US.
American forces have been downsizing in Germany for more than 10 years.
And the Germans repatriated all the gold from US just recently, ahead of schedule.
Now run along and go catch up on more "happenings".
When those born in the 80s die out you'll see that the number of muslims are much larger and that the islamification has been happening all along.
Check your six.
Except that the agreement lasts until 2060 or so. Which means you're not even really a country, just the illusion of one.
So what you're say is that your head of state doesn't have to power to discuses trade deals with another head of state. Man you euros really are cuked, thank god Brittan will be leaving soon.
>famous jews
>unknown jews
I'm still surprised the antisemitism meme ever worked desu
oh thats good then, govt always fucks things up
>condescending tone
Good morning, Liberals.
Trump wants to restore fair trade, however that is envisioned. It could be 50% tariff going both ways, or it could be absolute free trade going both ways. He's stated he doesn't care, he wasn't it equal and fair.
>so what
How does WWIII sound
EU may as well just be a German run communist bloc given how much power they have through it. Get called on it for crafting trade deals favouring themselves; the Only response is "Ignore the (((German))) behind the curtain it's the EU doing it".
The Germans are becoming more like the chosen every day.
So many assblasted Germans in this thread.
>Implying they're not going to adapt to German society.
You know, It's those newborns that might settle the differences between our cultures.
After all, no one said their culture'd die out when all those Europeans came to America
>He's stated he doesn't care, he wasn't it equal and fair.
That may all be nice and dandy, but calling a pizza restaurant and trying to order nuclear fuel for nuclear power plants just won't work.
Trump needs to talk to the EU if he wants to change the trade relationship between the EU and the US. Currently, the relationship is governed by WTO rules and the tariffs are 100% reciprocal on the same goods.
>implying david milliband is relevant in 2017
Hey France
How are those black gifts going?
An agreement is only as good as it's enforceable. Donnie should go back to playing in the casino biz, because Putin has the upper hand.
It's more economical to transport nat gas from Russia to Germany.
you're a fucking idiot if you think he's suggesting an agreement that bypasses the eu.
britain won't be in the eu, nice try. common market doesn't mean that all arrangements with eu members must be identical. it just means there are common standards.
again, stop reading into this so much. you're losing so much because you take everything trump says to the nth degree. you people say he's a simpleton with 5th grade vocabulary, then read into his comments as if there's a hidden meaning behind them. make up your minds already
so basically what you're sayin is you'll buy our shit but never admit it.
Nvm, the news put its spin on it as usual.
Watch the actual Q&A
At 26:15
Trump talks about trade deals with Germany and focuses on that Germany has a surplus and in his view this is unfair and wants it to change.
Merkel sjust points out the topic to point out that any trade deals the USA wants to deal with Germany have gone and will have to go through the EU seeing as it's a unified market and all that crap.
IDK it all seems blown out of proportion
Also pic related they have a normal handshakes with smiles which just makes the whole "trump didn't want to shake merkel's hand" scene the media pushed weird.
Of course the deals can be discussed, but they must abide by EU rules.
Think of it as "checks and balances".
>When your typo brings shame to your family
The EU needs to be dropped and tried again.
I wouldn't take the EU seriously either.
Come back when you at least have elected presidents over the EU and not some crony pyramid bullshit.
The fuck is it wit Americans and the word "shaming"