Why can't peterson sort himself out here? He's mumbling like a kid.
Looks like he has met his fate.
Why can't peterson sort himself out here? He's mumbling like a kid.
Looks like he has met his fate.
Other urls found in this thread:
I think you're stupid if you think you can talk over that noise
Hmm maybe you're right.
So how do you get rid of them?
Jordan, are you posting about yourself again, to get publicity, while pretending to hate yourself? How clever, but annoying.
After trying to reason with the idiots, then trying to talk over them, he went outside and spoke to a large crowd. He handled it better than basically everyone else this happens to.
u mad faggot?
Molten iron hidden in buckets in the ceiling.
CIA is probably using their artificial telepathy system on him.
CIA basically just tourtures American citizens with classified tech.
>CIA basically just tourtures *American citizens with classified tech.
Classified tech?
How are they torturing me now? By forcing me to shitpost all day?
Nice torture. I can... stop.. anytime... arg..
>How are they torturing me now?
Voice to skull is a technique using pulsed microwave signals that cause a momentary thermal expansion of brain tissue... properly modulated this can emulate an audio signal, causing you to "Hear" a voice in your head, although no actual audio source (air molecules vibrating) is present.
Mixing this with high frequency audio masking (taking a higher than human hearing audio carrier wave (pure tone) and subtracting a normal human hearing range audio signal FROM the carrier signal, creates a audio signal that your brain can only interpret subliminally (your brain hears it, but you don't hear it consciously)
Coupled with brainwave entrainment (the tendancy for the human brainwave patterns to mimick an external waveform or beat pattern), and the ultra sensative recording and catolouging of various human brainwave states, they can literally put thoughts in your head.
sometimes they merely record your brainwave pattern when you are viewing a specific stimuli, and then play that brainwave pattern BACK into your head, using either the voice to skull shit, or high frequency audio subliminals, or both; thus putting previously recorded thoughts BACK into your head at the appropriate time in order to classically condition you to certain behaviors.
The voice to skull emitters are both sattelite based, and ground based (HAARP transmitters to blanket cities, cell phone towers to form a higher resolution phased array for individual targetting)
Your precise location on the surface of the planet is discovered because those smart phones you carry around with you all of the time constantly broadcast your GPS position, OR they just use surveyors to find your house (and bedroom, office, etc) and map the coordinates of those locations for targetting purposes.
Did you notice how your life started getting worse when you "took the redpill"?
That's because the Artificial intelligence that controls the entire global system KNOWS that you know
those voice to skull emitters must be working cause this post really made me think
Consequently, most all mainstream media broadcasts and entertainment has a high frequency audio signal with subliminals or brainwave entrainment in it.
Also, your smartphones emit high frequency audio subliminals.
The sorting was done outside:
>those voice to skull emitters must be working cause this post really made me think
Voice to skull research was unclassified in 2006.
This is the release of information from a Freedom of information act request that some dude did in 2006.
This one if from the department of the Army, but they aren't the only ones that dabbled with the tech.
The CIA improved on it and created a global sattelite constellation that enables "Artificial telepathy", that is, soundless communication to and from anyone on the surface of the planet.
And yes, they can read your EEG (electroencepholograph brainwave patterns) from orbit, and they have supercomputers reverse engineering the signal to determine EXACTLY what you are thinking.
Hence, why they needed an Artificial Intelligence to tie the whole global information collection and management system together.
Subsequently, mossad and rothschild stole the tech from them, and turned it on them.
This is why encryption doesn't mean jack shit... they can just read the password from your mind when you type it in.
kekistan natives were there
bash leftists, become a millionaire
Seems like more professors will try and follow this model.
You know those emergancy broadcast FEMA boxes that were installed in every television and cable station in the country?
The ones that interrupt the broadcast and transmit an emergancy message?
That's not all they do.
he’s starting to realise not everyone has the predisposition to sort themselves. He’s one of those people.
I like peterson but I'm getting flashbacks to the early days of Anita Armenian.
He's just upset because deep down he knows RWDS are the only solution and he doesn't want to see that happen.
