What would happen if we dropped a bomb on this thing?
What would happen if we dropped a bomb on this thing?
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Angry muslims
do it pussy
I'd do it if I had access to nucleair codes
The skeletons of a thousand child slaves would burst from it and flood into the streets
Not complaining, I enjoy these threads, but how many do you think it is now? 500? Also: Post your Meccas.
The meteorite isnt holy, just the spot on the ground is.
Now that the Muslims have the GPS coordinates they don't even need the rock anymore, they can still pilgramige to the GPS location like a retarded geocacher.
this could solve a lot of problems
like it would make the mudshits chimp so hard and expose their true colors to leftists that europeans and americans would end up killing them/deporting them.
What the fuck is that shit?
Looks like literal horse shit.
You would make me smile
It's a Saudi taco bowl.
Friendly Saudi Falcon airlines.
You guys know how fucking enormous the clock face on that tower is? It fucking YUGE!
arabs are undeniably inferior to western white people in every way possible.
Well memed
You'll get no argument from me on that point.
it would radicalize all of the """moderate""" muslims
15-25% of muslims are extremists/islamists
and that's a conservative estimate
Muslim chimpout would happen around the world
There would surely be blowback. We're fucked either way.
Soon brothers. Insha KEK!
Not really.
They are pretty skinny for rich Arabs.
that place is so fucking ugly
theyre so adamant about their allah or whatever, but why would he put them in a fucking shitty desert
isnt the Kaaba stone haram pagan shit?
I have the chocolate eclair codes
You aren't really looking for religion to make sense are you?
That was pretty good.
Conventional or Nuclear?
the the black goo will comeout and probably make them even more crazy
or maybe not its defiantly some alien shit tho
no bully my English please
Be ready to see your country covered with Jihadi shootings and explosions everytime
That building is pretty cool desu
Muslims would be justified to attack us.
So is all this tranny shit a jewish plot to help fulfill the muslims endtimes prophecy?
once the oil runs out it's gonna be quite entertaining watching all of that be destroyed. the only thing saudis have is money. they are absolutely incompetent. what a fucking joke that most of the oil had to be found there. fucking savages
i guess i got a bit carried away
stunning architecture. very tasteful, shows they value this holy land and want it to look its best
1.5 billion muslims would all chimpout
It would end the ongoing sectarian war in Iraq & Syria, every muslim would instead fight against the terrorists that bombed the mecca
Mega chimpout worldwide
Unlike anything ever seen
That's so fucking tacky, the fuck is wrong with arabs?
>dat Dark Crusade reference
Mah en word.
World peace.
Depends on bomb.
I recommend the most powerful there is.
thousands and thousands of people would die.
It would be a horrible tragedy that garnered worldwide attention for months.
it would be awful honestly.
Reminds me Las Vegas, which is fucking horrendous.
Honestly speaking, if the box is destroyed, this is proof Islam is a false religion, no?
What if that thing IS a bomb?
>Implying that would be a bad thing
If that happens, the gloves come off. Run Reconquista v2.0. exe
>Trump drones black cube thing
>Muslims get disoriented and spin on their mats during prayer
>Muslims blame Islamophobia for disorientation
>Justin Trudeau sympathizes with muzzies and promises to build new rock thing
>Canadians' taxes stolen by Justin "The Islamic Bro" Trudeau to help build a new cube for the muzzies
>Canada is now in a depression
>Middle class Canadians go extinct
>Trudeau invites muzzies over to fill the gap
>Nationial IQ drops due to inbreeding
>Overpopulation occurs from the Muslims breeding like rabbits with 20 wives
>Women's rights are now gone, but feminists stay silent regardless from fear being labeled islamophobic
>Islam is made state religion
>Shariah law is now the one true law
>Canada is now the Islamic Caliphate of Canallah
It's a terrible idea, for me atleast.
stop profiling, we are a military of peace
But if the location is irradiated...
>implying the Great and Merciful would ever let His Magnificent Galactic Excrement be destroyed
Muslims everywhere would shut down if the Energon Cube was destroyed.
That'd be something isis actually wants.
Its only ugly for the poor
We can't let gpPBMIs/ have access to the nuclear codes
Th suicide bomb in every Muslim will detonate
how would being rich make that shithole look any more appealing ?
Why would we want to bomb it? Thousands of muslims die every year there, let them keep going lol
Crash a plane into it, blame the jews.
that box is center of unives dude
World would be a better place
The Best Day Ever.
It would release the ayys inside that the mudslimes worship. Very bad!
You will stop laughing when your city gets burned to rubble with calorie bombs.
Literally everything is the center of the universe
>What would happen if we dropped a bomb on this thing?
I got a better idea!
Dump a barrel of radioactive nuclear waste inside.
The people pray, get a red tan, and wander off to die.
The shit practically wipes itself off the face of the earth.
This. Lmao. It would be so worth it.
When we get to 1000, it will be memed into reality.
Muslims are not very bright but they would pick up on that within a few generations.
>nuke Mecca at the height of the Hajj
>accompany with press release to the effect of, "Have fun praying to a radioactive crater! DEUS VULT!"
>shoot every Muslim who so much as complains
>Western civilization saved from the rising tide of colour
I fail to see any downside to this.
>a few generations
Thanks for the chuckle.
Tell that to Hiroshima, they look fine
Implying they need justification.
Hiroshima was a relatively small bomb.
How can everything be the center, how about the top left corner of the universe? #checkmate
The joke is that the Anglo sense of fair play demanded that they be dealt with as human beings with legitimate property rights to the oil under their sand. A smarter strategy would have been to genocide the sandniggers and just take the damn oil.
Exactly. And then we'd have a free hand to put you down like the dogs you are.
>insulting dogs like this
>implying that if this was happening the libshits wouldn't be far too occupied trying to avoid being purged by rope and bullet to spare more than a glance at the nuclear fire consuming their pets' homeland.
That's pretty smart to wear a picnic blanket on your head in case you want to lay down while eating a sandwich.
Some Islamists nearly did in the 70s I believe, that is the reason that the Saudis became so Wahabbi.
Naw. More like
>Trump drones black cube thing
>Muslims get disoriented and spin on their mats during prayer
>Muslims blame Islamophobia for disorientation
>Justin Trudeau sympathizes with muzzies and promises to build new rock thing
>Trump annexes Canada
>Trudeau is hanged from a lamppost
>Trump begins ethnic cleansing of Canadian cities, with enthusiastic assistance from rural Canadians
They would rebuild it. Its happened before.
Kek. Didn't think of that.
infinity has no corners
Underrated post.
That spelling.
Not sure, here is a computer generated scenario just before
Are Wasabi Muslims worse than Shit Muslims?
I would sleep well knowing that's been bombed to shit.