Do you believe PizzaGate has any truth to it...

Do you believe PizzaGate has any truth to it, or do do you believe Wikipedia when they say that it's debunked because Snopes says so?

> Who all is in the Austin office today who is going to want pizza? We
> only have one slice and we need to know how thinly to slice it...




Jeez Tony looking like the kikiest kike jew that ever kiked

ryan dawson's assessment of it seems accurate, all you symbolism & coincidence tards should watch it, you were the reason I largely thought it was stupid from the start.




wtf? that pic related is legit apparently. How have they not been caught yet? Who lets this happen?

It's fucking real
Day of the rope is nigh

>DC police arrest gunman
>wapo implies DC investigated comet ping pong and found nothing starting the whole fake news fiasco at the same time with 'debunked conspiracy'
>person uses FOIAA to obtain records of the investigation
>FOIAA returns negative because police did not investigate CPP
>cnn reports that the new york times reports that washinton post reports that pizzagate is debunked to this very day

All of it is legitimate. The Spirit Cooking fiasco. The art of abused children in his home. Laura Silsby's child trafficking in Haiti, and the Clinton Foundation bailing her out and bringing her to work for them.

Even if the 'pizza' stuff doesn't pan out, there is seriously concerning stuff happening that the media blacks out.

I think it might have some basis in reality, but a lot of it is solidly in /x/ territory

and shills love to link anything PG related to jews because it taints the whole thing with antisemitism and the alt-right disinfo

Only retarted americans post about pizza gate. Pääääthetic

Pizzagate as a whole isnt real..

Elite pedo though are real.

Pizzagate is a red pill in the sense that it shows you how hard you brain is wired for confirmation bias. The only real "proof" Pizzagate has ever offered is a hipster pizza shop's Instagram account and some awkwardly worded emails in the Podesta leaks, and now /x/ minded types have extrapolated an entire child rape ring.

Pizzagate is essentially a conclusion in search of evidence instead of evidence in search of a conclusion.

Shit is true

Haven't you seen cops have been arresting high profile pedos since pizzagate

DOJ and FBI top killed pizzagate investigation but cops know now

You'll feel like a fool when you're proven wrong. There definitely is something to pizzagate

That only thing that supprts pizzagatr isntjay rich elites are very often sexual deviats and pedos.. but the pizzagate as a theory is wrong..


>pizzagate as a theory is wrong

for what reasons?

You forgot the part where the 'gunman' shot only once, into a blank wall

Conveniently hitting a concealed server and destroying the data

There is enough in those Wikileaks emails to warrant a real investigation. Saying Snopes has debunked it means little.

it still boggles the noggin that people look at this and still go out of their way to scream pizzagate is fake.
i mean the real people not the filter-triggered bot posting 6 times through different proxies

>tony podesta has weird art
>therefore child rape

non sequitur


>n-non sequitur

Is this 2017's version of the "mental gymnastics" tactic?

Well, child sex trafficking is most definitely a real global thing, so I don't see why the idea of Pizzagate sounds ludicrous to anyone.

There's a whole lot of fucking crime in the world.

Maybe if you guys stopped grasping at straws, I wouldn't say it :^)

Do you have any contradictory information?

yeah that shit is crazy.
why hasn't the FBI or anybody for that matter taken apart the fatherhood video? It's been out for months now and wapo hasn't even reported on its fakeness

pizzagate is a retarded Sup Forums meme, but i believe podesta is a pedophile and is definitely a criminal

What I wonder is that if he's a pedo, why doesn't he hide all that "weird" stuff around his house? Is he getting off on taunting people while knowing he's untouchable because of his political position?

No, I think you probably still would, that's why you get BTFO constantly

This scenario hasn't been eye-opening in regards to confirmation bias. If you're over 20 years old you're probably familiar with the satanist conspiracies that have plagued much of the rightwing discourse thanks to the amount of not-so-bright Christians.

What has been interesting to me is to see how a new generation of people can be sucked into the same kind of religious conspiracies about satanists, pedophiles and everyone who opposes my beliefs (conveniently)"

Whats also incredible to me is the sheer hypocrisy. People will claim their opponents are just playing into identity politics while they're becoming Christian because their opponents are anti-christian. You also have these people who mock the left for calling everyone they don't Nazis while they'll call everyone who disagrees with them a shill for the pedophile conspiracy.