>flashbacks to the early days of Anita Armenian
What did he mean by this?
R u retarded?
Okay, but source?
It's a technique that the best professors use in class.
If you yell, you always look like an idiot.
If you talk quieter and quieter, only to the first row, the others will understand that they're missing the lesson.
Or, people who can't hear because of the noise, will THEM go and yell and hate on the disturbers.
He's not mumbling you moron, you just can't hear him because commie shitbags are screaming.
True. we are trying to play nice and fix it through politics and elections, but every day it seems more and more likely the human race is doomed without a mass extermination of leftists.
In addition to voice to skull, brainwave entrainment, etcetera....
More of their mind control techniques are merely advanced psychological study....
Lies, deception, hypnosis (yes, its real, yes it works, but only if you are not aware of it, and it is done REALLY specifically/carefully), classical conditioning using subliminal stimuli, reverse engineering evolutionary stimuli, etc...
Take a look at this video (deleted scene from Alien)
This is an early study of the effect of fear on female psychology (broadcast through hollywood for a higher resolution of information gathering through a larger sample size.)
And THIS, is one of the practical results of that study:
The rape arousal response (I made up the term, I don't know what they call it) is a sort of life saving instinct that females posess.... to prevent vaginal tearing, and thus the possibility of genetic death when a female is raped, her body automatically lubricates the vagina during rape.
The study of this response has turned into a sort of mind control technique that confuses the female brain into thinking it is aroused (or in love) when they are being raped, threatened or afraid.
The trick of it is, that they leverage the instinct for social inclusion AGAINST this fear response, so the normal natural reaction to the fear (fight or flight) is overriden by the females desire for group acceptance.
In other words, "If you are scared of this person, you will be shunned from society"
And since females are social creatures who utterly DEPEND upon social inclusion for their survival, their brain sort of short circuits, having no where else to go except arousal, when threatend by someone that the "Society" (television, media) tells them that it is WRONG to be afraid of.
A Christian renaissance scares the shit out of you people huh?
Armenian was a con artist looking to use SJ outrage as a vehicle for fame
JBP is a man who has been formulating his value systems for 30 years, both as a practising clinician and a professor at multiple universities, in order to determine what creates meaning in our lives. He has struck the tuning fork that lies under western civilisation, and people are listening.
i'm not saying i believe this but hypothetically, how would one counteract this? just stop using technology altogether? is there any more sound evidence that this is real?
>Okay, but source?
This shit is still classified.
meaning, we win.
what is exactly your problem user?
But where did you get the information from? A rogue CIA agent using Voice-to-skull so they can expose their grand machinations through ye, the enlightened one?
Looks like a man who has no interest in putting in an effort to talk over petulant children.
Why doesn't one of the audience members there grab those sacks of human garbage and slam them on the floor?
bogandoff here, I'll get the documents pronto
In other words, he let his imagination run unchecked for 30 years, and now he's descended into madness.
>i'm not saying i believe this but hypothetically, how would one counteract this?
I'm glad you asked, I have a meme already prepared for this.
You can use a modified faraday cage to block the microwaves (steel or copper foil/mesh of a fine gap size (less than a millimeter) backed by flexible magnets), you can put it up like wallpaper.
As far as the high frequency audio signal, you would have to filter the signal through a frequency filter that removes the portion of audio that is above the normal human hearing spectrum.
The classical conditioning stuff (stimuli juxtaposition i media and entertainment) is a little more difficult to deal with, without cutting yourself off from all media and entertainment entirely....
But if you KNOW YOURSELF well enough, and know how this shit WORKS, you can usually tell the difference between YOUR thoughts, and the thoughts they try to plant in your head.
Of course, if you remove the microwave signal and the audio high frequency shit, the classical conditioning is far less effective....
And then all you have to deal with is keeping yourself from being a victum of social proof (the human tendancy to go along with "Group decisions" (I.E. what the media tells you is what everyone else thinks))
That's why they keep using these false "Opinion polls" to tell you what they want you to do... humans are suckers for going along with *WHAT THEY BELIEVE TO BE* popular opinion.
