Sup Forums can't refute this
Sup Forums can't refute this
Don't you have a finger to put in a dyke?
hi, taxpayer here
happy to pay for the Giant Death Machines fund
you can take it out of
1. meals for old folks
2. abortions
3. housing
if she's happy to pay for them, why not just fund them from donations and get rid of taxation? :thinking:
Why not donate to the military?
>doesn't consider abortions as a part of the Giant Death Machineā¢
Taxes going to the military benefits me (security), same as roads, police, firefighters etc.
Giving other people free shit does not benefit me.
The military doesn't benefit you
Taxes should go to the police and domestic security, not military
The world is never going to see two great powers fight against each other because of the wonders of economic globalisation. The Jews are too concerned with profit and war isn't profitable like this.
Enjoy falling for the army spook you weak little man
Abortions sound like something a Giant Death Machine would do
Like there's just a chair somewhere in it that sticks a spike through your stomach
Maybe if they put on of those in she'd be cool with it
your opinion on this is literally not relevant at all
I also have no problem with taxpayers paying for abortions. Abort as many niggers as possible, I don't care. Margaret Sanger is one of the greatest people to ever exist.
Abortions have killed more people than our military has in its entire history.
>military funded abortions
I like the way you think user
>happy to pay for abortions
>Spend almost as much on welfare every year as we do on national defense
>"We should just, like, not have a military so that the government can buy more stuff for us!"
Maybe this bimbo's never lived without a "sugar daddy".
The g government pays about 250k annually to meals on wheels or 3% of their budget. The other 97% is private companies and donations. That 250k comes out to about .7 cents per citizen. If you care that much just donate and support them. Even a dollar. Shouldn't need to be taxed to support charity.
Military is required by the Constitution, as agreed upon by the States. Housing, abortions, and Meals on Wheels is not. If states want to fund these things, let them. Don't burden other states with the cost.
women love the government because it has become so big that the government IS their sugar daddy
>Sup Forums can't refute this
If she's happy to pay for it, shouldn't she do it out of pocket instead of forcing everyone else to pay for it?
You NEED the giant death machine fund to take the money in the first place.
The overwhelming majority of that green block is unemployment, not welfare.
And unemployment isn't a benefit, it's insurance claims being paid out.
>the military doesn't benefit you
whats it like only being relevant in europe? to be a non-superpower?
First: How do you know that it's mostly unemployment?
Second: Who pays for the insurance?
But the Giant Death Machines fund already pays for abortions you stupid bitch
Hi, taxpayer here. Happy to pay for Giant Death Machines. You can take it out of the meals for old folks, abortions, and housing fund.
nah I just did, check the replies
Well I won't try to refute this but I will tell you, I too am happy to pay for abortions because the people who get them are fucking scum and the species is better off not being tainted by their offspring.
Giant death machine funds? But she said she was okay with abortion
>I am okay with human life being terminated because women are irresponsible fuckwits who can't keep their goddamn cunts in check
>All of a sudden I am not okay with human life being possibly terminated because enemies and other countries want to infringe upon my freedom
That's assuming unemployment is not welfare.
Protip: It is
>she actually believe her taxes go to those things
not a taxpayer
Uh yes I can
Those giant death machines are the only reason half of her wages don't go toward the obscene 20trillion national debt
Our military prevents China/Japan/NATO/etc from ever so much as threatening a "lien" on that debt, which means we can keep growing it and spending money that doesn't exist for as long as we can destroy everyone else
Easier refutation though:
She had her chance to day where her taxes go on November 8th. The next 4 budgets aren't hers to fucking weigh in on.
>war isn't profitable
>He doesn't know about the neo-imperialism and how it keeps the United States financially stable
>im going to tell the government what to do with 300+ million taxpayers money
hi, taxpayer here
happy to pay for
1. emergency services
2. recycling and waste disposal
3. environmental protection
you can take it out of the Giand Welfare Machine
>i just want some value for my tax dollars. services we all need.
>Hi taxpayer here
Bullshit, you're just a welfare recipient
>happy to pay for
>happy for YOU to pay for
>1. meals for old folks
You can donate yourself if you want to. They only get a small percentage from the government the rest from private donors and companies.
>2. Abortions
Pay for your own or take other contraceptives
>3. Housing
Pay for your own or find someone that'll loan you that money
>Second: Who pays for the insurance?
employees and employers
the truth is that cutting funding for housing and other shit for more f35's is just fucking stupid
>the military does not benefit you
are you even european? you pussy fag
Meals on Wheels isn't even being defunded.
Lmao. This was the same argument they used before WW1.
>Wars are over because the globe is too interconnected. It would harm both sides.
Do not reply to one-posts. Chinese gold farmers are here, making money off of your carelessness.
Hey tax payer here
Happy to pay for the meals and tools of our soilders to protect our sovereignty, because I just can't leave the country to seek asylum like I was some celebrity or something.
Nigger, pls. Gibs are a net loss on the economy and promote a disgenic populace
This. Literally the only decent argument I've seen for how huge our defense budget is.
I'm fine with maintaining military supremacy to keep the world from spiraling into a nuclear holocaust, but what's the defense of the bull shit we've been up to in the Middle East, which is probably what the stupid bitch in OP's post is being critical of?
It's not keeping the sand niggers out of our country, it's destabilizing and making them more militant (along with their sub-retarded IQ levels), and all we've done is cuck Russia out of some oil which, honestly, idgaf about. They're not the big commie boogie man anymore, those faggots are right at home in our own universities and in Germany.
Fuck the abortions, but I wouldn't mind bombing a few less sand niggers to help pay off our debts and remove our financial dependencies.