How exactly is the United States protecting Germany? Seriously, I want to know.
How exactly is the United States protecting Germany? Seriously, I want to know
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I just love being an American and knowing the resentment all these non-countries with no militaries and no freedoms feel through their pathetic and buttmad shitposting. To Americans the rest of the world is just a cultural wilderness filled with varying degrees of niggers and cucks. Stay mad non-countries.
Because the only country that provides any sort of spine for NATO is the USA.
They're also the only ones who provide any nuclear deterrent...
... maybe France-- but I don't think they'd go nuclear to prevent Germany from being put over a barrel.
Who the fuck gonna invade germany when the worlds biggest military power has bases just chilling all over the place
To be fair it would be pissed away on migrants anyway
>They're also the only ones who provide any nuclear deterrent..
And whose fault is that? You wouldn't let us have any.
Germany is basically one big military base and armory for the US. That should be payment enough.
40000 troops stationed in Germany. Our nearly free military assistance to them allows them to have their cucked social programs. Of course they are now stabbing us in the back and allowing their country to be invaded by hostile forces (refugees)
>And whose fault is that? You wouldn't let us have any.
I honestly don't care if you guys withdraw from the NPT and build your own arsenal of nukes-- of course I don't speak for the rest of the world.
I don't think we forced you to sign anything, but I could be wrong.
Germany is home to US military bases, the American presence is a deterrent to enemy forces.
Oh yea because you all tried to take over the world twice, and NOW you just fucked europe with "refugee" invaders. Good job.
First of all they're both NATO members so that's one example but there's several US military bases in or around Germany.
Ah, yes, it's probably those bases that USA has infected the whole world with. Seriously though it sounds like some sort of infection.
I think you need to pay up
But it's not, cuckboy, you're compromising the bases by letting in potential enemies into your country, for that mistake you must now pay more.
Silly crab! You don't eat pasta like that!
After WW2 Allied troops were stationed there to keep Germany at bay and not have any Hitler 2.0s
How do you live in Europe and not know the history of Germany or why it has no army?
Check germany spending on military and the picture will become clear.
Germans couldn't take Poland even if they wanted to.. Its a disaster.
Reminder that the German army trains with broomsticks because they don't have enough guns but Germans don't think we protect them.
>I honestly don't care
Too bad you don't speak for the USA.
This, again, is your responsibility as (the) occupying power in Germany post-WWII. You just had to beat the Nazi out of Germany so hard and inject your own degenerate culture - and look how that turned out.
It's honestly sad to see it like that. But oh boy Martin fucking Schultz is on his way to fuck up the country even more.
confirmed... spent time there in the 80s. back then Germ army was ready and willing to fight with us.
By wiretappng Merkel to make sure shes still importing shitskins to prevent the rise of white nationalism.
>wont let us have any
>germany is an american military base
That's what we do. Weve got bases in every country that we've been in militarily.
>Middle East
America doesnt just kick your ass and leave. it takes your guns and keeps you in check indefinitely.
The shitty ass government allowed these third world savages to come in
Don't make us get Versailles on that ass.
And it went great in the Middle East huh?
US would step in and defend it from Russia
Pretty simple
trump is referring to the fact that they don't pay their 2% of GDP to NATO defense budget
>P A Y D E N B T S
We imported niggers as slaves not as fuckbois
Would you trust germany with nukes?
Refugees, that you created.
I mean It's a bit outdated thought that US has bases around the world so they can defend against Russia. It didn't help when Russia took over Crimea and they can not defend Germany from terrorist attacks sitting on their asses at the military bases.
if I had to take a guess, this probably has something to do with it
That's simple, they do it by occupying us, still, duh.
Public radio globalists feel threatened...
It's nukes keep Russia from invading and torturing all the regressive, otherkin, furrie, faggots to death.
>perhaps NATO was a mistake
>went great
well, yes. we were able to establish a massive military presence in the region. pic related is from 2011 but i imagine its a lot more now.
you didnt think these wars were really about "democracy", did you? America has been working towards global dominance since ww2.
America shouldn't protect Germany. Germany ruined Europe again.
We should just drop a nuke and cut our losses.
The United States didnt make Germany take them in
Fuck off Eurocucks
Military + Intelligence + Global Hegemony.
Why do you think Ze Germans pitched a hissy fit when Trump threatened to take it all away?
said the american before succumbing into civil war, social decadence and bankruptcy