Would you defend your own country?

Regardless of the party/coalition that is in control of the government, would Sup Forums defend their own country from a foreign invasion?


No lol

Makes sense.

Yes I would.
I'm dying for death.

Kill Erdogan first.

Of course not, my country is a farce.

I would probably defend my nation though. Depending on who's doing the invading.
If France, damn right I'll kill me some frogs.
If Netherlands, I'm not sure.
If Germany, depends on their political ligament at the time.

There us no way to kill him.
He is protected by English ,Ametican, Israeli and Turkish intelligence 24/7

Does that backpack say FAP?

Yes, but I doubt our dated weapons would stop the russians.

I have 2 relatives buried at Langemarck

Why do the Flemish hate the Walloons and the French?

would my life be better if my country was occupied?
if yes, I won't defend it
if not, I will

Shame. I hate that faggot.

You have impressively defended your land before. If you had nuclear weapons then your country would always be safe.

Aren't you in love with strong leaders?

I would embrace it. All niggers and arabs would flee day one.

Turkey would be better if it was secular or Christian. The Arabs ruined you.

>the Walloons
vote socialist
leech all our tax money
move to our land and refuse to learn our language, only mingle among themselves, blasting loud French rap in the metro stuff like that, basically like Mexicans moving right across the border in the US and then living just like they're in Mexico

>the French
our feud with the French goes way back in time, 1302 best year
they've always wanted to dominate us, possibly annex us
whenever the French occupied our land they attempted to impose their modernist progressive bullshit (centralized government control, reducing the Church's influence as much as possible, etc)
also France took control of our Westernmost region and crushed the local culture



>Regardless of the party/coalition that is in control of the government, would Sup Forums defend their own country from a foreign invasion?
No, it's conditional on who's in power. With Trump in power, yes I would. With Obama/Bush I'd refuse to fight. With Hillary I'd fight the government.

Sounds pretty shitty of them. Maybe you should seek reunification with the Netherlands (or is there a Catholic/Protestant divide between the Flemish and the Dutch?).

>die for country that takes my money and gives it to degenerates as welfare?

pretty sure germany will be getting steam rolled again by America soon. You will start a new reich. called the EU

the religious divide is of no concern, maybe only to some old people
mostly it's that Flanders doesn't want to be dominated by Amsterdam
I guess the propaganda after we became independent really did a number on the population, most Flemish people seem to regard the Dutch as walking stereotypes (loud, obnoxious, degenerate, greedy)

it's a shame, I'd love reunification

As much as I could - the whole epilepsy thing is a bit of a problem.

hell no

If that ever happened then you siege Brussels and purge it of all scum.

What about Vlaams Belang? I know they been losing votes and seats consistently since 2003 but do they have a chance of being popular in Flanders again?

I'm sorry to hear about that, user.

No, I'm not a cuck, I'm a free man

It's actually really not that bad - I'm not photosensitive, and I've only ever had two seizures, but that's enough to disqualify me from enlisting, even in the TA. Annoying considering all I would have gone for was their cyber team, where it hardly seems relevant.

Under Trump? Yes.
Under someone like McCain or Clinton? Hell no.

No. I would be tempted to defend my land, rights, and prosperity, but ultimately I would be fighting on the side of evil. I can't see the United States redeeming itself, it's spent too long being the greatest force of evil in the world.

Not really, Vlaams Belang is marginalized heavily, both by the (((establishment))) and frankly by choosing poor figureheads. Also the social stigma associates with that party is huge, if you vote Vlaams Belang you're a nazi basically.
Vlaams Belang also lost a lot of votes to N-VA in the last elections, because N-VA was basically VB lite. But a lot of people, including myself, are very disappointed in N-VA's government so I'm curious how the next elections will turn out. Maybe VB will regain some momentum? We'll see.
I suspect next election will be somewhat similar to the Netherlands in that the smaller non-traditional parties will gain a lot of seats (VB and the Green party in particular) but unfortunately I see the Socialists making a comeback since they've been barraging the government with negative propaganda for years now.

If it was secular it would fall into the same degeneracy the west fell into. If it was Christian, it would be far more likely to become secular. Islam succeeds where Christianity fails because it's more unambiguously violent and oppressive.

Even if it means dying the country is more than just land. It's the set of ideas.

