Who /centrist/ here?

Feels good being a member of the intellectual master race. We are truly to intelligent for the Drumpf/ Crooked Hillary paradigm.

If you are a centrist in the modern age then you are down for the globalists and that is pure shit.


Actually no such thing as a centrist, you just don't want to admit in public that you have communist leanings.

Nice argument sisqo


>meme text
>children's cartoon references

You have to go back.

What a funny way of spelling useful idiot

Its not a matter of centrist or not. Its about not lying to oneself

>Sup Forums

>watching Reddit & Memey

>Using Drumph

Pick one

>centrist when the left when white genocide of white males and destruction of western civilization replaced with islam or communism
you're a fucking idiot. i was a liberal until i realized this shit. you can't be on the fence when they plan to kill you

So you are a mindless goy zombie striving for nothing but crumbs from your (((master)))'s table


Rick and Morty fans/memes are the most basic bitch "weed trippy xD" people in this world, being too high to care doesn't give you any moral authority or superiority

non-alligned =/= centrist you mong

Spineless, fence-sitting, normie scum.
You may as well be grazing in a field.

There is nothing about refusing to tribally align with an ideological group, or keeping an open mind for good faith disagreements from different perspectives, which implies a lack of serious belief or conviction.

Is your leash on too tight?

This. Not being a partisan doesn't mean you're a centrist. Centrism results in nothing of value being accomplished, as you glorify compromise over making good policy.

Center-right here
No it doesnt

>Is your leash on too tight?

Heh nothing personnel but you're the one who's leashed up by following Drumpf, not me.

Explain what you mean by ''Centrist''? Like economically? Then yes, I'm in your boat. Pure unregulated capitalism is just as bad as communism in the long run.

Kek I like this one

But the majority of both democrats and republicans are centrist.


>leaning towards the red side

Either you are a Christian contributing to our future or you are a death worshiping nihilist whose only goal is to end our story. There is no middle ground or compromise.

Politics are specifically set up to be a bullshit circus, left/right labels do not hold any descriptive powers, they are only useful to divide people into factions.

come home radical centrists

I used to be a centrist too until someone finally called me out on it and I realized I was a fucking annoying cuck who refused to form opinions just so I could seem like I'm above everyone else. In reality, the opinions of Democrats and Republicans shift greatly over time and you're lying to yourself if you disagree and agree with them both equally as time goes on. Not being a centrist does not automatically make you a Republican or Democrat, but you're lying to yourself if you don't lean one way or the other. There is not a political scale that ensures that both sides are providing a perfect amount of things you agree and disagree with.

Everyone is already on a side, some are just too ignorant to realize it.

Rick is completely disconnected from politics and wouldn't be having this conversation in the first place.

Centrist are just people to pussy to admit their former beliefs were stupid and somehow claim some superiority over both sides.

A broken clock is right twice a day. An centrists are the most broken of all.

Georgism is the radical center

debate me

whether you are a worthy centrist depends on whether you are centrist because you are indecisive faggot with no knowledge or because your knowledge led you to hold a strong position that just happened to land in the centre

>makes "centrist" thread without knowing about how centrists are viciously mocked by Sup Forums and /leftypol/ alike
>immediately comes out with this post

Why do you guys take the bait? Why do you respond to these threads? It's really obvious to spot shill threads. Look at OP's formula.

>post obvious bait
>wait for around 3-4 direct quotes
>pick one or two you like and reply to them
>post more bait
>now you look like you're actually trying to argue as you've had an exchange
>2 posts by this ID
>now you can safely abandon your thread, off to the catalog to post yet another bait shill thread to slide the catalog, following this exact formula each time
>$0.05 etc etc

Now stop fucking falling for it you god damn retards.

Republicans and Democrats are both centrist parties, they disagree on a few niche subjects like guns and abortions, but other than that they're essentially the same Neocon/Neoliberals

Both parties rejected Bernie for being too left of centre and Trump for being too right of centre, if you're truly a centrist you would have been a staunch Hillary supporter.




Emergent fractal paradigm?
Are you high?

I feel like I believe in "real politik," basically means Im not left or eight but I agree with policies of either side

If it means advancing the economy and well being of the people. Im
Not just stuck in some idenitiy which hinders me from acting in the appropriate way in each different situation

haha, saved this one, thanks user.

you are a dumbfuck go kill your dad

Everyone is retarded


The only realistic truth is that none of it matters, nothing does. Not me, not you, not this whole fucking planet. It's a grain of sand in a desert. But that doesn't mean you have to be a dick about it.

Just ignore it if you don't like it. Focus on what makes you happy. You know, as long as you aren't being a dick.

>le reddit philosophy 101

What if there is a massive kitten overpopulation problem

Rick is written by peusdo intellectuals pretending to be knowledgeable about science.

