This shit is literally the most anti-white film in history. Should be banned. I'm not even joking

This shit is literally the most anti-white film in history. Should be banned. I'm not even joking.

Other urls found in this thread:

>a gothic, dark humor comic strip

>anti white

Turbo autism

Get a sense of humor.

That Indian village scene was hysterical.

It literally advocates white genocide.

Please explain? Didn't see a single anti-white reference in there... Is it because everyone in the film is weird as fuck, and all actors are white?

OP isn't talking about Adams Family, he is talking about ''Adams Family Values'', you fucking retard.

Have you seen the movie?


Take the time to read that, it isn't very long and it's a good redpill on how this anti-white genocidal garbage isn't always as blatant as a black man with a white woman. And it's been going on for decades.

I'm aware there are anti-white themes in lots of movies. But all I can think of for this one is that native american play thing... Which I'm pretty sure was just Wednesday fucking with the Councillors.

That will be interesting.

That's a very naive thing to believe. Surely (((Hollywood))) would never try to spread propaganda trough movies.


>Raul Julia

Sup Forums is satire. Sup Forums is satire. Sup Forums is satire.

>the part where the Jew oy veys when he sees the Michael Jackson poster in the cabin

Never understood that scene, but it always made me kek.


How is this anti white? I watched it, enjoyed it, and still want to fuck a baby into a white girl.

If this is your definition of anti white, kill yourself, because you just can't appreciate culture.

>missing the point entirely

Skip to 8:50

You can explain it without shitty youtube videos.

someone made a movie that triggers me
So I really need to post about it on the internet

Fucking altright SJWs are as annoying as SJWs
Autists must be sterilized and put in mental institutions

I have stomach flu right now so I'm not very sharp mentally. I gave a link but this place is literally red.dit now so nobody will bother reading it.

What a terrible video. He had no evidence for his claims rather than a few cherry picked examples that had counterexamples in them. Somehow the fat girl isn't blonde and white because she is fat? Give me a break.

And the Addams family probably doesn't like blonde hair BECAUSE THEY ARE CREEPY PEOPLE WHO LIKE BLACK. Holy fuck. Not everything revolves around your retarded racist ideology.

I can agree that white people need to get their numbers up by avoiding miscegination or by fucking honorary aryans. I can also agree that there is an anti white Jewish push. I am racist by mainstream standards. Does that mean this movie is bad? No. Fuck off you crypto SJW. This is literally the same as them saying "wow der aint no womyn in duh leadership roles n sheeit in da movies, fukn whitey tryna keep da black womyn down."

If the Jewish elite dropped their bizarre ethnic vendetta against white Christians, nobody in the West would hate the Jews. The average Jew doesn't seem to hate white Christians for the most part, and we have gotten along fine these days.

But the media has to inflame ethnic tension for no discernible reason, and they are shocked when it's turned around on them.

Joan Cusack possibly hottest I've seen her. The slide show was my fav scene with her.

Also..Wednesday all grown up. Yowza.

Grease is the most degeneracy promoting film of all time.
>Beautiful white virgin moves from a good town to a big city with a ghetto high school
>Falls for a bad boy dago greaseball
>Is made fun of for being pure and a virgin (example: The song Look at me, I'm Sandra Dee)
>Trashes her image, dresses like a whore, starts smoking to get the wop greaser

>Wednesday all grown up. Yowza.

Hottest in her first appearance

Bad memories of this film.
little fucker me tried for an hour to ask my big sister why it was funny that the baby was called "pubert" and she refused to explain the word to me

I think you shouldn't overthink silly movies from 25 years ago..

>user asks for part of above mentioned movie that is anti-white
>given a list of anti-white themes
>asks again for specific part of movie
>answers that there is an anti-white agenda in movies

Either you idiots can't read or there's something spoopy going on in this thread.

better having a life of fun rather than being locked in your bedroom of your conservative parents house