Drumpf is a 1 term President

Drumpf is a 1 term President
39% approval
No wall
No ban
No mass deportations
Amnesty to illegals
No promises kept

Hillary will be remembered as the people's President whereas Drumpf is the pick of an undemocratic system

more like 1 year president

You got the proxy right, but the bait is weak.

maybe he should have cut foreign aid to your country you ungrateful fucking faggot

kys faggot

I hope he takes the fundies and crazies with him on his way out.

bad bait

He is a fat mistake.

Check ,em

>maybe he should have cut foreign aid to your country

You burger retard. Trump is licking jews balls all day long. Nopt to mention he is a fucking retard like most burgers.

Hard to be peoples president when you were never actually THE PRESIDENT.

Lmao. Hillary lost deal with it faggot.

>Hillary will be remembered

>huurr duhrrr im retarded

Fuck you kike faggot your whole country shouldn't even exist you pile of fucking dogshit. Fuck your Jewry nobody likes you. kys fucking hooknose bitch

if hes given a chance... too bad people are opposing his shit even before its implemented

first those people who oppose must be oppressed

man the drumpf thing has to be one of the dumbest things to come out of the last year.

Buddy, Trump is the best thing to happen in a looong time. No matter what happens, Trump took on the establishment and the damage will hold for awhile to the fuckers

I'll concede one point, shareblue shill. Unless Trump comes out hard as fuck on his promises, his base will dry up feeling betrayed by politicians AGAIN. He needs to realize this immediatly and as of right now quit trying to do anything but engage in total war with the left and cuckservatives. Trump will be loved by the people for trying for real and being stopped by the "corrupt establishment" much more than by cooperating and becoming one of them to pass his policies severely watered down.

This, we can't let him get the nuclear codes

>first those people who oppose must be oppressed

Sexually? That's pretty lewd, mate.

keep spamming this, im sure youll get your numbers

Why does it matter to you?

>implying he knows how to operate computer


>took on the establishment
>entire administration is career politicians, wall streets execs, and billionaires

do trump supporters literally still believe the drain the swamp meme?

For example, take his new travel ban. Its a joke, people on the right don't like it because it doesn't really do anything, and people on the left hate because racism/mean etc. The left always goes full letist and their base loves it, the right always goes center and its unlikeable to both sides.


Nice try shill

Clever tactics. All those hires are homosexual. One day, Pence will want to have a meeting in his basement, and they'll reappear straight (and slightly singed).




Why does it matter to Jew?


Pece is crypo faggot who is giving blowjobs in gloryhole

Are you fucking retarded? Trump has been one of the most productive presidents in a while.

say it with me...executive order

*blocks your path*

>politicians, wall streets execs, and billionaires
>Anything else existing in politics

Trump did what he needed to do, these people know what they're doing. So long as Trump isn't corrupt (which he's not) this will be looked at as one of the most productive, anti-establishments presidencies ever.

How is he retarded?

Ignore that leaf, he doesn't know anything about Murcia

Nothing to see here, just a leaf who has fantasies about sucking rich guy cock.


OP is not an Israeli bro.

>Drumpf is a 1 term President
Which is still one more term than Hillary

Is it really over for Trump?

Not yet. Trump has the rest of his term to show us how badly he can fuck up the USA.

Digits confirm I guess

Stop false-flaging based Israel. They are /ourguys/ and support Trump.

Thats weird i Tried to write Canacuck

He is also confused about his sexuality and tortures other fags. To be honest, I'm just in this for the electrocution (fetishist).

Ok i will take the bait
Kill yourself :)

How has he fucked up the USA so far?

Move along you faggot leaf

I don't want it to be over, I love Trump. But seeing all this negativity towards him certainly is saddening


Sending more money to an inefficient, bloated military for starters. Also fucking up an already fucked up healthcare system even more.

This has to be ironic.

No one would be this obvious.

Great answer.


What is to love about the narcissistic windbag?

I believe there's currently a stellar swing to the Right going on in the world. Fucking liberals were going too regressive and stupid.

Trump was the answer to all that stupid shit, the Liberals should blame themselves too for Trump, they really should.


Jew please leave

8 years and you won't even be able to afford to stay in your single wide.

History is written by the winners, Trump won. Are you suggesting this centuries old tradition is going to go away simply because "I don't like him he's a meanie :("?

Well the healthcare bill isn't even done. If they do implement it they way it is then that might cause the same amount of problems as the last, but what I'm told is it isn't mandatory like Obongocare. Also a lot of people who voted for him wanted more money into the military so obviously he is going to keep his word.

See you in 8 years, baby backed purple haired liberal bitch

Lol, pussy

History is likely to be similarly kind to Trump as it was to other shitty presidents.

The dubz don't end.


What? His travel ban would legit work, remember the very first time he implemented it. All that shit he caused in airports across the globe.

But you Democucks keep blocking it.