the winds have been blowing and there's no denying it anymore- I hereby proclaim Sup Forums as an anti-Trump board.
Anti Trump general /atg/
fuck off, retard
I just love being an American and knowing the resentment all these non-countries with no militaries and no freedoms feel through their pathetic and buttmad shitposting. To Americans the rest of the world is just a cultural wilderness filled with varying degrees of niggers and cucks. Stay mad non-countries.
Remind me, who won the popular vote again?
>literally sweden
>kys you cuck faggot
fuck off, retard
even after your website gets shut down, you ctr shills just won't give up.
muh dik
>Criticising anyone else
Good day brother. As a full-time anti-racism activist, I'm here on the front lines battling Drumpf's raise rhetoric every day.
there is /ptg/ where the huddled, dare I say, refugees tell eachother stories of their glorious knight in shining armor to ward off the truth. Other than that Sup Forums is a wasteland of neo nazism, race fear and- Trump hate threads. it's over. Sup Forums has switched sides.
Not gonna lie. Former Trump supporter here.
I can't believe I fell for this complete joke of a man, I should have known better. Deep inside I knew this incompetent retard would fuck up as hard as he is doing now, but still I put my trust in him. How foolish of me.
hur hög är du just nu?
I love (you)'s almost as much as I love drumpfkin tears ;)
hö på livet bre, knulla jänkarna i ögonhålet yao
Nobody believes you were once a Trump supporter
>Sup Forums switched sides
Last time that happened they went from being edgy anarchist into this
What a shit meme
>Sup Forums is only the daddy trump board
Not gonna lie, former Trump voter here. This is fucking hilarious watching Trump crash and burn. But in all seriousness we can't let this guy get the nuclear codes.
this guy gets it
haha no.
The Europoors seem to be very butthurt because Trump BTFOd Merkel yesterday that hard.
So many shill threads full of salt today.
You guys seem upset.
Sweden and Germany.... this checks out
I hereby declare Sweden if full of faggots
trump is great its american who are fucking retarded not supporting thinking meme posting is enough
they are as smug as lefties used to be now
I love him too. More and more each day
I'll remind you there is no such thing as a nationwide popular vote
I can't believe it's over...
In the primaries 2008 against Obama.
Obama would have never been president in an popular vote system.
Don't really have to declare that
The person who lost the election and consequently has no authority.
neither would bush -> no iraq -> heaven
Swedish Trump supporter here just lurking around don't be fooled by the cucks of Sweden. There's still hope among us
I hereby proclaim OP is a faggot
> he thinks that without Bush, 9/11 would have not happened and the USA would have not invaded Iraq
Fear the mighty aluminium tube!
OP's a politically correct faggot!
And he's one of the (((disruptors))) of this boards>
Stop this shit! We are not in Reddit!
>Speaking for Sup Forums
>Swedish OP
Sweden, yes!
So some democrat like Obama or Clinton, who bombed Libya, supported "moderate Rebells" in Syria (which turned out to be ISIS and Al-Qaeda) and let ISIS run over half of Iraq while US troops are watching it, wouldn't have done that, right?
It's some very very simple world you have there. Are you sure that you shouldn't rather post in Reddit?
The weapons of mass destruction lie ist just the same as the "Muh, chemical weapons in Syria" lie Obama used to support ISIS.
did it
we'll never know
still better odds
I love the detail that he has the flag of the "moderate rebels".
>puts coal miners back to work
>takes away their healthcare
>This is our president
Stay mad shill, he's your leader for the next 8 years.
sure sure, let me go outside and drink in public.. damn, arrested because freedom
We know what Obama did.
He supported ISIS and bombed 7 countries in his last year of presidency alone (6 of them against international law).
And we know what Clinton in Libya did.
Al Gore?
Just some buzzword using braindead liberal. Obama is literally Al Gore 2.0.
>if I had a dollar for every butthurt faggot
>cucks make this thread
back to .leddit
häng dig själv din jävla hanrej
translation: hang yourself you fucking cuck
Here here!
baseat ord, 9/10 där fick jag allt på truten
he closer and closer from impeachment
the autistic rampage on Sup Forums that will follow, will be epic and memorable
the autists's screetching litany will be pleasure for the eyes
Keep on being a retard Drumpf, you're bringing us joy
>thinking dank meme pasta is more than dank meme pasta
This just proves how fucking new you are
And they've gone from denial to delusion.
" anti Trump general "
checks flag
checks out
hides and reports thread.
say it after me:
'I can kill a lot of people so I'm cool'
what's an hydra?
One of the best things about Trump is watching the Alex Jones meltdowns every time someone insults his gay fantasy lover.
It is totally worth having my wages lowered getting kicked out of my single wide and watching only rich people getting tax breaks because liberal tears.
If you listen carefully to OP's comment, you can hear the lamentations of their women in the background...
that's a pretty nice flag
well, fellow poltards- we did. we're free pnce more, we broke the chains that had held us. I feel strong, my body feels like, kind of like I've had an enema and expelled all the filth from my system. do you smell that? that is the smell of this horrible, boardwide psychosis, laid aborted and throbbing on the floor beneath you- and beyond that: fresh air again.
The sooner Trump and company are out the better.
/atg/ this is now an ATG ass-to-grass squats thread.
PRAISE Lord Mark Rippetoe
>lower, faggot
>ctr btfo
Trump is just a dog chasing cars. Now he has it, he doesn't know what to do with it.
And all the alt.right faggot jerking off to Trump fucking things up, will see all their savings for a new PC in their mom's basement dry up.
Because the retarded antics of Trumpy boy is going to add to the debt $6 Trillion, make the government bigger than your aunt Betsy and turn America in a third world country.
I'll be right here eating popcorn from the sidelines, faggots.
Trump did nothing wrong
oh swedan
You're posting the pasta in the wrong thread. You usually post this in /ptg/. I think your bot is busted.
Schulden bezahlen
akbed please. Meme better.
OP isn't your friend m8, these threads are honeypots for normalfags so they can be reported.
Good counterpoint Amerifag, did you learn that in your crap public school system which is going to be more crap under Trump?
Why? Because you get paid per reply?
Oh, no! You don't get paid if you're called out as a shill.