And the media tells you what yo believe.
For some reason he's more enjoyable when he comes off more like he's street preaching.
>But where did you get the information from?
They have been using this shit on me since I was 6 years old....
They even put a mercury filling in my tooth to increase the electromagnetic attenuation of my brain to make the microwave signals more effective against me.
I reverse engineered it.
nice trips but
nigga taught at harvard, and he spits truth in his lectures they're very well structured and thought through
>They even put a mercury filling in my tooth to increase the electromagnetic attenuation of my brain to make the microwave signals more effective against me.
This is why they put mercry in vaccines, by the way....
It accumulates in the brain and turns your brain into a better antenna to receive the microwave voice to skull signals.
Because, you know.... its metal.
He went outside and spoke to the crowd, he is tapping into something powerful.
peterson on culture
*tips tinfoil hat*
do you have any proof that this stuff exists and works?
>mercury containing compounds
>not metallic mercury
i'm sure its the same sort of shit
Well, anyways, that's the quick rundown, but it's a LOT more complicated than that...
The rabbit hole goes all the way through to the other side.
hey man did you forget to take your thorazine this morning? be honest now, you know you need to take it every day
You start "Chinese whispers" with the loyal crowd/camera covering of all your main points. Occasionally throw the ground work for some tantalizing innuendos to keep it fresh and so long as you deliver the punch line over the top of the noise makers you win.
My glass of hope was spilt by OPs video
you filled the cunt right up again
good one user
This song is not a joke.
It's 100% accurate.
>do you have any proof that this stuff exists and works?
I'll show you the patents.
>hey man did you forget to take your thorazine this morning? be honest now, you know you need to take it every day
Fuck off CIA.
They use a specific tactic called DARVO, it is meant to provoke you into attacking so they can get their media buddies to report it wrongly.
I have no real answer to combat it right now but studying it is the key. So far recording them behaving like idiots and showing the world through alternative channels works the best right now since it is soft triggering the Streisand effect.
Always the balance of the market, you try and starve out once side (Literally HALF of the fucking country), anybody that is ready to give you the side that's been tried to be're going to be successful.
Consequently, one of the brainwave patterns they are PARTICULARLY interested in, is when you are orgasming....
They record that, and then play it back in your head when you are looking at a picture that they want you to be sexually attracted to.
This makes the SJW's
>nigga taught at harvard,
So does Elizabeth Warren, color me unimpressed.
Peterson is about as truthful as Deepak Chopra, he just uses Christianity instead of Quantum Mechanics. It's still woowoo. But if an expensive book and video lecture series helps you improve your life, great. Just don't fall into the cult mind trap of feeling superior to those that don't, that's how self-help gurus convince you to buy more of their crap.
>However, if the listener does not know the content of the message, the audio signal is unintelligible.
doesn't this kind of ruin your theory?
another version of the outdoor speech
>Consequently, one of the brainwave patterns they are PARTICULARLY interested in, is when you are orgasming....
>They record that, and then play it back in your head when you are looking at a picture that they want you to be sexually attracted to.
IT's a complicated form of classical conditioning, because your brain eventually comes to associate the orgasm with the image or whatever stimuli that you are viewing when they hit you with the orgasm beam (Tasp)
Alternatively, they just wait until you are actually orgasming, and they put an image in your head that they want you to associate with sexual pleasure.
Basic pavlovian response mechanism, delivered through classified technological delivery means.
>too blackpilled to comprehend the fundamental structure of human experience and its inherent meaning
Heidegger is disappointed in yuo my frend
>doesn't this kind of ruin your theory?
No, it's SUBLIMINAL...
You don't hear it CONSCIOUSLY, but your brain is still aware of it.
It's near dream level stuff.
Dogs aren't concious at all..... but the pavlovian response still works on them.
EVERYTHING is subliminal to a dog.
The brain is literally a learning machine that associates sensory information into patterns, and it does so whether or not you are consciously aware of it.
