What is Sup Forums reading right now?
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What is Sup Forums reading right now?
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>reading books
lol loser geek
Herodotus. Can't understand anything if you don't understand history. thucydides is next
bram stoker's dracula
The illustrated book of herbs
I'm reading the Sup Forums board of Sup Forums.
I'm about 65% aware of what he's talking about.
Seneca's De Clementia. I like the discrepancy between what Seneca had hoped Nero would become like and the actual historical development that lead to his imprisonment and suicide. I wonder what he thought about being merciful and Nero's complete lack of it. Furthermore it's a nice ethical treatment as well, don't know what to think of it yet tho.
Nice. Have you read Genealogy of Morals as well?
Redneck Manifesto by Jim Goad
only people with depression read Nietzsche, Are you depressive, OP ?
I heard if you ever stop reading that you will die, no idea how anyone can understand most of what's in it in
Oblomov, by Ivan Goncharov.
Oblomov is the bed hugging Channer, before the days of t'internet.
Same but in German.
Herodotus is the most fun, Thucydides is the best historian. Good work user, most fags don't even know who they are.
Kritik der reinen Vernunft?
Well i have several books under reading. Since i put books everywhere i spend most time.
Will provide picture in 10 minutes...
On book 5 of 12 of the story of civilization by Will Durant. This series has taken me ages and I read other books in the middle of it like right now I'm reading in the shadow of the sword by tom holland. I love tom, absolutely loved persian fire as well
Gulag Archipelago right now, breddy gud so far
Mein Kampf is next then i'll probably move onto caged bird or ordinary men
That book convinced me that Nietzsche would be a hardcore Sup Forumsack if he lived today.
>tfw illiterate
I'm trying to read this now. Reading a few pages then having no idea what's going on and forgetting everything I read.
>Tfw stupid
>tfw to smart to read
Good choice OP. I'm currently reading this
Dr. Mary's Monkey
Shits fucked breh.
This. It's nice to read something about the man that attempts to be somewhat unbiased.
I was drinking the entire time I watched the anime of this and it was fun.
Several books.
Origin of species - darwin, is my bedroom book, its very "hard" to read so i get tired fast and sleepy...
The battle for spain is what i read while sitting on toilet....
World history Atlas is next to my computer and i use it sometimes to find references for history (its better than wikipedia, but not faster)
Hitlerin raivottaret is something i read when i eat. its interesting, but not really that serious, since it demonizes the women who worked with Nazi governement.
I read a LOT, one book/week minimum.
How do you like that series? This is one of my long term goals, that is, to read the series. I've only read like 200 pages of book one and it seems great.
Pic related. It's light but I like it so far.
Who ever reads this book without having ever read the bible is fucking pretentious fedoratipping retard, START WITH THE GREEKS AND END WITH THE GERMANS YOU NIGGERS
About to finish reading the Cantos of Ezra Pound, then I'm going to read The Foundation for Exploration by Sean Goonan.
In case anyone has wondered about NRx:
>you should not read books
nice (((try)))
Shut up you fucking blouse
Reading about Mexico's Hugo Chavez and the reason we're going to need a bigger wall.
Thoughts on this one?
Thanks user
I love knee chi
I buy books faster than I can read them. I'm waiting on pic related right now though.
I last finished Men Among the Ruins during an Evola binge.
How does it feel to be in high school?
Heard good things about this
Cool flag
>literal blue pill on the cover
I absolutely love it.
It is to be taken in moderation though, i cant really sit down and read it for hours at a time, but I make it a daily routine to read 15-30 minutes before going to sleep.
From my own perspective, everything from book 2 onward is absolutely fascinating since i dont really like the far east history.
Also a huge plus, this was written in the early-mid 1900s so there's no new revisionist bullshit. The guy is a straight shooter (Will Durant), I like him
Ignore the shills, this is a good book and pretty red pilled.
In the old testament I'm on Samuel 12
In the new I'm on Romans 6
Chronological reading of philosophy is a certain way to burn out. Really you should just make yourself aware of influences and read them when appropriate, besides a few that are so prominent they should be read from the start like The Bible.
This could be you you saudi fucks, but you just had to fuck your cousins.
And 6 year-olds
And goats.
It's kinda shitty.
Your post.
This. I ain't got time for reading and shit when I'm out slangin' hash and committing other types of felonious behaviors.
worth a read?
Not sure how i'd explain to my family and libshit friends why I have it on my bookshelf though, lol. That would be fun.
We read it before hich school, but I recently remembered it and wanted to know your thoughts. I'm not reading it now, just asked about it b/c the thread is about books.
Because it's about a 10000000% blue pilled world
I haven't tried the Greeks, pointers?
nice bait
pretty easy, you just want to understand the idea behind the man. As they say, you can't fight an idea if you don't understand it.
I view my reading of Mein Kampf more as an historical read than a political one
What is the absolutely best book on racial differences in intelligence?
I just wanted the good parts about meditation but 99% of the book is literally 'stop liking things i dont like'
It's horror story, worse the 1984 in many respects. I listened to the audio version and i felt myself reacting as if it's a sci-fi horror.
((They)) want BNW though the methods of 1984
Not a book, but 4 hours in the worst parts of Chicago would do it.
what other prominent ones are there?
Yes, I baited you into looking at my post of what I am currently reading; well done for figuring it out.
Perhaps the bell curve??
Or the books at newobserveronline.com
The Bell Curve, maybe? I've not read it, but I've seen a lot of people talk about it.
The man who laughs and Beyond good and evil.
What's wrong with reading Harry Potter?
I never read it as a kid and thought it looked interesting at the library. Fuck off authoritarian.
Fuck, you got me
>never read it as a kid
unfortunate, btw it turns to shit after book 5
What's it about? Only read Birth of the Tragedy and Thus Spoke Zarathustra. Thus Spoke Zarathustra was shit, Birth of the Tragedy was alright.
Autobiography of a Yogi
The Pope of Physics: Enrico Fermi
Reading the Prince and Black Hawk Down
Super fun. Do it!
Shit I just read this. This book is fucking red pilled. I would recommend this for all of Sup Forums
>book 5 of 12 of the story of civilization by Will Durant
Is this still in print and worth the slog? I've got I, II, and V in a really old hardback format but haven't gotten to them yet. Not light reading.
Great book. Also a most read if you're looking into Russian culture.
The Bell Curve and Dune
>Middle of semester though so I only get to read a few times a week if that
And this.
This edition gives me an instant boner.
The two johns go into the deep
Dank writing
Descartes' Mediations for university
Fear and TrembIing for university
Soon some Sartre for university
Dante's Inferno for me
Was reading Marcus AureIius' Meditations a IittIe whiIe ago too but didn't finish it