If lefties actually think this will work on us then they are beyond retarded
Other urls found in this thread:
>derail threads by acting just like a Sup Forumslack
Fuck communists and black people
>pose as evil mega nazi so people will join us, the good guys
Utterly defeated
>let's pee in an ocean of piss
>that'll show em!
Leftists really are retarded.
Proof that the only communists older than 16 years old are jews.
Lets let the commies have this one boys
You did it commies! You found our weak spot!
If you are Red pilled, you cannot go back.
Leftists never understand that.
>act like an average Sup Forumslack to take over Sup Forums
Sounds believable but with no sauce you are just a faggot
Have you tried going back?
General question, actually: do any of you miss the days before the red pill and if so did you try to go back?
Infiltrating and taking over would work on a non anonymous community. It's be pretty hard on Sup Forums
How can anyone be that obsessed with taking over Sup Forums and still be completely oblivious to the variety of opinions that exist on Sup Forums?
Has the left become so obsessed with fighting evil that they can't even see that most of the evils they think they're fighting are simply their own wild delusions?
>I told you.
>I tried to warn you.
>You did not believe me.
>hey guys I've got a great idea
>let's just act like a bunch of leafs on their board, it'll make them paranoid!!!!
Newflash: paranoia isn't the main mental disorder around here, it's autism.
Gonna need a sauce on this.
This plan looks way too juvenile to be real
Exactly fellow pollack
Isralies are jews too you know
OP post niggers being niggerish
I would at first say that this is a false flag made by a polack to make commies look stupid, but after reading about left-leaning accelerationism I'm not so sure. Commies seem to be conditioned to be lazy losers and most of them are dumb as rocks.
That...is the most retarded plan i have ever read. Do they not even know where they are posting? They can think of the most horrible, racist, nasty shit to say, and it would just be scenery here.
HaHaHa yeah that could never work. I mean look how cool and edgy I am. Now lets discuss how Jews are evil and communism is coo... I mean bad.
>derail threads by (maybe) pissing into the ocean of piss and announcing that you're going to be pissing more than usual
Brilliant why didn't I think of this
The intelligence community could use brilliant minds like this to craft new psyops
they think that would work?
Oh man, if people start being racist and tell me I'm a cuck because of my flag I have no clue what I would do!
I can't even imagine such a universe!
>lefty/pol/ thinks autistic shitposting on another autistic board will actually be a "win" for communism
I don't hate them just because they're communists, I hate them because they think they actually do anything important at all.
At least here, I know my shitposting is meaningless and all the same read by CIA and FBI lackeys.
Nobody is this fucking dumb.
Not even Italians.
>start using xenophobic remarks towards other posters
Probably can't because your IQ is too low because you're a "nigger" *snicker*
But Anons already do this for free tho?
>Taking pills
I have, it doesn't work. You can go through the motions, you can act like celebrity news, social media, and getting trashed every other night is what life is all about, that black people are only having a crisis because of whitey, and that Christianity is the biggest oppressor in the world while Islam is a religion of peace that absolutely does not endorse terrorism. You can pretend to be okay with cognitive dissonance, double standards, limiting free speech, and obnoxious fagginess from LGBT for the sake of "progress." You can act like deleting emails after being subpoenaed for them by Congress is perfectly acceptable, but the media making claims about Russia being in control of the white house without any evidence is perfectly ok and any disagreement is due to racism and bigotry.
But you'll never actually believe it, and you'll have that nagging feeling in the back of your mind, and it won't let up until you finally give in and accept the red pill once more.
This is obviously a troll by a Sup Forums user
Is this amateur hour?
Sup Forums already has enough shitposting from us and canada.
>omg pls stahp all ze xenophobia.
I mean, it's kind of working since everybody thinks everyone is a shill around here.
I try because my wife doesn't like how passionate i get about politics and my family thinks im crazy now. But it doesn't really work, the only way to fool people for me is to post ironic lefty shit in my kikebook to confuse them.
>massively shitpost on Sup Forums
>inflict fear and paranoia
>Step 1: Derail Threads
I dont understand this operation, sounds like a regular day at Sup Forums
I highly doubt this real but if it is...
tfw a bunch of commies attempt to raid Sup Forums with left-wing propaganda and accidentally redpill themselves
i hope they spend a massive amount of time and money preparing to do this. to think that these morons are unaware that this is exactly whats been going on here for years now, but with actual federal agents in addition to AI botnets. but a couple of fucking commies with weak ass propaganda, yeah thatll fucking work.
i hope they spend a lot of time here trying to learn the vernacular. after all, we all know what happens to people who spend too much time here. marxism is a tough ideology to defend if you become aware of how its being mutilated against us in the modern day.
bring it faggots. judging by your ops focus on idpol nonsense, i can safely say that i know more about communism than you.
>implying I don't always fuck with people based on their flag.
Fuck off you monkey
Can someone elaborate? This is already one of the most racist places on the internet, so I don't see the point. I'd wager at least 2/3 of you scared little children are racist (muh redpill!).
So you're saying, lefty/pol's next tactic, will be to try and deceive us?
>derail threads with over the top racism
Assuming this retarded plan even got any traction, couldn't we just remove the flags. This board has become Sup Forums 2.0 anyways so it wouldn't be a bad thing.
>lets scare pol with racism.
What did they mean by that?
They'll just trigger themselves so much they'll stop.
