You retards do know that a "redpill" is just an insane conspiracy theory which is false 99% of the time, right?
If you'd like to prove me wrong please site a "redpill" with CREDIBLE EVIDENCE. Go.
Other urls found in this thread:
Here is a redpill for you.
OP is always a frag.
Want proof?
Take a picture of yourself, and you can see the dick in your mouth.
Saturn is a prison.
Reptilians rule the world.
proof? watch david ikes videos on it
That is not proof, and you didn't even provide a link so I'm pretty sure you're a troll.
The sandy hook victims sang at the following Superb Owl
Can you provide a comparison photo?
Not the same girl. One is blonde, the other is burnette, the first girl's face is rounder and her eyes are a small bit larger, the second one has higher cheekbones and a larger forehead, and of course, is blonde.
Fuck outta here Shareblue
First girl's face looks completely different, smaller nose, more defined chin, hell her hair even looks different, a lot straighter.
Holocaust didnt happen. Its in the jews hands to prove it happened but they never have any proof
Second one has a big flatter of a chin and her hair grows differently, plus her eyes look a bit different.
Eyebrowns are bigger on the first girl, her hair is longer though that could just be a style choice, but her chin looks a bit different and her nose seems slightly more upturned.
They used younger pictures of these kids to be the "victims". Thats why they look, say, 5 years older
The first pic is so zoomed in its hard to make out defining features, but her nose is more upturned, her eyes are smaller, and she has a more sharp looking chin.
Jet fuel can't melt steel beams
>please site a redpill
Fucking kys you illiterate faggot
First girl is red haired, second is brown, her cheeks seem a bit plumper and her nose seems to line up, but shes far more pale. I suppose maybe if she had undergone a lot of makeup and trimming it could be the same girl, but this is the first one that is a possible maybe.
The holocaust happened. Come on man this one is old and dead as fuck. The number 6 million is a little high, but Hitler massacred a LOT of innocent people, thats a fact.
They're the same kids you bluepilled faggot.
Some of them don't resemble each other at all. Whats the motive of the government to make this up, supposing they did?
They aren't dude. Why do you want this to be a false flag, what makes you so certain you're willing to ignore the obvious failure in this theory?
But user, aren't you at all curious as to why it's illegal to even question the 6 gorillion number, even with evidence suggesting it's inflated?
Its not illegal unless you live in Germany, and thats because Germany is tryharding as hard as humanly possible to be the kindest nation in history to make up for the shame of their past.
I don't care.
Its probably illegal because its still a sore subject, though god knows why, its been over 70 bloody years.
The "motive"? It's pretty obvious if you're not an idiot. The operation had two objectives: to practice carrying out false flag operations on US soil and see if they could get away with it, and to also see if they could Australia us with a mass shooting and institute some kind of gun controls. The latter failed, which is often pointed to as evidence "against" Sandy Hook being a false flag. But they're ignoring the primary objective: to test out the use of false flag operation methods.
"Get away with it"...? Uhhhh they're the US government, they can do whatever the fuck they want. So all these CHILDREN pretend to be murdered, and their families, all of them, either don't know the truth and are in on it themselves, AND none of the kids ever said anything (because massive government secrets are things you tell children fo sho) and it all just went away?
Doesn't that sound a bit more far fetched than
"Crazy cunt went into a school and killed a bunch of children".
Not exactly what I said, but yeah, there's some prominent Jews involved in this. And they didn't just go away or stop doing vile things to undermine Western society. The Holocaust didn't get them all, and Hitler was right about the existence of a Jewish scheme to bring down the West.
agreed OP. Sup Forums literally rates people by how many conspiracy theories they believe in
if you don't believe in enough you're entry-level or a wedge cuck for introducing people to a path down which they will take stronger redpills
>the US Government is allowed carry out a false flag operation to fool its citizens into thinking there's been a mass shooting
Do you actually believe this?
Do you believe that these children were debriefed on precisely what their old pictures were going to be used for? It's not as though they had to pose as dead bodies- not a single picture of the school post-event exists. There are no pictures of any bodies, bullet holes, or even of the supposed "killer".
It's not at all far-fetched. It's quite logical, in point of fact. There's absolutely no reason it couldn't have happened, and compelling reasons why it did.
For anyone who hasn't heard of Ashkenazim and the like, check this out. It's a huge part that helps to explain WW2. Bolshevism / Communism killed millions of people pre-WW2 and was a huge reason why Hitler was popular.
nsane conspiracy theory which is false 99% of the time, right? If you'd li
fuck off why are you even trying to shill us weve been at this for 20 years you coming here for a week or a month wont change anything.
we are immune to jewish tricks.
