>Devin Gutierrez is a straight man, but he's never dated a straight woman.
>A transgender man, Gutierrez grew up as a woman.
>Devin Gutierrez is a straight man, but he's never dated a straight woman.
>A transgender man, Gutierrez grew up as a woman.
Other urls found in this thread:
Wait what?
>women who take testosterone are "straight men"
>men who take estrogen and cut off their dicks are "straight women"
>straight man
>used to be a woman
we wuz lesbeans n shieeet
Wait what?
There is absolutely nothing heterosexual about that faggot
When will this shit stop?
i'm pretty sure these people will never be satisfied until every normal decent person is dead and buried
I dun wanna give clicks to cnn but what?
so is he born a male or female?
he was born a female, and has since transitioned to being """male"""
>oy vey he is a straight man, goyim
Shes a woman, emulating a man and has only dated women.
Oh thanks m8.
>straight man
wtf, it implies that she's male right from the beginning.
She's not a man at all. She has no Y chromosomes.
>If you dont like pussy you are a biggot
I promise you, this is a plot to iradicate normal "self" period. Same thing with the fucking refugee floods. Kill normal self, reshape to suit.
So what youre saying is that this woman is now a man, but likes women (who are into men), but not this man because he was a woman. Ahhh ok I get it now. Not confusing what so ever.
>straight man
>grew up as a woman
Also, if you don't accept that she is a he, and if you ever imply that she isn't in all ways a completely normal male, you're an ignorant bigot.
p.s. sex is a social construct
OP you faggot, you don't include the actual link to fake news, you make an archive so they don't get ad money, and any Sup Forumsack that clicked the link is stupid
sry archive.is doesn't allow proxied traffic and i'm lazy
then use the wayback machine you shart
here is the link to the fake news article
do russians think that all young americans buy this garbage propaganda, or do you know that a great number of us think it's fucking disgusting?
I wish we had anti-propaganda laws like you guys
Just another day of Very Fake News Network taking a shit on the credibility of every media outlet on the planet.