In reality time spent on Sup Forums bleeds into your soul so even if they don't we all know how it ends up.
Quiet, shill.
>pissing in a sea of piss surely will work this time
They will never learn.
This smells like it was made by an aussie.
>over the top racism
>xenophobic comments to other posters based on flag
>users are paranoid
Gee, I wonder what Sup Forums would be like in that kooky alternative timeline.
we insult each other all the time based on the country of origin so this isnt going to do nufin
>Commies think they can ruin Sup Forums with shitposting
KGB need to lurk moar.
I'd give you a (you) but you're clearly a leaf on a proxy who sucks at baiting.
I don't view the flags as a bad thing. It actually helps the political discourse because you can't be a poo and go shit up a thread about Dutch politics pretending to be a roach as easily and shit like that.
>Step two: share this image
Fuck you nigger
The left just have the need to 'fight the good fight', whether or not they actually engage in fighting is not central to their needs.
The retards will just get used to 'over-the-top racist' shitposting.
>step 1
this is what we do already
>step 2
we don't care, shitposts are shitposts
>step 3
they are already trying this daily, it doesn't take
you're a fucking shill posting fake posts to slide this thread. go back to commieland faggot
All commies threads are saged and reported anyways who cares.
Oh man I'm so scared, the 6 people that use leftypol are trying to subvert us
>threaten me with a good time
Leftist memes are terrible. I've seen like two that made me laugh. The one where Arthur has little hands is funny and I'm guessing I must've laughed at another sometime. Also, why do I care if the guy saying bigger is lefty or righty? It's all satire anyway.
Those fools think Sup Forums can be destroyed or even raided.
We live in absolute chaos, Sup Forums is chaotic. To try to raid Sup Forums would be to pee in a sea of pee. We're eternal.
The obsession with the jews is why pol overlooks commies such as derrick bell, foucault, angela davis, bell hooks, kimberle crenshaw, etc
Yeah a lot of commies are jews and the frankfurt school was pretty much jewish, but more attention needs to be paid to stronk black womyn commies.
Otherwise you can't fully understand what cultural marxism is
I remain apolitical in the company of lefties. Occasionally dropping a cryptic question/comment about Hypocrisy of certain views and actions of the left or drop red pills on issues on the system we live in that you can frame in a way that is superficially neither left nor right.
looks at flag, fuck you commie spam poster.
This is a psyop.
Haha I've confused you by agreeing with you. Now you are... uh... now you hate racism.
There is no going back. You don't start believing in Santa Claus again. Once it happens, you're in for life.
>K E K E K E K E K E K E K E K E K E K E K
lol that's literally a recipe to red-pill yourself.
Any position adopted ironically inevitably becomes held sincerely, because you're training your brain to think in a new way that was originally anathema. Eventually the point comes where you drop the now redundant "ironic" facade, and admit you're now a sincere racist, nazi, homo, cuck, or whatever you were pretending to be ironically.
Cuck nigger love
If actual leftist plan, lol
If not, lol
The memes write themselves.
This. There is no going back.
What? I'm offended by being called commie. Apologize to me.
Thinks they can out racist pol, this will be over in 10 minutes.
>pol doesn't already make xenophobic remarks about flags
you gonna stop posting your bullshit at 4-5 pst everyday.
>try to make ruin pol by acting like pol
Did you think you this through at all?
Everybody thought every body was a shill since the days of /new/.
>..says increasingly nervous shareblue employee for the eleventh time this week
>not bureau
yes they are retarded as fuck.
What do you even smoke dude.
Call me commie at my face and I'd cave your head in you antifa fucker.
We already do this to ourselves
Haven't these niggers realized by now after so many raids that the most dangerous enemy to us is us?
This. You have to hide your power level or you make life more difficult. Close friends know but no reason to get in pissing contest with general public. Your mind is forever redpilled, but keeping your mouth shut just makes things easier.
Or maybe this all just one big shitpost.
Holy shit that is special kind of retarded.
>We're going to derail Sup Forums by behaving exactly like every other Sup Forums poster, that'll really show em
Here's a fun fact: you don't need to talk politics with everyone all the time. I have friends that voted for Hillary I hang out with on a bi-weekly basis. I've also argued with them over why her deleting the emails was a big deal. They texted me about that Pence email stuff and I explained how they aren't even equivalent. We then proceeded to have lunch the next day at me and my wife's place while our kids played together. They post stuff on Facebook about how Trump is evil and I just don't bother getting into it because I'm not going to get anywhere with them. If I were to spout my views on Facebook they would (and have) treated me the same way. Mutual respect is key, and if the people you are around don't understand that then there's no reason to be around them.
i don't believe this is real for a second
Wait! Did you, a presumably white cis male, use the N-word in a derogatory sense?!?!?! How dare you be so horrifically racist!!!!! But wait!!! What if you are part of the reddit raid and this site really isn't this racist and is full of fun lighthearted gentlemen discussing politics???? I'm so paranoid I will never know!!!! oh noooooooooooooo!!!!!!
unlike Antifags Ill shoot you in the face with my 1911.
Sure. Racism will demoralize us. Got it.
>tfw immune to these tactics because already a commie, a racist commie
checkmate leftists :^)
Leftist commie Newfag retard detected
Too bad your hands are busy with your burgers obese communist cuck. So go back to cry to your wife's son nigger loving fag.