If you had a time machine, and you went back with the intention of changing the outcome of the wars, WWYD?
How could Germany have won the war(s)
Thousand year Reich.
The reason Germany lost WW2, which they could have easily won, is because Hitler let his ideology get ahead of military planning. Focusing on Stalingrad, believing that for some reason the UK would surrender and not fight etc the list goes on and on
Reddit Reich
Switching from bombing RAF bases to bombing civilians. Nearly everything Hitler did was not the correct thing to do in his situation. The most basic mistake of all was to go to war against great naval powers with hardly a navy for himself
not invade serbia for no reason, not invade neutral countries, not break non-aggression pacts, not sink neutral ships, not expect your enemies to just have a change of heart, not shittalk the slavs
also smth smth christianity
kill hitler desu
Do not invade Russia. There you go
I would have told them not to declare war on the US to honor their treaty obligation with Japan, since Japan was useless in attacking the Russian eastern flank. I would have told Hitler to let Mussolini rot in Greece, if he couldn't have stopped him from entering Greece altogether. German paratroopers were a key element of Op Barbarossa, and their decimation in Greece -- while valiant -- set the German time-table back, and removed their ability to control Soviet transportation in advance of the German army. I would also have told Hitler to pour everything into rocket anti-aircraft technology instead of tank and other Wunderwaffen development that proved low ROI for the Germans.
Don't delay on the British front.
Establish treaty with Moscow while keeping a strong back line. Direct Himmler to develop nuclear technology instead of muh occult memes. Eradicate every fucking kike.
Have less complex weapons. Have s standard base weapon platform.
Increase industrial compacity
Seize bulkan oil fields early on, crank out production.
Scrap wonder weapon programs, allocate that money for better defenses.
Invest in subs
Invest in air supiority
Invest in better battlefield communications.
Make weather changing machine and lasers
hitler could have had nuclear bombs before the allies, but he actually overestimated them and though the allies already had nuclear capabilities. hitler didnt nuke the allies because he wanted to avoid MAD. he also avoided chemical warfare because he didnt like the cruelty of it, something that he had seen first hand in WW1. if he would have known the events that took place after his defeat up until now, he would have won the war
>Switching from bombing RAF bases to bombing civilians.
Didn't that happen just once, accidentally, which is exactly what Churchill wanted all along as it gave him the excuse to go to war and bomb the shit out of Germany?
If I was Hitler:
Annex German territory before WW1. Open it to international disputes and call out the bankers and Globalist in the other parts of the west. Call for a restoration of Austria and Hungary. Then R and D like there's no tomorrow. Instead of launching attacks in 1939, do it in 1943.
Then. Build the shit out of weapons and armament. 3x larger than what Hitler did.
Then. False Flag attacks from Russia, where their real enemy was, and Blitzkrieg through Russia at the end of winter, 1942. I mean full on warfare, what are civilians type of warfare. While keeping an iron curtain at the eastern and southern borders.
Annex Russia and bring jobs and housing to them as fast as humanly possible. War of hearts and minds. Be completed by 1944.
Then take on the rest of the world. Russia was Germany's hardest theater. Had the wiped them out first, they would have won, no problem.
Make sure Hitler doesn't micromanage the war into oblivion.
That and get the final solution going after the war, huge unneeded waste of resources
Go back a few years before WW1. tell them to issue helmets to every soldier before the war starts (not a year or 2 in) that alone would prevent a lot of deaths.
Tell them the concept of tanks, and to make lots of tanks with turrets, tell them where to acquire oil for tanks (Ottoman empire)
Then tell them a few things to avoid, like all those huge explosions the allies laid in traps. what operations were a mistake, like operation Michael. And Russia will be a week early to the war, and Belgium will fight you so just bring your artillery guns. I'd teach them to blitzkrieg. Hopefully they can build some aircraft as well. Maybe tell them to not help Vladimir Lenin.
Oh and tell them that the allies cut your Atlantic communications cable and they heard every message you sent the entire war.
So mainly the helmets, the tanks and blitzkrieg tactics and petrol and if possible aircraft for bombings and blitzkrieg
If Hitler had stopped at Poland, Nazi Germany would still be a force today and a major competitor to the US.
Stop aggression after absorbing Austria and Czech. Build up his military and goodwill with as many European countries as possible while waiting for Soviets to take Poland. Now USSR is the aggressor, lead Europe against the Soviets.
All these nuclear memes. That's expensive and where would he gotten the uranium?
All the time effort and resources wasted on The Final Solution would have made a difference,and probably THE difference.