Oh shit, now you are thinking with fractals

Kitten fur coats

and kitten burgers

Since Rick and Morty started airing the number of hipster faggots who try desperately hard to act like narcissists and nihilists must have tripled. People who unironically believe that having a convicting opinion about anything is retarded 9 times out of 10 watch Rick and Morty and will randomly quote it in conversation to inform you that they watch it.

I like Trump but I don't really like all of what he is doing but I support him. People who support compromise will side with whoever is closer to your ideology. Personally I side with Trump but I don't like him on shit like Jizzrael or a few other things but I compromise and say hes the best chance we've got.

but he is looking to the right


>Be Leftist
>Elect centrist politician and hope they vote for your favourite policy
>They kowtow to lobbyist
>Become Rightist
>Elect centrist politician and hope they vote for your favourite policy
>They kowtow to lobbyist
>Become Lobbyist
>Pay for centrist's campaign, offer them a job after their term,explain both are contingent on their support, write legislation and force them to pass it at opportune moments with minimal opposition
>They pass your legislation
>You become wealthy
The entire Washington system is built to only benefit lobbyists, if you want your views to matter, you must go through a lobby.

Hello again Mr. shareblue astroturfer.
To break a tough boulder, you dont expend your energy smashing the hardest part with a sledgehammer. You select the weakest part- preferably where there are cracks already- and apply a chisel. Hence, the obsession with putting artificial labels on slightly different belief groups and inventing conflict where there is none.
Several different post IDs with different file names, but all pictures have been made by the same person in one session. Hmmmm... really makes me think.
We are currently under attack and this will go on for another eight years. Wake up!

shows mathematical proofs

Forget trying to get a rational argument from one of these mindless drones. They tend to abandon the thread when they are caught out or make a personal attack instead of addressing the point. Is there a term for a human who fails the turing test?

>I am to insecure to take a side, so I say I'm in the middle and that everyone is wrong so I don't have to defend myself!

Centrism is a disease propagated by cultural marxism.

It's why there are so many nihilistic atheists nowdays.

Children are raised to question everything except when it come to subjects like race and that the world would be peaceful if everyone got along, subversive teachers tell you the only way that can happen is if you don't disagree with people or else a fight could start so you must respect everyones opinion.

And now you understand why so many sjw's have no problems with islam.

Centrism is that same exact mental conditioning that shames people from having morals foundations.

What the fuck did she do to that poor chevy

>le epic ricky and morty
kill yourself reddit faggot

I think I know the guy this is based off of and yes, he's a gigantic faggot.

> using a fucking cartoon as part of your meme


You know what... Here here.. let me show you *pulls out a chalk board. Its been a long time coming

The fact you idolize a cartoon shows how low iq you are

PICK A SIDE MIDDLE-OF-THE-ROAD FAGGOT. Your not above it all, your just a faggot, now Pick a Side.

so you base your principles on a logical fallacy

Buddy, a girl like that is FUN. No whining about gluten-free-probiotic-gender-fluid-enviro-inclusive-mansplaining. If a poor chev has to take one for the team just for her ego- I'm OK with that.

the left is degenerate you faggot

dont fucking use rick to push ur shill faggot Poison

Good centrists asks more "Why" over "What" to find a solution.


Why do redditors love the "le smart snarky nerd" character so much

Ya'll are idiots, I would never have an opinion.

Good, keep voting Johnson.


What!?!? Are you retarded? These pictures are all made on the same program during the same session.
Goddamned shareblue bots.




Whats dat bitch doing with Diesel Dave's ride ?!

no way am i reading all of that but nice digits

I know that feel bro

We make Nazis and commies so mad with our superior intelligence

centrists who are white or otherwise racially secure in themselves inevitably become national socialists.

Came here to post that.

>tfw we're winning the war when we have liberals converting to centrism
soon, they will swap sides entirely. I was once there. I used to be a liberal. Then I became a centrist- still hating right wing but no longer able to agree with the left. Now I am a national socialist.


I'm only a centrist because I know that communism doesn't work,and that pure capialism doesn't work(although much better than communism I'll give you that).

That being said, since I don't know economics in great detail I'll stick to the middle so I'm not so far off from the right answer.

Centrist are above the political spectrum. The z axis if you will. You all NOSE the reason why the left is awful. But I hate the right as much as well. I'm an environmentalist and the complete disregard for our planet is sickening. Which leaves me on the z axis

You must hate the dialectic. Granted it's not perfection but has merit


Environmentalism is impossible.
I will only accept taking on grand environmentalist policies/taxes IF China and our other competition do it first and prove it.
Only then when it is indeed a reality that we are not conceding strength to the enemy that we will hinder our industry and force them to follow green initiatives.

But that will never happen and as such we must deny all associated science/beliefs and eliminate that influence from our society or somehow transfer it to our competition to weaken them first.

I'm not a Democrat, Republican or a Centrist


But clean coal stacks are actually a thing among other pseudo green techs


you're just a centrist between centrism, left and right