Apologise to Sweden right now.
Apologise to Sweden right now
We need nationalism now.
How ironic is it that most countries under 50% are members of the EU
Oh shit I'm sorry.
What the fuck does such a question even mean? Just do whatever your (((politicians))) say?
Most people would probably assume this question is about having silly proxy wars in the middle east and say no, If you would specify it as fighting against a german EU takeover or a civil war against the muslim 5 column the answer could be very different.
I actually think the distrust of politicians is a good thing cause they are mainly jewish puppets intent on making us pay for our own demise through mass immigration.
Those Netherlands numbers especially always surprise me. As do the other low figures. What causes that?
>too irrelevant for european and two shitholes survey
>What the fuck does such a question even mean?
The question is essentially: Have you ever served in the military?
Nations with compulsory military service will overwhelmingly say yes. Nations without it say no. Nations that had compulsory service but removed it in the last decade or two are in between.
Jesus Christ, we might as well just nuke Western Europe right now.
These are worthless.
I think it's a mix of nationalism being looked down upon and the lack of threats against our nation. I wouldn't fight for my country unless my country itself was actually under attack, which is a scenario I don't see happening anytime soon.
its easy to say yes when you know your country will never partake in conflict
maybe they thought it was about taking the fight to the right wing
Finland blends in with Slav countries, one could only wonder
Dra åt helvete!
Binnland is slav in denial
Doesnt matter what swedecucks say, their actions show they are prepared to sacrafice themselves in the name of tolerance.
If they want an apology from me I better start seeing shitskins hanging from trees over there.
Be careful there buddy. Soon the Swedish cuck crusades will commence, and almost every Swede is willing to pick up arms for what they believe in. Through military action and subterfuge we will spread cuckoldry across the globe. We won't rest until every man on earth pees sitting down, a droit du somali is established in every county and having intact testicles as a white man is a crime punishable by death. Cuckus vult.
This is the khaganate rising.
When was this done
Refugees prabobly though they are asking about nigeria or albania.
In the defense of my countrymen, a lot of people are more regionalistic than nationalistic, especially in my region where we have texas levels of federal government distrust.
old polls
red - less immigration
blue - more immigration
grey - good as it is
All hail the new emperor of Sweden, Dan!
finland is so based
>fighting so our women can keep making porn ith niggers
ya sure
>Would fight to sustain their programme of replacing themselves with sandniggers
Well colour me shocked.
Sorry for what?
I can fight you right now on the ring.
Fucking kek
Our daddy taught us not to be ashamed of our dicks, especially since they're such good size and all.
Yeah I see that, daddy gave you good advice
It gets bigger when I pull on it.
I want to see the % of yeses in each us state
Liberal policies being pushed into our heads from the time we are childeren.
Useless wars in the middle-east and africa that are non of us concern.
There was a lot of support for the nazi party when germany invaded. This means that nationalistic is being looked down upon like Germany. Also because of the muh tolerance and citizen of the world meme.
Many people despise this political system (both EU and from the country) which does not serve the interest of the native population.
we should apologize to Ukraine from the looks of it.
Everyone's assuming that 55% is native Swedish people. That 55% willing to fight for their country is all the Syrians and Iraquis willing to fight for the caliphate
What a surprise, the Somalians are ready to take out Sweden for their caliphate.
Sometimes, I pull on it so hard... I rip the skin
Fuck you!
Notice how higher the percentage gets, the shittier the country. We truly are the masterrace.
inshallah they will fight for their caliphate
Hey buddies, I think you've got the wrong door, the faggot club is two miles downtown
Looking for a webm/youtube clip where its a army gay porn where the sergeant commands the dude to kiss him. Was luls.
When a shitskin said yes he did not mean Sweden as his country.
Portugal gets it
Those polls are done on usually hundreds of people.If done on entire country it would be much less
>Ukraine scored high
cool story bro
>(((BRD ally scam)))