I wasted my whole life away on vidya and anime because I was told the neet life was the greatest. Now I am 27 with out a good job or a wife and stuck living at home. Is this the ultimate black pill
I wasted my whole life away on vidya and anime because I was told the neet life was the greatest...
ahaha tricked (you)
try again next time
praise Christ
Lol 27... I think I was about 35 when I got my damned act together, got a job now, no wife but working on it (as in it is an actual woman involved - an american btw).
>wasted whole life, wants a restart
?? your life has hardly begun lol. pick up some new skills, quit Sup Forums and get some useful hobbies before its too late.
>27 wasted my live
Clam down 27 isn't old, but you should start it now.
I'm 26, no job, at my parent's place...
But, I got enough money, already worked before.
I either am on the computer, or, walking in the woods... I know how to save money, and I require very little, and what I love in life, I usually get for free.
I can do whatever I want... But, I just don't really want much.
While I would have liked to have a female I can actually trust, it seems like these are hard to come by...
Since females usually don't offer what I want, which is... Someone genuine to talk to, I just don't try to get them... Already had my heart broken several times, I'm the loyal-good-kind, therefor, I prefer to stay away from what is bound to harm me.
Females love assholes, I ain't one.
So... While I haven't done anything great in my life, I also don't really feel bad either.
I'm fine the way I am... I require less and less as I grow older, and I enjoy much more.
I haven't wasted my life...
I just don't really require it.
These responses make me feel a bit better as a 20 year old who's fucked up his first 2 years out of high school.
Women are turning though. Not sure about israel but at least in Europe/the US its happening. So many red pilled girls now compared to before.
If you are ugly, short, mentally challenged or have a hereditary illness; then it's best that you continue with NEETdom.
If not, then just get out there and make a goddamn baby with a family already!
According to Sup Forums 95% of the world is short
Women want a man who wants to do something with his life dumbass, it's not because you're not an asshole it's because they think you're a loser
Females in Israel don't know whata hell they want with their lives.
They have no self control, they want too much, while altering their minds often... They are highly indecisive, but, highly manipulative...
They feel entitled, never appreciate what they have...
They are shallow, complain about everything, and these cunts are impossible to please.
The other option, is Religious Jewish females.
That's worse.
I don't think females here are getting Red pilled...
The whole Tel-Aviv culture, is pretty much the SJW capital of the globe.
The females here got nothing to offer me.
I don't know if what I want even exists.
not all is lost, but only if you truly change your outlook. This is crucial.
I want a female that actually wants to do something with her life.
I'm made to require very little, but give a heck of allot.
Give me a woman with a purpose, and I'll make that purpose come true.
Give me a shallow vase, and nothing happens.
I require nothing, I might has well join a monastery.
What gives me passion in life...
Is to see a female with a noble cause fulfilling her dream.
Where are females that actually possess friggin noble desires???
They don't exist, retard, they follow men who have noble desires.
im 175 cm tall
there are some women that are taller than me but holy shit i just can't even image what it does to a guy's self esteem when every woman is taller than him and what's worse is that they can't fix it .
According to real life as well...
196 cm user here
Huh, I guess Jews are just normal people, some are poor and just trying to get by like the rest of us.
>falling for Jewish lies
It's obviously a false flagging JIDF trying to get you to symapthize with it.
a Lil glimmer of hope
>We are training a 43 yr old in HVAC who was in prison for 7 yrs. He is competent and proved us in a 120 days evaluation trial he has the commitment and discipline.
It's never too late, but in order to get it together, you have to get that don't give a fuck sundre that can be only be obtained via trauma, life changing event, personal attrition and/or extreme introspective analysis.
Good luck user. exercising/lifting is a start as in you start developing a routine/discipline/self-esteem
Yea user I didn't get my shit together til I was about 29 or so.
Shits starting to get pretty good. It can happen when you least expect it just get the fuck out there and start hustling
I fucked up my first 12 years out of highschool and only now kinda figuring stuff out.
Eat healthy, lift weights, quit vidya. Quitting vidya was the hardest part I think. My apartment looks fucking badass now since that's what I work on instead of playing games. Gf is happier too. Money is tighter though since we go out and do stuff now.
Still think about becoming an hero, but I don't think I ever will. Prob just growing pains.
26 years old
Quit my bus boy job because after two years they still wouldn't let me be a waiter.
Both my parents have cancer and my uncle just died, and now I'm apparently too retarded to wait tables or pour drinks.
I quit my job and am just drinking life away until I run out of money. It seems like I never get a chance to prove myself or get anywhere in life. Like I never get to go beyond level 1 in anything. Not to mention that I'm ugly and working out 6 days a week did not change that. The world is only getting more vain.
I'm going to jump off the 14 street bridge in midtown Atlanta on may 1 when I officially run out of money. I'll spray paint something on the bridge for Sup Forums or Sup Forums as a whole. You guys made being a loser and a failure less lonely.