A lone Heinkel got lost over Britain on the 20-something of August 1940 and bombed a London. In response Churchill sent a squadron of Lancasters to bomb Berlin the next day. Then Hitler completely switched to bombing civilians. If Hitler restrained himself from retaliating he could have destroyed the RAF. It was a shrewd move by Churchill. Churchill outmanoeuvred Hitler at every turn.
Immediate execution of Jews, not costly internment camps.
This. Hitler didn't know when to stop
Adding to this tell them to unleash the submarines at the start of the war. Although with tanks I think they'll win in months.
> Give him nuclear bomb plants
> Tell him Enigma was compromised
> Give him advanced communication technology
> Tell him to tell Japan to go fuck themselves
> Warn him about the known allied spies
> Tell him to kill the sandniggers too.
> Tell him not to spend money on useless shit
> Warn him about Normandy
> Tell him to stop using meth
> give him AK plants
Kinda interesting- they took a lot of new technology from Germany, why not nukes? Months later they drop 2 nukes in Japan.
Interesting but I doubt Hitler wouldn't have uses them.
This, focus on the strategic goal of ending Stalin's regime by taking Moscow and not getting bogged down in Stalingrad.
Wouldn't it be easier just to tell him to say 12 year Reich?
Put Speer & Goebbels in charge.
Assassinate Hitler & Goerring.
He didnt use them bcs he was a good leader with a good heart
> Goebbels
> Not Himmler and Heydrich
To win the war you have to postpone the holocaust.
tell hitler about the world today and tell him to make an alliance with the jews instead..and then kill all muslims in an big alliance with britain and the u.s.a.
And then these 3 would rule over the complete world for many thousands of years britain just keeps all the colonies and a few more germany takes europe and russia the usa take the complete americas and canada alaska while the jews have greater israel and rule over the middle east where all muslims are dead.
and then we just do cool stuff together like buildings the best cars and build colonies on other planets etc
they almost won ww1
but...you actually did surrender..just not to us
So He just let his people die? What about the v2 rockets?
By building more amplified hearing devices
Ask for a billion copies of praktischer idealismus by kalergie (1925) to be printed and air drop them all across europe. Now everyone will be redpilled against jews, freemasons, nobility, globalism and immigration. Actual warfare would not be needed, citizens would start a glorious cleaning of politics and banking. Hopefully.
Himmler was in charge of the Ostfront. He was quickly relieved due to massive incompetence
Germany was light years away from having nuclear technology.
Britain was bombing germany long before he started bombing civilians
Move forces around Leningrad in Army Group North to reinforce Army Group Centre before the Russians could trigger their counter attack.
If Moscow still held then to forget Stalingrad and work to cut off the entire Caucus region and remove the oil from the USSR.
Don't invade Poland. Axis gets to choose when the war starts, pick a better (more deserving) target.
Germany was working on replacing the Kar98 with a semi-automatic rifle. Well, forget that. If I'm a time traveler, then make the STG the standard infantry rifle. If it means delaying the war for another year (at least), then so be it. Also, almost every country in the world today has assault rifles as the standard infantry rifle, so don't laugh. (This will reach 400m targets almost as well as any rifle, with significantly faster follow-up shots. Garand BTFO. Also, it's good enough at close range, so PPSHs won't have too great a
>tfw it would be way easier to fix the issues of ww1 than to fix ww2 but nobody knows or cares and ww1
>tfw German Empire was literally best Germany and no one knows how badass they were to fight the entire world and almost win
>tfw to smart for the third Reich
>long before he started bombing civilians
>what is Guernica
>what is warsaw
>what is rotterdam
The nazis invented unrestricted air warfare.
The Battle of Moscow was the only thing that really mattered.
Lies. He bombed strategic military targets.
Churchshill and the Gimp pioneered "Terrorbombing" on non strategic civilian cities.
They are war criminals. And I can't wait until they are correctly labelled as such.
>Don't invade Poland. Axis gets to choose when the war starts, pick a better (more deserving) target.
Poland was a big soft target, completely isolated and filled with plains, perfect for the werhmacht to practice their tactics and accumulate experience. Poland invasion was vital for the upcoming military operations
tell the gooks to take a chill pill
fuck the britbongs at dunkirk
fuck russia, just go where the oil is and fuck the rest
Oils in Russia
It took twelve years to make
>He bombed strategic military targets.
>and destroyed almost the entire historic city centre, killing nearly 900 people and making 85,000 others homeless.
>The psychological and physical success of the raid, from the German perspective, led the Oberkommando der Luftwaffe (OKL) to threaten to destroy the city of Utrecht if the Dutch Government did not surrender.