You can convince a population of just about anything given the right circumstances and make them hysterical about it. It's very revealing of just how fickle reality, and the information we consider true, can be

by itself, no, he is just a creepy collector but with everything else including the mcaan efiles, being in touch with known pedophiles, camp nose, etc it is difficult to think of calling the whole thing fake unless you are completely unaware.

If Hillary had been elected, they could have just jailed anyone who called attention to it until the normalization was complete

>You can convince a population of just about anything
including the notion that the rich elite do nothing illegal and that satanism/cannibalism/moloch worship doesn't exist

>There definitely is something to pizzagate
You just set the goalposts for being proven "right" 100 miles wide, though.

Why do you fucks shut down threads and websites when references to the language used by these pedophiles is exposed as slang used ONLY BY HOMOSEXUAL PEDOPHILES SINCE BEFORE 1960 AND DOCUMENTED IN VARIOUS LITERATURE?

Only probable code words of no real proof? Then why did the founder get called BEFORE CONGRESS to explain why he was COVERING UP CODE WORDS USED BY PEDOPHILES IN POSTS ON HIS WEBSITE?

This shit is at least probable cause for an LEO to investigate, and seeing as how it has not been, might demonstrate complicity and protection.


This Toy Family shit on Youtube and Rachel Silsby's 5 INTERPOL warrants kind of blow holes in your spiel, just as examples

Care to expand? Or just trying to conceal your lack of homework completed on the topic?

>Rachel Silsby
*Laura Silsby, fuck




It's not debunked

There's no real evidence of wrong doing by James, Brock and others related to Comet and the various shops on that street (and to the higher ups of the DNC).

There's lots of shady circumstantial stuff, though.

>including the notion that the rich elite do nothing illegal
I can believe the elite are fuckheads, and I can believe that some of them are pedophiles (statistically inevitable), without believing pizzagate in itself is real.

Here it is, exactly what I was talking about.

>awkwardly worded email asking john if the sender would do better at dominoes with a stomach full of the pasta or the cheese that he had been sent

>There's no real evidence of wrong doing by James, Brock

David Brock was the guy who unironically orchestrated the Jimmy Saville media pedo coverup in the UK, so there is plenty of evidence there.

Saying that something exists doesn't prove everyone you don't like is doing that something.

Rape exists, that doesn't mean all rape claims are real and you should be convicter because someone saw a picture of you with a creepy face and a cryptic message and concluded that you were part of an international rape organization.


They hide this shit in plain sight because who is going to stop them? It also gives a litmus test for who would be compliant seeing more or who would call police.

Belief varies based on involvement

>asking john if the sender would do better at dominoes with a stomach full of the pasta or the cheese that he had been sent

How does that question even make sense in your mind? I understand the angle, it's just not a rational question or comprehendably a joke.


>Rape exists, that doesn't mean all rape claims are real and you should be convicter because someone saw a picture of you with a creepy face and a cryptic message and concluded that you were part of an international rape organization.
Shouldn't it be a valid basis for further investigation then?

>conclusion in search of evidence
like the russians hacking and colluding with Trump?
Pedophelia is known to occur in the upper echelons of the catholic church and popular culture...why should we not look in to potential abuse by our political overlords? Are they some how immune to scrutiny or punishment because they are nominally paragons of legality and virtue? They don't follow the laws they write. Why would they? The elite are always subject to different rules than their peasants.

>modern art = satanic baby eaters

makes since

>How does that question even make sense in your mind?
It doesn't but that's because I'm an outsider jumping into a dialog that already has a long-established, shared context.

If I were to sample some of your exchanges without context surrounding them and then assume the parts I don't understand (that I was never meant to understand because the shit isn't addressed to me) are a secret code, I'm sure I could contrive a way in which you were a pedophile.

Yeah that craps just conspiracy nonsense,
the podestas are great people like jimmy saville!
Fucking GTFO with that brit flag pedo-denier

The word "debunked" became one of those buzzwords american mainstream establishment and normies have overused so much in absence of real arguments, it has become to be bereft of all and any meaning.

When i read the word debunked these days, i just fucking know, i KNOW all i'm going to see is some weak ass, flimsy damage control rationalizations, completely ignoring whatever premise was presented, be it fucking Jews, Bigfoot, UFO, Pizzagate or what have you.

I believe Snopes because the lady is too fat to leave her apartment to investigate anything so she has credibility.