1. Yes it is nobody can hold the US government accountable for anything it does weather it is wrong or not.
2. Why would you take pictures of the dead bodies of children and then release them to the public, and we know who the shooter is, his name is Adam Lanza, and from what I can gather he was a shut in with anxiety disorder who lived with his mother, who he killed in a fit of phsycotic rage and then assaulted a nearby school.
There are no photos because he never went anywhere or did anything.
Yea I've seen this, its pathetic in pretty much every way and fails to prove anything.
>Carry out super secret false flag operation
>Let the 'victims' be in TV with literally a billion people watching
Yeah that sounds reasonable
I really dig the Sandy Hook hoax theory, and there's too many fishy things to ignore.
But why in fuck would you put these kids, who are supposed to be dead, on stage in front of an incredibly large audience, if you wanted to maintain this secret?
Even if you thought there was zero chance of them being recognised, why would you take that risk?
It's so hard to believe that .... maybe that's the idea. It is so absurd that anyone who even suggested it would (rightfully) be branded a conspiracy nutter, thus securing the lie forevermore.
Incredible stuff.
We? The secret I've seen it on the internet so it's true society?
the earth is concave
Lord Steven Christ proclaims it to be, thus so it is
CIA killed people
>Haha tin foil hatter!
Then comes deus vault 7 leaks
>Pol was right
I'm partially ashkenazi, there's nothing special about it you stupid goy, just an ethnic group like Armenian or Italian or Spanish
Daily reminder that David Icke was right about former UK Prime Minister Ted Heath being a child molester SEVENTEEN YEARS before the London Police were investigating claims that Ted Heath molested children in August 2015. If Icke was right about that (and he WAS, of course), he's right about interdimensional shapeshifting lizard-people. Truth is stranger than fiction.
In the context of my post it is important to remark the atheist commie leaders youtube.com
Daily reminder that you are not truly woke unless you have swallowed the Saturnpill.
Dr Norman Bergrun, an American scientist and engineer, made a long and detailed study of Saturn's rings and came to the conclusion that they are not natural. He detailed his findings in a book, Ringmakers Of Saturn (there are only 27 copies of this book). Bergrun is no amateur. He was a scientist at what became NASA's Ames Research Center, worked for Lockheed Missiles and Space Company and Douglas Aircraft, and established his own research and engineering company. Bergrun became fascinated by the rings of Saturn after studying photographs from the NASA Voyager I and II missions. They arrived at Saturn nine months apart in 1980 and 1981 and Bergrun saw blatant differences in the rings. "That was the starting point for me. I've been researching this ever since.", he said. Images from NASA's Cassini mission, which arrived in 2004, confirmed all his conclusions. He said that some astronomers and physicists had speculated that the rings were much younger than the Universe and maybe about 100 million years old, "but one pair of pictures shows a change in five minutes!"
Constant change in Saturn's rings was revelatory enough given the belief in their permanence by mainstream science; but Bergrun went further. His long and detailed study of NASA images from three missions led him to conclude that the rings are made by what he calls 'gigantic electromagnetic vehicles'. When he says gigantic he is not kidding, with some of them estimated to be three times the size of Earth and more. Not possible? Consider the size of Saturn compared with Earth. We are not talking about the same relative perception of 'big'. Bergrun said of these electromagnetic vehicles:
"Such an immense propulsive body implies a space engine possessing unheard-of capacity and capability." Or a completely different form of propulsion involving electromagnetism. (end of part 1)
You are a race and religion.
(start of part 2) Bergrun noted how the electromagnetic vehicles could be seen where rings were not yet completed. He said:
"On each extremity of Saturn's rings, cylindrical bodies have been photographed spewing emissions. These emissions assume complicated patterns while contributing compositional material for the rings. A time-varying appearance of Saturn's disc is a natural consequence of this process. The B ring and inner-and-outer A rings are separate entities because different vehicles fabricate these rings..... Presence of electromagnetic vehicles near other planets is intimated by a finding of rings, the signature left by exhaust and emission products persisting in orbit."
Bergrun refers to the substance making the rings as trails of effluent or exhaust discharged by the vehicles, but I would connect this to some crystalline or similar material related to the transmitter-receiver systems of Saturn. Bergun said of his findings:
"These are not conclusions you ordinarily would expect from someone with such a traditional background, but upon applying scientific rigour to the study of Saturn, its rings and its moons, the facts keep pushing me toward some inescapable conclusions."