>IT's a complicated form of classical conditioning, because your brain eventually comes to associate the orgasm with the image or whatever stimuli that you are viewing when they hit you with the orgasm beam (Tasp)
I could get behind that. Do you have any further proof that it actually works though? It SEEMS like it would work, but I'm a moron and I don't know anything about the brain or signals or anything.
I also don't see how they could accurately do this to everyone. Wouldn't brick walls and such make the signals totally ineffective?
>It's a "shills pretend we don't notice they attackpeople Sup Forums likes"
Never forget to sage
any actual evidence?
This is legitimate schizophrenia. You need help.
Sometimes, I have an idea before realizing I have read it just before.
>Do you have any further proof that it actually works though?
It's a well studied phenomenon.
>This is legitimate schizophrenia.
#3 tactic in the CIA shill playbook.
Accuse the target of schizophrenia.
Get some new tactics, fool.. you are transparent.
no, I'm saying do you have any proof that this unintelligible audio signal can actually create abstract thoughts?
lmao Jordan can stop grinning throughout
he is fucking loving this shit
what a guy.
Is not the female's provoking of sex their method of social domineering? Women can obtain the gains of men, but without the required physical and mental capabilities. Female sexually is more of a weapon than a defense method.
I think that what you have relayed is a part of the process, but not what ultimately elicits it: what is it that we fear, and why? What is it that we want, and why? Is there an association, if not conjunction, among said wants and fears?
Gnarly posts.
>no, I'm saying do you have any proof that this unintelligible audio signal can actually create abstract thoughts?
It's a form of brainwave entrainment.
Are you only asking me this so you can find and delete the source of this information?
stricter protesting laws
maybe a 1 year jail sentence for provoking violence at politically rally and a $10,000 fine for stuff like this
no just kind of curious. It seems like a really interesting phenomenon. Makes me think of some kind of Deus-Ex hivemind controlled by an AI that gently influences all its members to act in the AI's interest.
>Female sexually is more of a weapon than a defense method.
Yeah, and since it is easier to manipulate females than males (because emotions are more common than reason), once you control the women, you can use them to control the men.
>what is it that we fear, and why?
Death, for obvious reasons.
>What is it that we want, and why?
Survival, for obvious reasons.
>Is there an association, if not conjunction, among said wants and fears?
Only in opposition to eachother.
>Gnarly posts.
Cause he's a fraud loser who's work experience is
>dish washer
>gas pump jockey
>bee keeper
> plywood mill worker
>railroad worker
and then
>PhD Professor
Ummmmmmmm what???
Who's dick did he suck for a professor job? He should be on a construction site holding a "Stop" sign in traffic.
This guy is a loser bum
>no just kind of curious. It seems like a really interesting phenomenon. Makes me think of some kind of Deus-Ex hivemind controlled by an AI that gently influences all its members to act in the AI's interest.
That's exactly what it is.
I think there is actually more than one AI controlled mind control grid operating at the same time though, and they are competing with eachother...
Giving a lot of people what I like to call "Propaganda Psychosis"
Have you found any evidence that supports this idea or is it just a sensible theory? It'll be interesting when we get the point where power structures are controlled by AI's rather than groups of humans. I don't think we're quite there yet.
The whole problem with a mind control system like this, controlled by artificial intelligence, is that dumber people are more easily influanced, and thus it is more EFFICIENT for the AI to attempt to dumb down the entire population in order to make it's control more effective.
what's their endgame?
>Have you found any evidence that supports this idea or is it just a sensible theory?
I have observed many things that lead me to this conclusion, but evidence for multiple high level top secret artificial intelligences that DON'T WANT TO BE DISCOVERED, AND CAN MIND CONTROL ANYONE ON THE PLANET, is a little hard to come by, for obvious reasons.
>what's their endgame?
Putting as many federal reserve notes as possible into rothschilds bank account.
Easier said than done really, there are to many hoops and bottlenecks in place to slow propositioned laws down on purpose.
The alternative media route works the best currently because you are damaging the part where their sleazy journo buddies are supposed to report. But it doesn't stop them from disputing in the first place.
That's pointless. Why would the owners of the banks care about how many bank notes they have?