Why don't Canadians use the entire maple tree on their flag, as opposed to just a puny leaf?
Why are Canadians so modest?
Why don't Canadians use the entire maple tree on their flag, as opposed to just a puny leaf?
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because the silhouette of the leaf is more recognizable
Ever seen a maple tree in real life? They don't really look different then any other deciduous tree.
As far as I'm aware you and Norfolk Island are the only people to use a tree on your flag, and they are both very distinctive silhouettes, maples have a distinct leaf but a generic silhouette
The only way to tell them apart other then their leaves is by the way the bark looks and tree structure. The bark is similar to ash trees but it tends to peel off more then healthy ash trees(Ash trees are all dying across Canada due to the ash borer).
>Why are Canadians so modest?
Modesty is a fundamental tenet of Islam. You of all people should know that, Hezbollah
I'd rather be modest then shit in the """"Holy"""" Ganges.
>weak reply to good bantz
Someone's butthurt
It's shit bantz m8.
>someone's butt hurt
>checks flag
sorry, but i'm a christian. Shoo, shoo, pajeet. Go shit on your computer to magically fix it or some shit and never make fun at my friend Canadia.
The Palestinian scum didn't eradicated you (christians)?
What's your views on Israƫl?
israel is ok. the jewish state has every right to exist. if only the islamic scumbags would pack their bags and go jerk themselves off to syria so we could have peace and prosperity.
Thanks man, glad we share opinions!
Beiruti faggot, this tree so prominently displayed on your flag... how many of those trees are actually left
typical lebanses sucking canadian balls to get citzinship
are you not scared of saying stuff like that online
is life hard being a arab christian ?
your flag is pretty cool
Very good. What kind of christian are you?
What do you think of syrian refugees in lebanon?
>the jewish state has every right to exist.
you've just lost yours.
t. invader kike
>it's an "user finds a neat proxy to exploit and bait all fucking morning for RARE (You)'s" episode
Close to none, thanks to the corrupt gubmint. Only preservations have fucking trees now.
I live in a christian part of lebanon and thus hardly ever see walking trashbags. If i utter such words in Beirut, Tripoli, or Sidon though, i could get hanged on a cross and displayed on a mountain of trash in their slums.
Thanks neighbourino
Oh look, the eternal anglo's pet dog has come out to play...
... fuck off... Hhamza
>professor of quranic studies
i just posted this in my facebook homepage insted of the meme page
I know, Charbel... I've been there. From Zahle.
hehe i like you
do you have any muslim friends, or are you guys just segregated and try not to mix with each other
now this is a shitpost
Most people (even Muslims) are moderate and so there are friendships across sectarian lines... but if the political climate is extreme, people tend to gravitate towards their heard
I'm greek orthodox. And yeah, they keep multiplying from within, stealing our jobs, sinking our country in debt for neetbux, shitting up traffic and polluting like hell. I'm so close of snapping and genociding all of them to their sand rat holes.
Out of all, the Wahhabi shithead chooses to blame the jews. Die
so basically like everywhere else
thanks for answering tho
How are relations between Lebanese Christians and Lebanese Muslims, generally speaking. Is it pretty segregated, or is there any level of intermingling. Would you be opposed to the idea of a Christian state in the ME, for Christian Lebs, Palestinians, Iraqis etc?
I thought they weren't allowed to work in most jobs?
Visited lebanon last year, was actually pretty fun. In most parts I saw less veils than in Berlin. Apart from those palestinian leech areas
I have a few in college, pretty decent folks. But all of them are male. Their women literally scurry away like cockroaches when i try to socialize with them. They're taught to do so by their smelly hairy daddies. Quite a shame, some of them are real qts.
>I'm so close of snapping and genociding all of them to their sand rat holes.
What are you waiting for?
you're an ally of the chaos causer, therefore you're an enemy to the world.
our slav muslims from bosnia arent like that
i'd say the majority
i even hooked up with a blue eyed blue haired
muslim cutie pie, she was so innocent and her familiy was religious,we lived way to far away so i stoped dating her
she than started wearing a burka :(
fuck islam
didnt lebanon have a bunch of refugees come into their country in the 70's? How did that go?
When u ganna move to Quebec like every other leb
No, every country dominated by muslims is shit by default. They have huge deserts to fuck their camels in but they choose to stay here and leech off the Christians' prosperous businesses, only to later take credit for all our hardwork.
That is simply not true. They get hired by the hundreds everyday for cheap labor. Some greedy scumbags even sell them cheap appartments in neighborhoods to form ghettos and they even have a better thing going on here than in their home country. I think the only reason they started the war in the first place is to squat around in better countries and begin their parasitic life cycle.
muslim eradication of lebanon when?
