what does pol think about acid attacks?
What does pol think about acid attacks?
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Three parts sulfuric acid to one part hydrogen peroxide, its exothermic, so watch out, it'll boil almost instantly. Make sure to use a PTFE container.
Girls turn into jelly donuts for like the rest of their lives after one of those attacks.
They're barbaric.
coollll!! I'm gonna be the hottest bitch in grade 4 thnx russia
/fa/ as fuck
Eat the falafel, forever look awful.
They're barbaric as fuck. Muzzies gonna muzz.
We should implement them on the wet to coalburners and whores
Islam is the religion of peace therefore acid attacks are not real.
Your move.
That's what you get for fucking shitskins.
Looks like Michael Jackson
Why does an acid attack make you smug?
roast gets toast
only coalburners or arab lovers get this treatment. muslims wont attack randomly with acid
They're bad but our acid attacks are happening to Londoners.
Depends on what she did.
I think the number of them is going to increase until Europe kicks out the fucking Muslims.
I have half a mind to Photoshop rich Saudi princes into gay scenes and than send it as "evidence" to the government... I bet u we could change the power structure like that
throwing acid in faces is bad. and drugs are bad.
scares the shit out of me, much more than getting shot or something.
Especially since muslims start bringing this shit to europe (>1500 cases in london in the past few years).
But im afraid the surest way to get thrown acid in your face is openly talking about it.
Shes from colombia. Somehow this is common over there.
>2017 Sup Forums metup.
Who is this?
Can't wait until it becomes mainstream in the west so I can laugh at feminists.
They actually do, like 70% of the attacks are on males and some are even random. pisslam turns "people" into comple garbage.
Definitely redpill.
They do. These muds always carry acid bottles to throw randomly.
They did that with boiling oil bottles in the middle ages
I can't imagine a greater hell for a woman.
It's just a part of life in London.
Punishment should be a slowly dripping container placed just above sexual organs of attacker.
30 min therapy should help them understand true result of it potential.
Wrap the turban, make sure you have a medical plan
Acid attacks are good against trolls if you don't have a source of fire, otherwise they will regenerate after you kill them.
The greatest tool in the red pill arsenal in the modern age.
>not being able to find a beta provider at 35 to bankroll you and your son
>no chad dick all weekend
>losing your phone
Have fresh OC for that splendid first comment.
Oh look, child refugees from war-torn Syria.
7/10 not bad
Well they're not very nice.
Only ok to use if I disagree with them 2bh.
every time i hear about one its always a muslim guy that did it.
what the fuck is wrong with islamic culture?
Why do you think they wear the burka?
Don't go Amir if you can't take the sear