>like the russians hacking and colluding with Trump?
I agree, but it's possible for both Pizzagate and the Russian theory to both be stupid pushed ideas.

>Pedophelia is known to occur in the upper echelons of the catholic church and popular culture
Agreed, but the difference between Pizzagate and the Catholic scandals is that the Catholic scandal actually had bodies and witnesses.

>why should we not look in to potential abuse by our political overlords?
Go for it, I'm not trying to stop anyone. I'm just saying that your """""""""""evidence""""""""""" so far is lacking tremendously. Just because Jimmy Saville and some Catholics raped some kids once doesn't mean someone mentioning pizza in an email must've too.

> I'm an outsider jumping into a dialog that already has a long-established, shared context.

Exactly - a pedophile context.


There are references in the original pic, too, babyfucker. Is that Awwriiigght?

References to linguistics and colloquialisms tha go back at least 50 years, only used by or to refer to pedophilia. Probable cause. You are complicit. Even if you kill yourself like what your group encourages their escaped victims and witnesses to do, it's too late. Some things are not forgiven.

God, I hope so.

Indeed, couple hundred years ago, child prostitution was common. When morality advanced and laws were passed, the wealthy pedo's never stopped. The peasant pedo's didn't stop either, but they are subject to the law. The elites have ALWAYS had drugs and sex slaves of their choice.

>If I were to sample some of your exchanges without context surrounding them and then assume the parts I don't understand (that I was never meant to understand because the shit isn't addressed to me) are a secret code, I'm sure I could contrive a way in which you were a pedophile.

>a long-established, shared context

What, like a house full of child rape art and accusations from suspiciously-dead journalists of running child sex slave coverup operations?

That kind of context?

There is no way people can read those emails and see the bizarre art, and look at those disturbing pics that were then quickly taken down and not have questions.

Where is the little girl that was taped to the table?

You have to have a reasonable argument for indictment. I find it funny how many """patriotic""" Americans want to shit all over their own constitution because of their hysteria. The fourth Amendment exists specifically so this doesn't happen.

You have to stop living in this fantasy world and actually ask yourself whether or not if you took this "evidence" to a court that any reasonable judge could warrant an indictment.

No, it's whether the evidence warrants FBI or police investigation, which it does. The media lying about it being debunked suggest it's part of some larger agenda or (((something)))

Jerry Epstein was Mossad blackmail operation. There's your Jew connection.

I forgot what I was going to say, but why is the Russia flag poster who speaks in perfect english the only one to bring up logical points?

I don't speak Hebrew, but maybe you will understand this, Russian posters speak strange broken english. Brains muddled by vodka, mud and blowouts.


>When people disagree with me, it means I'm getting closer to uncovering the mass agenda
There is no point arguing with you people.

Just live your pathetic life as an amateur detective and keep buying Infowars products.

Whatever makes you happy.

Where is the little girl who was taped to the table?

>You have to have a reasonable argument for indictment. I find it funny how many """patriotic""" Americans want to shit all over their own constitution because of their hysteria. The fourth Amendment exists specifically so this doesn't happen.

Refusing to investigate and screaming DEBUNKED everywhere proves they are shills, just like you ignoring that

Remember Jimm Saville!
Lot's of UK politicians and Royals have lotta
evidence against them.
Recent announcement that UK police are BANNED FROM INVESTIGATING CHILD SEX ABUSE without a special license. Also officers that investigated high profile pedo's are facing various punishments. The ignorant ones and the shills can both talk to the rope as far as I care.

Hey shills and "pizzagate is a stupid fucking conspiracy lololol" crowd --

>how did Dennis Hastert become speaker of the house with a background of pedophilia?
>how did former PM heath go to the grave without a single investigation of the numerous kids throats he slit, as reported by police?
>how did Jimmy Saville get knighted and go to the grave without any investigations into his procurement of children for the elite and necrophilia/pedophilia, also as reported by police?
>why did Obama order $65k of pizza and hot dogs to be sent from Chicago to the small party at the White House when outside food isn't allowed? Why would further conversations on this topic require 'different channels'?
>wtf is a 'pizza related handkerchief map' and why does John Podesta know exactly what that is without further prompting?
>why has a former president visited a place called "Lolita island" no less than 22 times?
>how long has pedophilia been rampant in the Catholic Church and the Vatican?
>what are brownstone operations?
>most importantly: what was on Anthony Weiners hard drive?