Well that's good if flashes don't harm you. I've never really completely understood how epilepsy works though.

This guy has it right

>defend your people and homeland
>shamefully abandon the only thing that matters

Yeah I don't like the traitors and niggers but I have to defend my land and my people.

Going through the term with socialist cucks as the figureheads is okay, in my opinion, if over time a right wing party is gaining a lot of support.

I'm currently having to deal with living under the SNP's vice grip until the Conservatives take control, it's horrible.

It sometimes seems like no one entirely understands it - after my first seizure my neurologist cheerfully told me that it's common for someone to have a seizure for no obvious reason. Then after my second they put me on a medication that they knew worked for epilepsy, but whose actual mechanisms for working with epilepsy weren't understood. It's amazing how little we seem to understand the brain.

Islam makes everyone miserable and shit though.

I want my Anatolians back.

all our politicians are shit but this doesn't mean I don't love my country


It's a complex thing.

Disassociative Identity Disorder, how does that work? Y'know?

of course not

depends who's invading

Do I fight to protect the Italian peoples or do I fight to protect the government?

I've neither land nor country

>miserable and shit

So does Christianity if you actually give a shit about what it says instead of paying lip service to it. But that's the price you pay for ensuring society doesn't give into hedonism by making "not being miserable and shit" the main priority of human existence rather than piety.

if youd be fighting to protect the Italian peoples then youd be fighting the government

I'm sure you're still fighting "fit"

This is the only valid answer.

Yes. I would.
I like my country.
Well... Part of it. I dislike the walloons and despise the socialist cucks. We also have way too many immigrants.
But it's my country. My friends, my family, my loved ones live here. I would fight for them to be safe.

Yeah i would but only against muslims...



if it was japan invading i would wear my anime t shirts and try and join their ranks

unless I got drafted, I would probably gtfo to go live in some forest or other remote area until shit blew over.

yes you limp dicked troglodytes. I'd rather fight than let whoever the fuck was attacking us have our shit.

I don't own the country, quite the contrary. I may be forced to die for this shithole, but I have invested in my evading conscription skills.

I would only defend mexico

The land, yes, the government no.

Yes if we were invaded. I would never go and fight in a war like the wars fought in the middle east after 9/11.

Death to them all, our villages and cities will be taken back brother

This. The government is not the country.

Hell no.Why should I die for this socialist shithole?

No, I've already tried to defend my country from foreign invasion and they tell me to fuck off.

>dying so degenerates can live

Yes faggots reading all these pussy ass replys from neet niggers,kek and you wonder why the muslims are eradicating you....

I'd only defend my local area. I'm not dying for niggers, spics and commies.

This is actually pretty true, our government doesn't care about Canadians. There's hardly any jobs here, and yet they insist on bringing in 300k people a year. All the men that fought in ww2 would be disgusted to see what they did with our country.


Mate you are on Sup Forums we hate outsiders

>Dying for a failed bureaucracy experiment


It's not my country. I share it with a majority of cucks, traitors, white trash and subhuman import.

If it's a war against these faggots I'm in though.

depend on who's invading and what are their goals?


what is a "couintry"?


Flanders could become a country within the Kingdom of the Netherlands, just like Aruba, Curacao and Sint-Maarten, but I think a lot of people wouldn't like that.


This, anything else makes you a cucked faggot.

Sure not. Would use turmoil to exterminate specific key persons in politics, economy and civil society


I'd rather defend my own race and against "my government"

Fight for great-netherlands.

doubles of truth

Yes but not my government

Why defend something that's actively trying to destroy itself?

i'm currently replaying World in conflict campaign
kicking the commies out of france

great game

Hell yeah, I would. It's the country I grew up in. I'd give up my life for it.

All these people saying they wouldn't make me slightly sick. What the fuck is wrong with you.

The fact our government is handing over our country and our futures to foreigners. Dumb faggot.

We really have no reason to be worried though. Canada doesn't matter so it won't be attacked.

i'd defend my state from canadian aggression

>Attacks from within are no attacks

Expect a visit.

Killing for Isreal is fun.

If it's being invaded by nonwhites, I will capitalize on the excuse to go full moonman. Otherwise, nah. Not fighting for the guys who extort money out of me and give it to the jews.

I would do everything to protect my country and my family