>The attack gained infamy because it involved the deliberate targeting of civilians by a military air force.
Go shill your revisionist bullshit somewhere else
That's small fucking potatoes compared the the hundreds of thousands annihilated by the allies. Like I said on non military cities.
>Linking wikijewdia twice in one post
That's nice deary
that's bs, they sold their bases and accepted the help of the US
You forgot the part where Lufftwaffe destroyed the historical city center.
>have no argument
>bitch about wikipedia
Go back to stormfront
> Like I said on non military cities.
Rotterdam historical center was a military target?
>Anglos Dying
More Proof that Hitler did Nothing Wrong
>Newfags telling me to go somewhere else
>Shilling for his good goy version (aka the most correct for Israel's sake)
What did I say was revisionist again? You feel of Reddit.
>Bombed them while fighting them
You're seriously comparing a wartime bombing to allied Terrorbombing? You think those two are similar?
Tell Japan not to fuck up with USA until Germany beat UK and USSR first
If the Nazis had been true nationalists they would have stopped after re-annexing all the territories with German majorities (Danzig and the Polish Corridor, Alscance-Lorraine, the Sudetendland, Tyrol, Austria).
But they were imperialists masquerading as nationalists. And they fucked the german nation up worse than anyone had in the last 400 years.
>You're seriously comparing a wartime bombing to allied Terrorbombing?
The allies where bombing germany during peacetime? HAHAHAHAHAHHA, you are such a fucking retarded stormtard
russia pretty big
It would have changed nothing. Most of the Government was evacuated from Moscow, and we would never surrender.
Besides, Battle of Moscow had enough Axis troops allocated as it was.
Hitler only switched to bombing civilians after Churchill did, when he had no choice.
No you simple minded child. The allied air raids were just that- air raids on civilian cities.
Rotterdam was a battle, with Germans fighting the Dutch.
He tried stopping after Danzig dummy he couldn't. After that he was at war with France and Britain soon
Do you even read the wikipedia link before you post them?
listen to Karl Donitz, give him 300 uboots
and proceede to starve britbongs
invade and take their whole shitty island
slowly plan what next
>It would have changed nothing.
give to his engineers a few ak to improve their standard weapon their bolt action rifle was outdated
Ill tell him he loses because hes inferrior
Show no mercy at dunkirk because the English showed us none in either war.
2 literally do not fight on the eastern front until the west had surrendered.
3 make those jungle gooks not drag America in. [Inb4 false flag]
What do you mean he had no choice? He had every choice
>research automatic weapons earlier
>Invade Soviet Union
>Liberate Slavs form the Soviets
>Arm the Slavs with shitty bolt action
>Say they will get 'freedom' if they fight for us
>Capture Stalingrad using Slav army (lol human wave that shit)
>Use the 6th Army to capture the Caucuses
>Send Slavs to Moscow
>Mop up and take Moscow
It's pretty much accepted by all? Why don't you bother to learn a single version of history before asking me to teach you one
They say he was surprised, stunned that they actually declared war on him for fixing the Danzig corridor problem
>air raids on civilian cities.
and Rotterdam was a "military city"? What about Guernica? Was it also a "military city"?
>Rotterdam was a battle, with Germans fighting the Dutch.
And the fighting was taking place in the historical center?
>he tried to stop after danzig
Then why did he carved up Poland with USSR if he just wanted Poland?
Could always slip them the A-bomb designs.
I mean. what could be more powerfull than information?
Fucking time Machine and sheet. Could just track down one of the rogue ones in russia and bring that back with you.
If I'm bringing a time machine with me as it is and I understood how it worked what I could explain it to them would already be well past the atomic age anyway. Probably a cheap way to isolate uranium ahead of what we have now if i can give him atomically precise manufacturing.
Hitler lost.
And whites actually fucking celebrate this.
Were officially in the worst timeline.
>if he just wanted Poland?
Yes it was? Don't know what you want me to tell you. That was from your wiki links lmao.
Here's from the wiki to Guernica
>Thebombing of Guernica(26 April 1937) was anaerial bombingof theBasquetown ofGuernicaduring theSpanish Civil War. It was carried out at the behest of theSpanish nationalist governmentby its allies, theNazi GermanLuftwaffe'sCondor Legionand theFascist ItalianAviazione Legionaria, under the code nameOperation Rügen. The town was being used as a communications center behind the frontline.
Because the stupid Fucking Polish were told by the allies to not negotiate with Hitler. So they went to war and he taught them what a mistaken that was. Literally asked for it.
Hitler wasn't close of being in control of germany during WW1
fucking shit, what does history look like to the average ameritard?