This all fits with my contention that we live in what is basically a computer simulation (that I call 'the Matrix', for short) and that Saturn (a computer system in effect) has been infested with the Demiurge virus and transformed into a colossal broadcasting system delivering at least part of the Matrix information source to human decoding processes. (end)
Niggers are subhuman,check mate faggot.
The hexagon-shaped storm on Saturn's north pole is the source of our fake reality (the source of the Matrix, so to speak). The hexagon-shaped storm on Saturn's north pole is emitting radio signals in sync with the rotation of the hexagon-shaped storm on Saturn's north pole. Also, Saturn's rings aren't made of rocks but are instead made of crystals that are transmitting information-encoded energy to the Moon (Earth's moon, that is) which amplifies this information-encoded energy to Earth. The word 'hex' means 'to put a spell on' (especially an evil spell, such as a curse) and the word 'saturnine' means 'having a gloomy temperament'. Saturn is the sixth planet from the Sun and hexagons have six sides. All known forms of life are based on carbon, which is the sixth element of the periodic table. In Western astrology, Saturn rules limitation, suffering, time and death (among other things). The Greek equivalent of the Roman deity Saturn is Cronus, who is the personification of time. In Western astrology, Saturn rules Capricorn the goat. Satan is sometimes associated with the goat or goat-like deities. The Star of David is a six-pointed star and can be seen on the flag of Israel. Cubes have six sides and the holiest site in Islam contains a cube. I could go on and on and on.
Seems like a false flag.
Why choose such a shitty thing to talk about. Sandy hook isnt even a red pill
>Adolf Hitler - His 'Red Pill' experiences in Vienna
Now this is a real fucking red pill.
Yep. Now look at how Israel is ran by Ashkenazim who are an ethno-state to some degree. In Israel I'm quite sure you have to both be Jewish to marry.
The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion is a major read. Basically outlines the kike plans that are playing out today.
hmmmmmm, ok. the universe is not material, and all things have their own vibrational frequency that can be tuned into and/or manipulated by thought, sound, and possibly other methods. You know how in The Silmarillion, Illuvatar *sang* the world into creation, and the Maiar helped with this? it represents the original, supreme constant vibration that all others stem from, and the Maiar songs represent all the major vibrations that are similar to them, such as trees, grass, plants, fungus and such all belonging to a same group of frequencies, but also have their own individuals. My evidence for this is String Theory, but i find it very interesting that Tolkien made this the basis of his pseudo mythology.
btw, the documentary "Kymatica" has some good info on this is i remember correctly.
The late scientist Emoto used to play music next to containers of water, then freeze the water and examine the crystals that had been formed using microscopic photography. The water that had been placed next to classical music turned into visually pleasing crystal formations, while the water that had been placed next to heavy metal music turned into irregular crystal formations. It's not the mere act of playing music that accomplishes those seemingly miraculous results but the VIBRATING ENERGY FIELDS OF INFORMATION of the music that was played. One of the COMPLETELY FALSE assumptions of modern mainstream science is that our internal world (i.e. our thoughts, our emotions and our intentions) has NO EFFECT WHATSOEVER on our external world. But the truth is that there is NO BOUNDARY between our 'internal world' and our 'external world'. They're BOTH movies that originate from the SAME projector room. EVERYTHING is conscious because EVERYTHING is consciousness.
What the fuck did I just read. This pill is too big.
What we call 'the world' is an infinitely small frequency band. It is not solid as most people think it is, because the atoms that compose 'the world' are made of empty space. Furthermore, 'the world' as we know it does not even exist 'out there' - it exists only 'in here' and is projected by us only when we tune in to it. What we call 'the world' is a computer simulation, which means that it is illusory and therefore malleable. What we call 'ghosts' are beings that are so close to our frequency band that they can 'bleed' through like a form of broadcasting interference. A radio accurately tuned to a radio station frequency will produce a clear, sharp reception with no interference, but when the dial is slightly off-centre, another station or stations can be heard alongside the main one. What we call 'ghosts' are based on the same basic principle and reptilians (for example) are basically beings that we could think of as 'ghosts' in that they inhabit a frequency band that vibrates very closely to the one we inhabit. To us, a 'ghost' would not look solid - but to that 'ghost', we are the ones who would not look solid. There are an infinite number of frequency bands and they all share the same space usually without interfering with each other.
