Aussies explain

What's the deal with Melbourne?

I had a super liberal english teacher who idolized every country except ours, he spoke about Melbourne once

From what he says it was around 2009 ~ 2011
He went to study there
Here's what he said
>Little crimes
>News literally last 30 minutes
>Beatiful city
>Multicultural stuff

However, an Australian on Sup Forums said it's "The place where people who don't care about Australia go"

What is the deal with Melbourne then?

Melbourne literally needs to be nuked.

It's a lefty paradise. Hipster cafés, trendy Tapas bars and Pho restaurants everywhere and everything in between.

Cops are on your ass for everything too. Old mate got his car towed for doing a burnout on a side street.

It's a great containment zone but if you care about civil liberties you'd stick to the territories.

Elaborate if you don't mind
That explains why he liked it so much
Compared to the rest of Australia, how does Melbourne differ?

Where would a curious burger go if he wanted to experience good ole fashioned White Australian culture? Perth? Sydney?

Hey Aussies where can I get more of this? For, uh...research

Peth. Maybe Adelaide. Anywhere outside the degenerate cesspit cities filled with Asians is fine.

I'm not an expert on law but Victoria has really feelsy statutes that constrict a lot of things in your life like driving, recreational drug (not weed) use etc. Sentences are always harsher and there's less slaps on the wrist. Compare it to NSW which has similar nanny state laws except the judges let you off on lenient sentences. As I said I'm not an expert but this is what I've noticed living here and talking with others about it.

An Australian dude I talked to once said they call Melbourne "melbin" because it belongs in the fucking bin.
can any Aussies confirm?

Reeeeee! limp wristed liberals don't impead on a man's right to hoon!

It's a great place to live assuming you don't mind obscene housing prices and being increasingly surrounded by subhumans and leftists.

It keeps winning best and most livable city all the time, but that's assuming you don't live in a nigger neighborhood.

t.whole family comes from Melbourne

The hate for melbourne on pol comes from how we're pretty much a centre for the far left and left in australia, as well as their cultural retardations. Otherwise it's pretty decent here save for one or two stupid laws

I've lived in Brisbane and Melbourne for a while.
Melbourne felt really pretentious and fake. Lots of young rich hipsters, those weird snake oil "Supplement, health food" stores on every corner, trendy restaurant with shitty overpriced food.

Brisbane is this weird mix of stoner surfer culture and casual racism. Way to hot and humid for me though

>surrounded by leftists

Can't imagine anything worse. Oh wait I can, living in Melbourne.

t. North Sydney

What is your left like? Pic related is from my highchool

What's the most based place in Australia ?

Basically the same shit here man, except they're into marriage equality and animal rights atm.

Again, how does the rest of Australia differ?
How great is the rest of Australia compared to Melbourne?
He did mention that food was expensive, well it wasen't so great wasen't it?

I knew from the start he went to the richest and most safe cities and called it a country, but I wish for Aussies to prove if I'm right

They're less about race politics than they are about encouraging mass immigration from anywhere and anywhere. They also go on about muh social equality and saying "Fuck whoever is well known in conservative politics right now". First year of uni they sold fuck tony abbot t shirts, next year they sold fuck pyne, then fuck pauline hanson and now fuck trump posters are around.

Not really about

At least you don't have fag marriage yet, they've moved on to pushing tranny shit, they put up some posters in my school that say shit like "love knows no gender"

I honestly think they will push for pedo shot after their done with the tranny schtick

Nah they're pushing to fast and hard and people are starting to get sick of their shit

Once they bring in enough non white immigrants they'll push race stuff

Literally anywhere outside of the major cities. People say Queensland, but really it's no different in regional Victoria to regional Queensland, except the people here aren't low IQ retards that keep building houses in the exact same spots that ALWAYS get flooded out every 8-10 years, completely destroying them.

They're getting sick of the gay marriage stuff by you already? That's great

Sydney is out of the question then ?

Depends who you ask. The best places are the 99.9% white areas which encompass anything outside the cities. I think Newcastle is the best only because it's right wing as fuck.

melbs is a beautiful city
left wing crap is everywhere. posters about racism everywhere, socialist alliance posters all over the city... its cool to be a leftist here

>melbs is a beautiful city
>left wing crap is everywhere. posters about racism everywhere, socialist alliance posters all over the city... its cool to be a leftist here
Seconding this. Also there are loads of indians, chinks and other assorted asians :(

Sydney and Melbourne are the worst, but I've been to Adelaide and Brisbane, and the central suburbs of those cities are just as cancerous.

Just avoid all the major cities.

Are you moving here? Pick anywhere on the NSW coast outside of Sydney.

My last name is Melbourne and I get triggered when I here aussies say Mel-burn instead of Mel-born

I've always called it mel-bin

Actually more like mel-ben

How do you pronounce Jason Bourne from the movies? Just put a Mel in front of it

Not moving, traveling. Friends decided to go there for 2 weeks and we are still deciding where to go.

Brisbane is nice this time of year. If you have time get out of the city for a day or two so you meet real Australians in their natural habitat.

Since no one is answering my question I'll lay it out in a different way

>What cities are better than Melbourne and why?

>How do you pronounce Jason Bourne from the movies? Just put a Mel in front of it
But you can't just take a standalone word and then say that arrangement of letters the same way in the middle of a word.

Why so many asians in australia tho ?

Melbourne (Subhumans and extreme leftists)< Sydney (not quite as bad as the first)

They are our doctors, engineers etc. That's how they sell it to us but we all know the government sold us out.

Yes you most certainly can. Just cause you don't want to admit that you talk all retarded

Because our population grows by 15-20% every 5 years and it isn't because people here are having kids (they really aren't), and given our close proximity to Asia, more-so then everywhere else developed, we get all the economic migrants from Asia.

Hence: Asians.

Is Darwin a good place to live?

I saw it fucking around on street view and it looked pretty cool

So apparently we just don't like the letter R

But it's alright you guys saying melbourne sounds retarded to me.

No. Full of abos, saltwater crocs, retardedly high temperatures and tropical storms.

Darwin is hell on earth, feel sorry for your Marines forced to stay there desu.

To be fair, Pho is pretty delicious

Sydney now resembles Beirut. AVOID.

Sunshine coast.

Are you so much of a nigger you can't even google the title in your pic related?

Melbourne is fucking great. Most 'diversity' is functional East Asians, although we could do with less Muslims and Marxists. It's still very livable. I went to Sydney for a couple of years and it's an unforgivable shit-hole.

>I went to Sydney for a couple of years and it's an unforgivable shit-hole.
What's wrong with it?
