Other urls found in this thread:

i hope all u right wing fuckers fry

day of rake when

Like nigga just close your eyes


Day of the toothbrush soon.

It's going to be hard to prove he actually had a seizure. Not to mention he has stated he has safety settings on but chose to look at the tweet anyway.

But I also doubt it will look god to anyone that the gif says "you deserve a seizure". Either way, I hope Eichenwald strokes out and dies soon.

His name was John Rayne Rivello


Oh shit, this is illegal now, since when?

(Do historical posts count?)

JewGoldstein dindu nuffin

He doesn't need to prove shit. He is going to suck some nigger dick and the AIDS loving judge will do whatever he wants. All the government and judicial system has been over run by Marxist kikes and subhumans.
His claim is so ridiculous, he clicked it, and he shouldn't be using a screen at all of his fake epilepsy is so bad. His entire existence is fake. He brought a huge empty binder to try to cuck tuck and got owned.

this nigger literally said he stayed up for 2 days and got drunk. then he purposefully clicked that gif even though it said "you deserve a seizure". it's all his fault

What exactly is the crime?

I remember telling the retards on here that he was going to go to jail but everyone just responded with "nuh uh! nuh uh! they can't do anything!!!"

And now look what happened.

did you say jail or prison?
jail, yes
prison, no

Don't forget ((Kurt)) was also caught up in seedy pedo shit. He writes for Vanity Fair FFS.
Fuck him, I wish he had died.

I think it's hilarious that a Jew literally named Kikenwald faked a seizure to harass an internet troll who was harassing him for harassing others.

Being a goyim in the first degree.

Is this the guy?

Probably. He probably thinks he's white too

There's a difference? I always thought it's a dialect thing.

someone post it i want to know if i'm epileptic

Just go watch the porygon episode of Pokémon

I think its this one

Yes, it's good you support brining the full weight of state power down on someone over the lie of a pedophile propagandist.

pic related. Eichenwald being gif'd.

>literally named Kikenwald
Oh look another millennial retard who doesn't know what 'literally' means but uses it all the time anyway

Oh look another mentally retarded faggot who doesn't know what hyperbole is.

yay i'm not autistic

According to journalistic standards, she really should say, "allegedly."

>is used to spread toothpaste across teeth so that it can reach generally harder to access areas of the mouth where it protects teeth, fight bad breath and plaque, and whitens teeth.

>used to gather useless dead plant material into one place so it may be collected and made into fertilizer or burnt.

Hey guys, let's play that game.
>Spot the fucking moron whose language comprehension skills are so severely underdeveloped that they can't grasp a simple concept such as hyperbole.

FOUND HIM! Super fun game baka desu senpai

Literally, welcome to the internet.

Done even know if he actually had a seizure from the tweet or if he just said he did?

Look at his name. What do you think?

Free Jew Goldstein!


desu he should have been expecting something like this when he sent the tweet

Protip: Use non-US VPNs if youre gonna troll

Am I the only one that thinks he didn't actually have a seizure but was just made about people cyber bullying him?

The worst part is it's only on conservative sites like Dailycaller where this is thought to be ridiculous. Every other site basically says the guy arrested deserves it because he's an evil Trump supporter.

Kikenwald is such a fucking scumbag though. I saw on another thread that the guy who gave him a "seizure" (no proof of course) sent him a personal apology and donated to an epilepsy charity and Kikenwald used that info to find out who he was. Remember when Kikenwald paid a guy running a child porn site for admisitrative access as part of an "investigation" and then kept paying long after it was necessary and tried to go "well my epilepsy makes me not remember" as a defense? Or when Kikenwald sued his own mother because he wanted more out of his inheritance?

Guy is a grade A scumbag.

I wonder if you become wanted by interpol if you post these strobes on an epilepsy forum.

We've already established that his "epilepsy" is a big Jewish lie by his (((lawyer))) to save him from pedo charges.

I pepe say the same thing yesterday on twitter. I posted this gif.

How does epilepsy get him out of pedo charges?



Defending your language is important. If you don't understand why, go read 1984.

look at the smug grin on that beady eyed Jew fuck


>nigga just close ya eyes nigga hahaha baka just close ya eyes nigga hjaha

everyone you love is going to be skinned, and you will be made to watch

A jew who sued his own mother....huh...

Sheeeiiit I'm so glad I didn't join in the fun on this one

I love those optical illusions where you think they move but don't. Got any more of these?

You're not defending the language.
Hyperbole is an important linguistic device.
By deriding people for using it you are defacto calling for censorship

You fucking useful idiot piece of shit.

>sued his own mother for inheritance
this make me think worse of him than the cp does?i mean, even saville loved his mom.


>Kikenwald sued his own mother

Jail is where you go when you are arrested. Prison is where you go when you are convicted.

Twitter is as much to blame as its retarded users:

your literally a idiot

Oh I don't doubt he'll go to jail and be found guilty in trial. The entire thing is ridiculous but as we've seen, disagreeing with Jews and Marxists is a crime in and of itself now.

>I saw on another thread
i saw this on Sup Forums too, the charity thing.
i don't see it mentioned anywhere else online though, can anyone provide a source?


if you plead guilty and get convicted of starting a fight in a bar, you dont go to prison

Nobody is to blame. If you supposedly have horrible epilepsy STOP USING A COMPUTER SCREEN KIKE


My Trap Vampire GF [Turapu-No Vampiru Desu]

do kikenwald's family know about his pedo-past

Doesn't mean autoplay isn't a kike invention that brings us one step closer to transmitting ads directly into our brains.
Also, I do remember playing computer games that literally warned you of strobe light effect

This is why hyperbole is important.

Many mainstream forums and comment sections seem to be saying this guy deserves jail.

I wonder what nightmarish 1984 laws this "internet is serious business" narrative will lead to. There's even some support for mandatory internet IDs. Social media was the beginning of the end.


>Or when Kikenwald sued his own mother because he wanted more out of his inheritance?

whereis proofs

I hope he starts getting more seizure inducing .gifs from anons who are smart enough to proxy. I hate this fat, bald, kike, it was fantastic watching Tucker cuck the shit out of him so hard on air that he had a meltdown on Twitter, had to delete the tweets, and even then still got called out as an idiot by his fellow leftists.

This is user's wife's boyfriend. He had seizure. You will be arrest.

have fun in jail faggot

Apparently this was written by friends of Jew Goldstein's, and they confirm Kikenwald got his name via the charity donation. Real fucking scum.

aw man, the guy is a vet too?
eichenwald can't get away this

1984 and the perversion of language was a sort of reductio ad absurdum about censorship and control.

>John had donated to an epilepsy charity as a gesture of goodwill and as an apology to Kurt. He also wrote Kurt an email, apologizing and told him that he was donating to the charity in his name.

What a piece of shit. The guy "fucked up" and went above and beyond to make it right to you personally and you still do this.

Only one way to find out

reminds me of this

CIA were the original internet superheroes

You can set videos to not autoplay in the settings, it's his fault.

When does this guy go on trial? Can you really be prosecuted for tweeting a gif.

>""Dutch nationalist""

I think the one that was send was a bit faster, otherwise identical

And Eichenwald was at ground zero on 9/11 and exposed to anthrax according to himself.

I thinks it's called Gabriel Dropout.

He admitted that he pressed play on the gif.

Here is a legal assault gif, if anyone wants to send it Kikenwalds way.


This is the most effective gif.



I recall some video which demonstrated that cats fall for the same illusion and try to slap the 'moving' parts, with an expression of complete bafflement.

>He admitted that he pressed play on the gif.

Big if true
