In a Libertarian society, what stops me kidnapping women, taking them to my dairy farm and forcing them to produce high quality milk, which I would then sell at a high markup?
In a Libertarian society, what stops me kidnapping women...
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Kidnapping is a violation of the NAP
Why wouldn't a libertarian society stop that?
Nothing, really. Some people would be left with a sour taste in their mouth, however.
The previous owner of the women.
Not a libertarian/ancap, but they'd probably say that either the women or their families would shoot you.
The free market.
Not economically viable. Cows:
-Produce way more milk
-Dont complain
-have a low standard of living (they can sleep in the fucking grass)
Being a libertarian, I'm not entirely sure the free market falls under this practice, unless you're of the mind that women are the unconditional property of men, than yes, it applies.
Post cowgirls getting milked.
pretty much, you would get a bullet to the head.
That's in part only because certain cows have been specifically bred with those characteristics. What we need is a human breeding program to get dairy humans on a similar competitive level.
Violates the NAP
I'll post cowgirls being cute.
You'd be violating their civil liberties, which is the exact opposite of what a libertarian society strives for.
Can you also post some milking?
>Produce way more milk
It's cow's milk not woman's Milk. Different product, even though you US people accept high fructose corn syrup as Milk, too.
-Dont complain
Yes they do, but you ignore them or hit them if they are too annoying. Works with women, too.
-have a low standard of living (they can sleep in the fucking grass)
So can women.
The police, because you're violating the NAP.
What a dumb question.
I'm not getting banned so you can jerk off, fampai. Just google it.
>have a low standard of living (they can sleep in the fucking grass)
Not during a winter. Also you need to wash
What the fuck is this discussion?
The fact that libertarianism isn't anarchy so shove your strawman up your ass
Did somebody say cowgirls?
No but you can shitpost 24/7?
Common Law.
Ancap societies still adhere to reality, common law and human rights. Im amazed how few people on Sup Forums understand these basic standards.
"Anarchy" does not mean you can do what you want and kidnap people. You are still responsible for your actions, in fact you are supremely responsible.
Obviously they mayor, District attorney, judges etc..., would be getting kickbacks to look the other way.
Oh by the way OP I think the answer to your question is "A lynch mob."
>what stops me
Contract given to my PMC to hunt OP down and hang fags like him from the nearest tree.
If you kidnapped my wife, who is my property because she has taken my last name, would give me the legal right to kill you if found.
Human breast milk is awful tasting. What a surprise.
But good luck with that.
What's stopping this from happening in your current system?
Just make stealing women a basic human right, like abortion.
>kidnapping is legal
you're confusing libertarianism with anarchy.
Typical fucking Australian not understanding the basics of the thing you're trying to argue against. You are literally directly related to the worst of western genetics honestly even white Australians are pretty much as bad as niggers.
I don't see any argument against it...
Ask and I will deliver.
The free market would mean that your markup would not be high. Someone who is better at producing milk would out-compete and out-milk your herd of females.
>ITT Edgy virgins who hate women cuz they they all ignore him
>retard aus doesn't understand the NAP at all
Do you have any attractive "cows" in your collection?
And by attractive I mean humanly attractive?
this happens in every libertarian thread. it might be the autism.
I guess you'd violate the NAP but then again you can just kidnap women without a system of defense(family, McArmies Ltd(TM)) so it's all good, I guess you could fill a niche in the market.
You would violate the NAP by competing with me, so I would burn down your dairy farm with hellfire missles and then raise the price to compensate for the hellfire missle investment.
Their families pay a bounty hunter to kill you and take over the business
Their brothers, fathers, husbands, neighbors etc.
why do you make a thread about it?
Go make an ancap meme silly
Posts cows...
Cheeky cunt
Sorta. Not a very clear picture and they're all covered up.
How will you get back to your dairy farm if there is no roads?
I'm torn between ridiculing OP's stupid libertarian bait and agreeing with him for the wrong reasons.
>Hard choices.
what about terry schiavo?
she ceased to be human when she went brain dead
I think that was the argument, or she was considered dead but alive
could we milk terry schiavo?