You fucking clowns are doing some serious harm to the normies in advance of the revelations that are most definitely coming. Their minds are going to simply snap, especially if videos of their political heroes engaged in sex acts or worse with children. There will be minds snapping all over the planet and your mental gymnastics are proof of that.

All of this is ego stealing and using control and domination. Energy vampirism. These people are living vicariously through others and are the root definition of evil. Every sort of painting and piece of art has distractioness backrounds, directly making it so the focus is on the backgrounds, while having incredibly livid or lucid things going on around it.
Gold plated bent over man?
It's gold.
Leaves on the floor everywhere? Sterile floors?

This is for power. Real, spiritual, dark power.
Do not be afraid. Only what comes out of you can hurt you, truly. God has seen this. Time, brothers and sisters. Keep your head and spirit held high with conviction of WHAT IS RIGHT AND THE TRUTH OF LOVE!

You see the tentacles? They are yellow. Yellow means without anything but happiness. You see the green? That is the search, envy.

The killer elite have been fucking children for a long time. The time has past to stop ping pong. Unless Trump has a plan to put Hillary or Podesta in Jail we should forget and move on. Once again their child sex and murder has been allowed to continue. Just have to wait another 10-15 years for another chance. MOVE ON to something you have a chance to sort out.

If I invite you to a hot tube party and then proceed to let you know that the entertainment that night is 11 and 7 years old, you would think this is normal?
I'm not saying this pizzagate thing is 100% true, I'm saying it needs to be investigated by the FBI.

>Why is the Russia flag poster who speaks in perfect english the only one to bring up logical points?

Aww, you're so kind, thank you. Native's praise on my English means i did at least one thing right and thorough in my life.

Biggest evidence is the two pizza places which are real close having clear pedophile logos, i mesn the goddamn CIA shows it.

blanket philosophy
not citing any of the case examples
no example you know anything about pizzagate
demeaning insults
blue tactics detected


I guess we can still have a good thread about whatever we want on Sup Forums, even under full ShariaBlue slide power and peak leftypol Yurop shilling times.


Uhh... No

I'm with the CIA, you idiot

Part of their intern program to derail discussion of pizzagate and reinforce the new world order

this is when the thread dies
we can poke fun at jimmy comet and cpp basement and clinton for hours on end but when it branches to what pizzagate is all about and not just something bots can call /x/ tier a dutiful mod comes along and plinks the thread to 404


Five eyes, how the UFCK are you talking about the U.S. Constitution, let alone any sort of law or human rights when ECHELON and all the other shady shit you failure filth pull is still in progress or has evolved?

Like the 4th applied to me when my personal info and military grade LEO surveillance info was distributed to local criminals and used to try to frame and murder me when I tried to expose the local pizza network? Or the 2nd when I was called a violent terrorist for legally owning a gun, and for making the local state backed criminals run and hide behind cops after they tried to force my door open over and over until the cops tried to murder me because their snitch crew got too scared? When they tried to frame and murder me all those times and called me a dangerous. violent terrorist even after I became homeless, what constitutional amendment was that? Maybe I should have been better looking on the toilet when they tried to watch me?

Smurfs are more detested on Sup Forums than pizzagate
try citing some actual examples of pizzagate instead of this blanket nonsense.

i hear youre bongs who can have guns, true?

this was not on his instagram

Nothing to see here citizen.

I'm not trying to boast, because we'have our own different set of problems, but in Russia owning this art, coupled with even some of those letters would be enough for SOBR tearing your fucking house down with tanks an hour after these have been publsihed.

I mean this is fucking insane how in-your-face this whole thing is

Pedo rings were busted in the UK, Norway, and damn near brought the government of Portugal to a grinding halt, and the folks that were busted were at the highest levels in those governments.
But it can't happen in the USA...right?

Brian Podesta, related to John Podesta, works at NCMEC-National center for missing and Exploited children.
Laura Silsby Gaylor works for Alertsense of Amber Alert.
How convenient?

Read the U.S. Customs report on The Finders cult.

They were breeding kids to be used and sold.

in 1987. Then the C.I.A. declared it an "internal matter" and made the police reports secret and shut it down Bogdanoff.

where's the proof for this pizzagate conspiracy?
give me the quick rundown

And you know this of course because you followed his instagram so close you saw every picture and would have notice such an awesome picture?
Pshaw, liars and fools, who can distinguish, and why bother.