>convince Hitler that Muslims are the main issue
>make up some stupid shit that Jews are the puppets of the Islamic faith and were paid to dismantle Germany
>ensure him that Muslims were behind this
>Germany storms the Middle East with minimum resistance
>The Crusades: Electric Boogaloo
>wipes out all people of Islamic faith
>starts killing Jews anyway, but doesn't go as far as the original timeline
>Allies still kick his ass
>Europe and America rid of Islamic rats for good
>Islamic Revolution never happens
>9/11 Never happens
>Mass migration of Muslims into Europe never happens
>Western society is inherently better because of what Hitler did
>Well after several years of experience I learned about the Jews but this neet told me it was the Muslims
>>Thebombing of Guernica(26 April 1937) was anaerial bombingof theBasquetown ofGuernicaduring theSpanish Civil War. It was carried out at the behest of theSpanish nationalist governmentby its allies, theNazi GermanLuftwaffe'sCondor Legionand theFascist ItalianAviazione Legionaria, under the code nameOperation Rügen. The town was being used as a communications center behind the frontline.
Literally the same reasoning can be applied to the allied bombing. Dresden was a vital transportation hub in the east...
Still does not eliminate the fact that germans where the first to bomb civilians
>Because the stupid Fucking Polish were told by the allies to not negotiate with Hitler.
And rightfully so. What kind of sovereign state accept ceding part of it's territory in a unilateral agreement? Accepting ceding the Polish corridor was essentially accepting protectorate status
Also look at Czechoslovakia, who "negotiated" with germany. look at what happened to them.
you guys are simply cucks for thinking it is a legitimate move for a government to cede territory to a hostile foreign gov.
>american (((nationalism)))
>We can literally just say it was for the same reason haha see there now it's true because I said it
>Spanish civil war
>Germans helped spics
>Moor crying about it comparing apples to oranges. Doesn't realise comms center behind the front lines is not the same as bombing civilians for the sake of bombing civilians
>And rightfully so
Let me stop you right there retard. If the world superpower tells you we need to negotiate peace on this problem where Germans are being murdered, And you decide to ignore him and keep killing, rightfully so is bombing your country to shit and splitting up land that you can't hold for yourself to begin with. and keep in mind Poland is a fucking propped up country to begin with. "Sovereign Nation" my ass. That was handed to them after ww1.
Czech isn't any different. Germany fought ww1 with every single western power trying to destroy her and then the Czech state pops up at the cost of German soil. You talk about ceding to hostile foreign govt well that's what happened to Germany to begin with.
It wouldn't take a lot of convincing. If someone 70 years in the future went back and time told you that everything is fucked because of so and so, wouldn't you be willing to take care of the problem before it escalates like it did in the future?
By waiting for the Soviets to expand into Poland, encircling their armies and enlisting Britain and France into the war on their side.
What of Hitler made you guess which testicle (if any) got blown off?
WWYD Sup Forums?
>where Germans are being murdered,
>and keep in mind Poland is a fucking propped up country to begin with
The interwar Polish state was composed of districts with Polish majority.
> Czech state pops up at the cost of German soil.
Czechia was never part of Germany. You are literally clueless and you have no idea of what you are talking about.
>"Sovereign Nation" my ass.
Does Poland hurt your fee fees?
Germany could never have won. Their mistake was invading poland. Uk should never have got involved and should NEVER have help USSR
Yes it hurts to see a literal meme be allowed to exist. It's on par with trying to recover the Panda bear as a species when they are just too dumb to continue. What hurts more is your Reddit spacings
>Sudetenland has ethnic Germans
>Danzig has majority Germans
He stinged you, didnt he Cletus?
You know what they say about arguing with a moor
>He'll drag you down to his level (welfare line) and beat you with his gibsmedat
Can't tell you how boring this one is, and how its used several times per day. Maybe try some your momma jokes too
>>Sudetenland has ethnic Germans
Was never part of German empire
>>Danzig has majority Germans
Danzig was independent under the prtection of the league of nations. Danzig was not art of Poland
God, you stormtards are always so fucking stupid and ignorant
>Poland is a meme state
You are talking about one of the oldest european countries, the bulwark of european civilizations against invaders. Go back to your trailer park Cletus
>mistake was invading Poland
Germans thought they would get away with Danzig and had planned to build up navy for 1945 war.
>how crazy could Poles be to risk a war over a simple strip of land
Well they sure know now.
Also reminder Poles had a shot at actually being buddy-buddy with Germans.
He had the choice to let his cities and civilians keep being bombed by a puppet prime minister without retaliation, yes.