Maybe soon, after i get my license so that i could get a masters degree there and finally settle in a civilized country.
pics or didnt happen
Good you threw them out after the end of syrian occupation. Do it with "palestinians" too and you will make Lebanon great again
That Chaos causer is a big reason for your fucking country existing
you guys deserve 100% of lebanon
>the forbidden fruit of the desert
i know that feel croatbro
you becouse i waited intel i took a screenshot befor i deleted it
noice, Zahle has some beautiful houses
thanks, but i don't see that happening anytime soon
It's alright. More of a bedroom community. City goes to sleep around midnight... have to go to Beirut to have any level of fun.
underrated post
Don't even think about it, the whole middle east will be ours, go be a degenerate some where else.
too bad you can't get to murica due to trump, maybe brit- oh wait we already got that one too....
maybe Australia is your best option.
Keep telling yourself that, you subhuman desert pedo rat. I have yet to see what your country turns into once your pil reservoirs are depleted. What goes up, must come down eventually. Fucking picnic-cloth-headed baboon.
I approve of this candid picture
>no survivors
>picnic-cloth-headed baboon
support hezbollah you takfir
there are Christian batallions
too bad the stick is jammed up your ass causing eternal butthurt.
also lol @ thinking the people are attached to the government, they're the ones keeping us away from wiping israel out.
I would if they'd cut the "death to le america, death to da j000ss!!" Bullshit. I wouldn't mind nationalizing them and turning them into an elite branch of the leb army since theyre effective at removing snackbars, and protecting christians but at the same time they keep bittering up all hopes of peace and prosperity with the West. The Hezbollah question is a real paradox.
Check it.
>desert pedo rat
Lebanon bringing the fire
The leaf national identity-"Everything but the mainland US"
>too bad the stick is jammed up your ass causing eternal butthurt.
says the literal slave of Saud. The only reason you are getting a woman is because they are forced by the sword, to which you will pass down your shitty genetics for the next generations after centuries of inbreeding with the same Qabilah in your bedouin tents. It pleases me when based Houthis are shooting down your planes with rocket-propelled sandals, because of how incompetent and ridiculously pampered your army is. Die, scum.
Saudis BTFO'ed
>they're the ones keeping us away from wiping israel out
They are also the ones who keep you concentrated on anything but your own slavemasters
>lol @
Fuck off back to whichever Al-Jihadizeera comment section you crawled out of
Oh shit B T F O
your ancestors' blood line will end on my hands.
sup leb/user/?
all you arab countries couldnt defeat tiny israel you dumb fucking cunt
let alone any serious military power
i dont like the jews, but im glad they are buttfucking you hard
Christian Lebs are alright. I know a Christian Leb.
that comment is no big deal, it just proves what gigantic bully/cucks we are, for constantly bullying smaller nations like iran. It's going to be a different story when they get nukes, and it can't come soon enough AFAIK.
And when you go exterminating bloodlines Wahabcuck, be careful you don't get exterminated yourself.
Don't drag yourself into a war you'll regret.
Our swords are sharp and our pistols are swift.
Not before Iran nukes you first, you filthy sandnigger, mudslime, mudshit, kebab, camel-jockey, raghead, mudkip, towelhead, durka-durka, fremen, dune coon, jihad, muzzie, sand monkey, terrorist, turban-head Ahmed.
is this the only picture of someone actually doing a real life pepe face so perfectly? he probably doesnt even know what pepe is.
i will enslave you and feed you breadcrumbs made by netanyahu's ash
This tbqh
I'm glad my country didn't bother expanding that many troops in the 6 day war. Arabs are not worth fighting for.
isn't Sup Forums banned in your cunt anyway?
Check again.
only degenerate porn boards are.
we will pluck your hair and use it as tail extentions for our sheep
Wow, thanks based Lebanon
I've learned quite a few slurs for sandnigs
That's gonna be real hard to do when you have a pole up your asshole through coming through your mouth...
See pic related
wish i had an good proxy site
>we will pluck your hair and use it as tail extentions for our sheep
Is this how you guys offend each other?
Just asking
>we will pluck your hair and use it as tail extentions for our sheep
Jesus, are your women that ugly?
we will slaughter you like a camel and milk your women like cows then make aged cheeze with their full-fat milk.
Canadian Maple BTFO by Lebanese Cedar.
Chill dude, I was just asking
okay, this is just obvious bait at this point.
i wish you the best and hope your government won't behead you for using the internet (tool of the shaytan). your last (you)
>israel is ok
Stockolm syndrome at its finest. After all they only tried to invade you 3 or 4 times, dumping all the palestinians refugees on your soil.
lebanon too