Why hasen't anyone posted anything about pizzagate for a while?
Was it a meme all along?
Has nothing worhty of a thread happened?
What happened to Pizzagate threads?
Other urls found in this thread:
it turned out to be nothing , stop talking about it
No idea, also they get flooded by bots.
>it turned out to be nothing
>stop talking about it
pick one
The bigots finally realized the whole commotion was nothing but a trick used by pro-Trump administration to sink Hillary. Now that he's elected they're not needed anymore and without being backed the movement will not survive.
I wonder if they unironically believed they did all that on their own.
Obligatory You think your hot shit, dontcha?
Maybe the posters were killed.
Infowars Full Show - Pentagon Moving Against U.S. Pedophile Network
Shareblues David Brock is James Alefantis's boyfriend. Shareblue was started to drown out pizzagate so Brock can protect his faghot boyfriend.
like every single other Sup Forums conspiracy, its fucking nothing
Mods delete them because they are "off topic" and not about politics
Go to the other chan for them
LITERALLY all pizzafags do is spend whole threads automatically spamming anything that fits their worldview that everything is an underground child trafficking ring
They moved to voat.vo
Good riddance, now I never have to hear about your autism ever again because nothing will come of it lmao
hillary is locked up now for all her crimes. the god emperor locked her up right? right? guys?
It was nothing substantial OP, go to sleep.
Also great so see him drain the swamp by putting up ExxonCons, Burger Kinds, Goldman Sachs and providing access to free education via DeVos.
TFW someone posts your OC pepe
>it turned out to be nothing
>stop talking about it
Yup nothing at all with the threads being deleted on mass and people banned for posting them
it's nothing because it's not on Sup Forums ignore the private wiki/voat/steemit they prove it's nothing
Where is a single victim?
Yup politically connected organizations and people connected to pedo are well outside of Sup Forums can't wait for another raid of cock pictures and 30 BTFO threads that seem to stay around all day
young grills are the ultimate redpill. pizzafart niggers are not welcome on Sup Forums. fucking jew obeying, refugee enabling cucks.
It was all just a beautiful meme goy, go back to sleep.
clearblue image detected
wtf this pic? TOPKEK
Hard to find dead people.
Oh come on. How did you stupid niggers not realize it was a meme?
Cheese Pizza
Really? I have no idea how this went over your heads. The troll or trolls that came up with it have been rolling in their graves five times over now.
something i threw together using this
>Having sex with a 17 year old for the purposes of reproduction is the same thing as elites abducting, raping and murdering children for their personal sexual pleasure
kys faggot
It's real
To answer your question, make a thread using the word "pizzagate" anywhere, and watch for the shareblue faggot shills
>tfw John Podesta will continue to rape and kill children and theres nothing any of you can do about it
Jebs wife is epstine in drag?
filter-triggered bots
they used to just post 'used to be a pizzagate believer' 12 times before they were fixed
Bad guys cleaned up the shop, got away. Now the evidence has dried up.
So you're just talking out of your ass
We were told to stop talking about it so no one flees the country prior to their arrest.
Podesta already fled to japan and came back
he knows hes fine.
cia gave him a gig at wapo
Not hard to name them. Care to?