Those experiments are a steaming pile of shit.
Nucleation and growth are well understood phenomena that are very sensitive to contamination and I don't think this idiot has any lab skills or knowledge to prevent that.
Yeah but how do you come to the conclusion that Saturn is emitting some energy that is coming to earth. Why quantify it to Saturn when you could take that information and develop a web on how all planets interact with energy that transfers/transmits energy. It seems short sighted to grasp onto such a cosmically small star.
Another question I always pondered on the whole computer simulation deal is how exactly are we defining our reality as a computer simulation. Maybe I just think it's a misnomer but to state it as 'computer simulation' seems like a whack perception. I believe the theory to have poor understanding on the properties of time and permanence.
Careful friend.
worst troll ever, OP. what a fuckin retard.
What exactly is retarded about my statement?
whites have the most superior intelligence. Proof: pic related.
The Aneristic Principle is that of apparent order; the Eristic Principle is that of apparent disorder. Both order and disorder are man made concepts and are artificial divisions of pure chaos, which is a level deeper than is the level of distinction making.
With our concept-making apparatus called "the brain" we look at reality through the ideas-about-reality which our cultures give us. The ideas-about-reality are mistakenly labeled "reality" and unenlightened people are forever perplexed by the fact that other people, especially other cultures, see "reality" differently.
It is only the ideas-about-reality which differ. Real (capital-T) True reality is a level deeper than is the level of concept. We look at the world through windows on which have been drawn grids (concepts). Different philosophies use different grids. A culture is a group of people with rather similar grids. Through a window we view chaos, and relate it to the points on our grid, and thereby understand it. The order is in the grid. That is the Aneristic Principle.
Western philosophy is traditionally concerned with contrasting one grid with another grid, and amending grids in hopes of finding a perfect one that will account for all reality and will, hence, (say unenlightened westerners) be true. This is illusory; it is what we Erisians call the Aneristic Illusion. Some grids can be more useful than others, some more beautiful than others, some more pleasant than others, etc., but none can be more True than any other.
Disorder is simply unrelated information viewed through some particular grid. But, like "relation", no-relation is a concept. Male, like female, is an idea about sex. To say that male-ness is "absence of female-ness", or vice versa, is a matter of definition and metaphysically arbitrary. The artificial concept of no-relation is the Eristic Principle.
The belief that "order is true" and disorder is false or somehow wrong, is the Aneristic Illusion. To say the same of disorder, is the Eristic Illusion.
The point is that (little-t) truth is a matter of definition relative to the grid one is using at the moment, and that (capital-T) Truth, metaphysical reality, is irrelevant to grids entirely. Pick a grid, and through it some chaos appears ordered and some appears disordered. Pick another grid, and the same chaos will appear differently ordered and disordered.
>It seems short sighted to grasp onto such a cosmically small star.
Saturn might seem cosmically small at the physical level, but at Saturn's most fundamental level, it is merely energetic wave-form information - like everything else in the universe.
The base state of all things is energetic wave-form information, which has been confirmed by quantum physics. This is why everything can be perceived in an infinite number of different ways, because nothing can exist without being perceived and to be perceived, there must be a perceiver. When you see a rose as being red, a bee sees that same rose in shades of ultra-violet and a bat perceives that same rose as vibrations of sound. It all depends on the way that the information is 'read' (so to speak). We not only decode/re-decode information with our senses into what we call 'people', 'places' and 'things', but we can also ENCODE/RE-ENCODE information with our senses into what we call 'people', 'places' and 'things' - this is the basis of meme magic. We're encoding 'people', 'places' and 'things' with different information to what was there before, we're altering its informational substrate. The base state of EVERYTHING in the universe is ENERGETIC WAVE-FORM INFORMATION. EVERYTHING. We are literally information decoding information. Energy flows where attention goes. Things like 'mental illnesses'/depression/anxiety are basically ROGUE INFORMATION. Think of those things as being like a computer virus.
"If the doors of perception were cleansed, everything would appear to man as it is - infinite." - William Blake
>Maybe I just think it's a misnomer but to state it as 'computer simulation' seems like a whack perception.
Sorry, I meant to say that what we call 'the world' is LIKE a computer simulation (BIG difference). My bad. Technology mirrors 'reality' and technology imitates biology.
>I believe the theory to have poor understanding on the properties of time and permanence.
Time is illusory.
Looks to me like it's actually Asians