What movie is that?
What about poor families?
Libertarians believe in the existence of the state.
Also post more. I like the short hair on my "cows".
Anarchy does not mean "do what you want" It means "no rulers". No one can rule over you. This applies to women too. You can't infringe someone elses right to be their own ruler.
Libertarianism is small, restricted, limited government
And police.
Just go to Germany and kidnap a girl there, it's essentially legal for Serbs - at least for gang rape (no precedent case for running a human dairy farm yet).
Same things that are stopping you.
I've applied for job in Austria. Can I do that in Austria?
As a rich jew, I would fucking LOVE libertarianism.
I'll just let my business grow into a mega corporation, and then manipulate your people, buy more media, and brainwash your propaganda with Marxism while I let in millions of Africans into your society who can work for my business empire for cheap labor.
Just do what Jews like myself would do in such a free economy :^)
I'll even buy out all nearly all the small businesses, so pretty much everyone is working under my rule.
Gotta love free capitalism, huh? I mean, it doesn't spiral out of control at all does it? :)
In Austria you go to prison for that. Beware, not all German speaking countries are the same.
Imagine how much money you could make if there actually weren't any roads and people needed to go from A to B.
This is the gap in the market that every business person dreams of.
An armed citizenry kills you for being a cunt.
And/or on a purely economic side we refuse to buy from you because your prices are too high, seek out your competitors, you get 0 money, eventually go bankrupt. That's when you reveal you are a Communist by trying to use your failure as an example of the failures of free market capitalism. Then you are publicly hanged.
>Their family
>Their Clan
>Their Village
Are people really this stupid?
Christ. I can't imagine what your folder collection looks like
The real question is what is stopping me from shooting you for even looking at my woman.
Straya kid missed shitpost class again
I think he got banned.
wtf I love jews now
does your dairy farm accept traps? will jizz for food
Stupid question in stupid thread. Kidnapping someone is removing their rights to liberty. We would execute you.
You don't own me.
i own u kid
come 2 wildy
I would think even the most devout Libertarian would argue that basic laws against theft and kidnapping, etc. would still be there and still be enforced.
Now how they would, well, that's probably where you'd end up in loonyland, pretty quick too I imagine.
Oh you wouldn't call it taxes, it would be user fees. Or you'd have a volunteer police department. Or the woman's family would post a wanted bounty like in the Old West days, dead or alive.
It's actually like PETA propaganda or something kek
Post more milking.
Only hot chicks tho.
Nah I'm still here
One of my fetishes is that I'm a hot chick with huge tits that gets kidnapped and drugged to produce milk as human livestock.
Is that weird?
Its perfectly natural my friend.
Don't sweat it, user. We're all degenerates here.
In a libertarian society her personal hired bodyguard stops you. Unless shes poor, in which case she has no recourse.
they are the same thing, lolbertarians are just rich anarchists who want to use their wealth to create tiny little walled community-states inside a sea of roving post-apocalyptic mobs of the poor. They are terrible people. Even anarchists are better, they at least have a simple and honest desire to watch it all burn. Lolbertarians want to set it all on fire and then hide behind their own high tech fire shield and pretend to be the paragon of civilization as the world burns around them.
Why would anyone want to stop this?
not when I force them to assign a contract of slavery and cut their hands and tongue so no one can actually know if it was a NAP violation
the fact you're scared to approach any
Wtf I love libertarian society now
Haha yeah we need the government to set us on fire instead and tell us its air conditioning
>you US people accept high fructose corn syrup as Milk
haha. this is true
>ketchup is toothpaste because fat american
Only one of us should be scared, Ishmael.
Nothing. That is all women would be useful for in a libertarian society as there is no state to protect women as they are too stupid, and weak to compete with white men.
you forgot to make an argument for the state, because statism wouldnt be able to do anything either
>Or the woman's family would post a wanted bounty like in the Old West days, dead or alive.
maybe if you read reddit all day
>while I let in millions of Africans into your society
I dont think you "get" property rights
If this is what you aspire to do then by all means do it
they give up a percentage of the bounty