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>tfw we make most of it
American dairy appreciation thread, anyone?
Your cheese is too expensive and diverse enough
not diverse
Who is this dopey cunt? She looks retarded.
thats the UK
Continentals make better cheese though.
You should give up on cheese and export more sausage rolls and stargazy pie
Cheejus Christ
>tfw no Liz gf
How much farmland is even available in the UK? Surely a country the size of California with twice the population wouldn't have that much, would it?
It really is a bloody disgrace desu.
liz fucking truss is EVERYWHERE. why? who even is she? seems like the day after the vote, shes on every fucking thing she can get on
tons m8 just look on google maps
stargazy pie is strictly cornish i get fucking triggered when people call it a british or english cuisine.
Who knows but it doesn't stop us importing 300,000 people a year to live on our tiny overcrowded island.
When a lefty sees an empty plot of lush, green grass they droll over the thought of concreting it over for "affordable" housing. With that in mind, farmland is a big ask.
I call bullshit. Also this women talks like a deaf person, who the fuck pushed her out onto the stage.
Is it undeveloped or something? You're right, though. There's quite a bit.
And what in the hell? Are theae town names?
>tfw more cornish people in Australia than in cornland
>American tries to insult British town names
wew lad
Most of England is farmland. It's fucking terrible. The Tories have promised to plant some millions of trees or something, but I haven't heard much about that for a while.
Actual cornish? Extreme doubt intensifies
idk check the wiki for 'Cornish people' and quibble with that
>asking a question is an insult
Quit trying to victimize yourself, you SJW faggot.
Yes they are town names you dullard
b-b-but muh GDP
Comparison: East Anglia with Bavaria.
meh maybe cornish couple hundred years ago
doubt your average aussie even knows what a cornwall is
What cheeses do brifags have? Everything is produced from other countries
So what's even the issue in the OP? Not enough dedication to dairy farming or something?
A simple "yes" would have sufficed to begin with.
we have god tier cheese
It's what Trump wants to build, we all know that
>So what's even the issue in the OP? Not enough dedication to dairy farming or something?
Importing too much cheese, apparently.
I don't eat cheese so I don't care.
The more woodland/wilderness we have, the better, in my opinion. But farmland is taking all the space.
>two thirds of our cheese
that is a DISGRACE
we had the EMPIRE and now we import two thirds of our CHEESE
British cheeses are great
Double Gloucester with chives, literally no better cheese
I want to import her cheese if you whiff my drift
My favorite cheese, "Huntsman," is from England. It's double gloucester surrounding a center of Stilton. Holy shit, it's delicious. Try it if you never have before.
>t. Disgusting fatfuck amerilard
Stop eating all our cheese fatty. If not for you we wouldn't have to import it.
this is common misconception, wall will be built of corpses and not corn; corn is for eating, corpses are for building. sometimes when get hungry confuse happen and eat corpse or two. corn more good for eat but build ok too
*nibbles on cheese block from comfort of motorized scooter*
no wonder since your cheese is literally scum
Is cheese making really the sector that Britain is going to build its economy on in a post-brexit world?
Countries with trade surpluses are (generally) poorer than countries with trade deficits. People in poor countries can't afford to buy imported goods! The purpose of any economic activity is ultimately consumption. That gets lost so easily. We don't work for the sake of it, we work to live better. We export so that we can import the really cool shit that we want.
*unzpis dick*
>Literally have fucking maggots in their cheese
Italy is... white?
From the country that brought you watery cheese
we've made more contributions to cuisine in the world than you have, whatever the fuck youve made. pasta?
Brexit will ensure all you have to eat is cheddar and stilton and various chedarshire cheeses.
No soft or semi-soft cheeses.
No sheeps milk cheeses
1 goats cheese
I'm no expert, but that might be gay, dude. I didn't even see a no homo in there so I'm about 89% sure that's gay.
Also, what if he smells your dick cheese and eats the thing whole? Putting your valuables near culinary black holes is a fatal mistake.
more than you know Ahmed
>national dish is curry; compares food to Italian cuisine.
you contributed with... um... porridge? how can humans swallow that cum-like disgusting shit? you really must be cucks
Who has seen this on HIGNFY... like four or fives times?
Hi doggy
so this......is the power.....of italian shitposting.....wow......
start a cheese making company or stfu.
>makes this incoherent speech about UK losing in trade
>was a Remainer
But why?
Wisconsin banned Irish (Kerrygold) butter. The eternal Paddy strikes again.
Huh, i thought she was leading up to some kind of "all these are tabloid lies and we produce nothing of value" type point.
The only cheese I normally eat is mexicana, delicious and spicy jalepenos. I think it's probably imported. I also like red Leicester and occasionally I get smoked gouda and a few other continental cheeses like edam.
There's nothing wrong with importing cheese. That's how trade works.
>complain about italian shitposting
>under a britcuck post screeching about cheese
well Nigel...
Brits cant make cheese
Leave the cheese to us
t. never tried Crumbly Lancashire
Red Leicester
Cheese strings
Blue Vinny
Yeah, we don't make any cheese at all
>Leave the cheese to us
Says the guy who can't make cheese without holes in it.
>Cheese strings
You forgot dairy lee, you humongous shitposter.
We actually make great cheese get to fuck lol
Sorry not everwhere is called Beaver Creek
No Swiss man, you just concentrate on Nazi Gold
ching chong bing ding chong
Wensleydale is objectively the best cheese in the world.
Oh, I do like a bit of Gorgonzola.
>cheese strings
also Cheddar is the only british cheese ever heard outside your island
Wendsleydale is crumbly trash, give me a french soft cheese any day
French poof detected.
Nah, they have good ones.
Your post is still valid, 'tough.
You tosser, you forgot Stilton, the greatest cheese ever created.
If your cheese isn't made by stabbing it with needles then it is inferior.
>not meme cheese
pick 1
That shit they call "American cheese" is a national disgrace
I'd agree, if there's one thing I can say with absolute certainty, it is that American's can't make good cheese.
Kraft singles barely constitute cheese.
Its basically Edam dude, what's the problem?
They literally aren't cheese, they are "cheese product".
half of yhose cheeses are foreign cheeses
Perfect for the kids, I'm not gonna stick a wheel of edam in his lunchbox am I? Ya cunt.
Why are you thick cunts still replying to b8?
Only 3 of them. Camembert has been made in the UK for a while and you can thank English Normandy for the recipe.
le return to redditch
you southern retard inbreds infuriate me
Gas the bongs!
Cheese war now!
British food is fucking disgusting. Pretty much any food outside of the United States is disgusting.
Loads of freehold land you can buy .Good price per acre .Not as good as France but still good price if you are good at saving